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No role in 9/11 attacks: Taliban

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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No role in 9/11 attacks: Taliban
Published: September 12, 2011
TheNation Monitoring
WASHINGTON - The Taliban have said that their movement had no role in the 9/11 terror attacks and accused the United States of using the incident to invade Afghanistan where they have killed tens of thousands of innocent Afghans, reports USA Today on Sunday.
In a defiant statement emailed to media, the Taliban accused the US of using the Sept 11 attacks as a pretext to invade Afghanistan. It said the international community was responsible for killing thousands of Afghans during the invasion and ensuing occupation of the country. “Each year, 9/11 reminds the Afghans of an event in which they had no role whatsoever,” the Taliban said. “American colonialism has shed the blood of tens of thousands of miserable and innocent Afghans.”
The Taliban’s statement says the Afghan people have “an endless stamina for a long war” and could rise up as a nation “to send the Americans to the dustbin of history.”
“It will remain a permanent stigma on the face of the Western democracy that America and her allies martyred tens of thousands of Muslims under the pretext of this ambiguous and murky event,” the statement says, referring to 9/11.
Meanwhile, the Taliban government in Afghanistan offered to present Osama bin Laden for a trial long before the 9/11 attacks, but the US government showed no interest, Al Jazeera-TV reported on Sunday, quoting a senior aide to Taliban leader Mullah Omar. In an exclusive interview, Wakil Ahmad Muttawakil, Taliban’s last foreign minister, told Al Jazeera that the Taliban government, which then controlled Afghanistan, made several proposals to the United States to present the Al-Qaeda leader for trial for his involvement in plots targeting US facilities during the 1990s.
“Even before the [9/11] attacks, our Islamic Emirate had tried - through various proposals - to resolve the Osama issue. One such proposal was to set up a three-nation court, or something under the supervision of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference,” Muttawakil said. “But the US showed no interest in it. They kept demanding we hand him over, but we had no relations with the US, no agreement of any sort.
They did not recognise our govt.”
There was no independent confirmation of Muttawakil’s claims. The Taliban considered the OIC, a Saudi Arabia-based organisation representing 56 Muslim nations, a ‘neutral international organization’, he said.Al Jazeera says it contacted the OIC regarding the claims, but that nobody was available for comment.
The US had no direct diplomatic relations with the Taliban, which controlled most of Afghanistan between 1996 and 2001. But, Muttawakil said, the Taliban’s proposals were relayed indirectly to Washington through such channels as the American embassy in Pakistan or the informal Taliban office for the UN in New York.
No role in 9/11 attacks: Taliban | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online
Oh just kick their ***** and get over with it America. They were a pain in the rear with their caveman rule of Afghanistan and now that they got whipped out, they claim that they had no part in 9/11. Any movement or government which cannot exist in accordance with the average norms of global decency and respect for other nations should be booted out if not by their own people then by the global community.
Oh just kick their ***** and get over with it America. They were a pain in the rear with their caveman rule of Afghanistan and now that they got whipped out, they claim that they had no part in 9/11. Any movement or government which cannot exist in accordance with the average norms of global decency and respect for other nations should be booted out if not by their own people then by the global community.

lol if thats is the logic then india need to be taken over too, due their caveman rules in kashmir and other parts of india ....
also against shoodars :P

very nice logic now stick with this and root up your own gov... but you being typical indian, will go with power who ever rules you,
Howcome U guyz claim that they got role in 911... its the CIA furnished Alqaida the second name of CIA involved and claimed 911 but no Afghanis......U guyz shold keep ure concepts clear.....U guyz shold know that Alqaida is infact CIA but nobodyelse otherwise U guyz will never know the secret source of this evil Alqaida-CIA junction....:what:
Oh just kick their ***** and get over with it America. They were a pain in the rear with their caveman rule of Afghanistan and now that they got whipped out, they claim that they had no part in 9/11. Any movement or government which cannot exist in accordance with the average norms of global decency and respect for other nations should be booted out if not by their own people then by the global community.

So, what if the Talibans say they had nothing to do with 9/11 incident, bush, blair and their goons on this forum say that the Talibans must be punished for that and the punishment goes on. It will be a good idea for those goons to produce evidence like their big boss produced about the Iraqi WMDs.
most of people assassinated in Afghanistan are from these terrorists
and they accuse USA to assassinate people?
if they were not fighting US troops and let the government power until they have more and more democracy..
and but .. what?
listen.. they don't want democracy so they don't care what people want

what a joke these talibans
lol if thats is the logic then india need to be taken over too, due their caveman rules in kashmir and other parts of india ....
also against shoodars :P

very nice logic now stick with this and root up your own gov... but you being typical indian, will go with power who ever rules you,

You sir are a Genius.
Taliban should have thought of it before giving safe sanctuary to Al Qaeda & Co. and converting AF to World Jihad HQ.
lol if thats is the logic then india need to be taken over too, due their caveman rules in kashmir and other parts of india ....
also against shoodars :P

very nice logic now stick with this and root up your own gov... but you being typical indian, will go with power who ever rules you,

Until your country takes over Kashmir either by international diplomacy (which your country has shown itself to be a world class failure at) or by force (tried but failed eh?) , then leave us to maintain law and order in Kashmir and to safeguard people who currently have the status quo of being Indian citizens. We don't demolish mosques or destroy religious sites in Kashmir and neither do we issue fatwas which predate civilisation. There goes your argument on Kashmir.

The Shudras? Please spell their caste correctly since you insist on showing your sympathy for what you perceive to be state abetted discrimination against a caste of them evil "Hindoos." If you can point out one piece of government legislature issued by the Union or any other State legislature of India which discriminates against the Shudras, I will gladly petition the UNO to send in a group of observors to judge my country on this allegation. Until then, your argument is as flawed as it is on Kashmir. In your boisterous hype, you forgot to mention the usual Pakistani rant about discrimination in India against Maoists, Sikhs, Muslims, Christians, farmers, cattle, camel, goats etc. Go ahead and have your field day in cloud 9. The ground reality is that after Afghanistan and its former mentally incapacitated government who were given a red card by the international community, Pakistan is coming in a close second. I therefore understand your foot stomping in favour of the Afghanistan Taliban. You and your like may regard them as saviours of Islam. The rest of the sane world regards them as no better than the Pakistan Taliban, namely a bunch of rats which need to be exterminated.
Taliban is a curse brought out on humanity..these guys are like mosquitoes which cause malaria if gone unchecked..we need to squash these mosquitoes... :taz:
Thats why i am not really interested to give answer to any INDIAN NATIONAL anywhere about anything because of their logic especially mentality slavery faith on (BBC CNN and what Americans told them).They even don't have their own mind to understand the logic behind of anything nor have capability to differentiate between Invader and who are freedom fighters ....

They even know who made al-Qaida and taliban's but i have never seen any Indian SENIOR nor any professional on this forum said "THIS AL-QAIDA" and TALIBANS made by USA for roos.. but yes they always say .. Talibans are terrorist (because they are fighting against thr *****).

When you asked any Indian CIA and RAW is food health organization or any wellfare organization ?

They dont have any thing to explain

When you asked Indian "who is Raymond davis"

Then they as usual defend Americans ... even Americans not interested to defend that RD..

Now you can judge the mentality... LOL
Who said this: Good Taliban or Bad Taliban.
Who said this: Good Taliban or Bad Taliban.

"Who said good taliban or bad taliban?"
American "whom you trust more then anything"

Read the news and articles related GOOD TALIBAN BAD TALIBAN statement then discuss ....

and Suppose if PAKISTAN said "GOOD TALIBAN AND BAD TALIBAN" wow since when you guys start believe on Pakistan ? LOL

Pakistan also said manythings against India... why you guyz don't believe on that ? lol man i told you.. *** mentality! lol
"Who said good taliban or bad taliban?"
American "whom you trust more then anything"

Read the news and articles related GOOD TALIBAN BAD TALIBAN statement then discuss ....

and Suppose if PAKISTAN said "GOOD TALIBAN AND BAD TALIBAN" wow since when you guys start believe on Pakistan ? LOL

Pakistan also said manythings against India... why you guyz don't believe on that ? lol man i told you.. *** mentality! lol

I failed very badly to get your point.
Hahaha... the whole world knows Taliban had no hand in 9/11, what is the point?

The US was never against Taliban, it still is not. They simply shouldn't have sheltered al Qaeda against the warnings of the US.

Rather than flexing their biceps, they should have looked at a much more powerful Pakistan, a nuclear armed state that bowed before the US might and joined its fight.

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