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No Relief to Pakistan on Dispute Over Indian Power Plant on Cross-Border River


Dec 23, 2016
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Pakistan fears that India’s Kishanganga hydroelectric power plant will reduce its share in the cross-border Indus River system of which the Neelum River is a part. Pakistan wants India to address its concerns for which it has sought the intervention of the World Bank.

New Delhi (Sputnik): The World Bank's two-day consultation with Pakistan on a controversy over India's power plant project on a cross-border river has ended inconclusively on Tuesday. The Kishenganga hydroelectric power plant project on the Neelum River was inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on May 19.

Pakistan had sought the World Bank's intervention claiming that the Indus Water Treaty mandates India and Pakistan not to disrupt the natural flow of cross-border rivers.

"Several procedural options for resolving the disagreement over the interpretation of the Treaty's provisions were discussed. While an agreement on a way forward was not reached at the conclusion of the meetings, the World Bank will continue to work with both countries to resolve the issues in an amicable manner and in line with the Treaty provisions," the World Bank said in a statement after a meeting held on May 21-22 in Washington.

The World Bank has said that its role in dispute resolution is limited to the extent of designating a mediator.

"As a signatory to the Treaty, the World Bank's role is limited and procedural. In particular, the role in relation to 'differences' and 'disputes' is limited to the designation of people to fulfill certain roles when requested by either or both parties," the statement further reads.

India and Pakistan have been engaged with the World Bank under the Indus Waters Treaty for the last five decades to address current and future challenges of effective water management to meet human needs and achieve development goals.

India had rejected an earlier suggestion by Pakistan in 2016 to appoint a court of arbitration to review designs of the Kishanganga project, as well as another one on the Chenab. In fact, India believed that the issue should have been addressed a neutral expert, as Pakistan's objections were technical in nature. However, Pakistan had contended the proposal of a neutral expert, arguing that an expert's recommendation would not be binding in nature and the issue would only linger.
Keep China ready. We are not going to accept "NO" for an answer.
the only solution for this dam is to take it out like israel does, there is no point in going to WB....WB couldnt stop india from building it on the first place under the indus treaty.......The only solution to that is........war! or sudden missile/cruise missile strike to completely take it out. There is no other solution...Question is, does our armed forces have guts to pull the plug or not. Which doesnt seem they have.
the only solution for this dam is to take it out like israel does, there is no point in going to WB....WB couldnt stop india from building it on the first place under the indus treaty.......The only solution to that is........war! or sudden missile/cruise missile strike to completely take it out. There is no other solution...Question is, does our armed forces have guts to pull the plug or not. Which doesnt seem they have.
Please do that, and flood your own country.
Stop crying now and build dams. Should have thinked through it before giving up 3 eastern rivers and then not building dams on western rivers because of traitors with in.
It is a faulty leaking dam that is hazard to the surrounding population, Pakistanis need to react by calculating themselves rather than reacting to indian propaganda. Chabahar is an example howitys more in the tweets and nrewspapers and absolutely zero on the ground.
The indus river does not originate from india, it originates from Chinese territory. Indians shoot first and think later, there stupidity would only enable Pakistan to deal this issue with China which it has resisted esp. on Siachen whishing indiots would use some common sense. Anyways solution will be provided there are viable alternatives to Indus Water Treaty if india walks out which I doubt they would as they have had taken the other 3 rivers which came into Pakistan. It would result in Pakistan claiming there share and it would get more bad for India. They are in the middle between China and Pakistan and this stupid Modi govt. can't escalate beyond a point as Dokhlam issue proved.
the only solution for this dam is to take it out like israel does, there is no point in going to WB....WB couldnt stop india from building it on the first place under the indus treaty.......The only solution to that is........war! or sudden missile/cruise missile strike to completely take it out. There is no other solution...Question is, does our armed forces have guts to pull the plug or not. Which doesnt seem they have.
I wish ur army will get some pair and strike our dams ... Hope it will come true . The day India re united
Keep China ready. We are not going to accept "NO" for an answer.

So you want China to spend their hard earned dollars and goodwill to spite India (on behalf of pakistan)with whom they have 100 billion dollars in trade, so that pakistan can cover up its gross mismanagement of its water supply?!

Even a child requires less hand holding than this...
But you can try. Maybe sell more of your country under CPEC, they might just consider it lol
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