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No regional peace without Pakistan: United States

Not surprised. Just like Mr.Ted Poe is known as Indian lobbyist in U.S.A, Mr. John McCain is a well known Pakistan lobbyist. It's not the first time he has talked in favor of Pakistan. And lobbying is perfectly legal in U.S.A. So I will take this news with a pinch of salt, nothing more than feel good. :)

Senator John McCain is a much more mature individual who is much more informed of the ground realities than other hothead senators.
Senator John McCain is a much more mature individual who is much more informed of the ground realities than other hothead senators.

ted poe is not an Indian lobbyist. A lot of right wing GOP figures from the 1980s like Dana Rohrabacher are anti-Pakistani now.
Senator John McCain is a much more mature individual who is much more informed of the ground realities than other hothead senators.

And I'm pretty sure that you have the perfect instrument to measure the maturity of all senators. Right mate ?? LOL :p:
And I'm pretty sure that you have the perfect instrument to measure the maturity of all senators. Right mate ?? LOL :p:

Depends, do you think conspiracy theories of former Pres. Obama not being born in the US are true?

A lot of right wing GOP figures from the 1980s like Dana Rohrabacher are anti-Pakistani now.

Individuals who live in their version of glorious days of the past and can't understand the globalizing future?

Or insane enough to state in a public Congress Committee meeting that the US should support "Daesh"?
When we say Pakistan is the frontline state in the war on terror, why is it some Pakistani members wantonly misunderstand that to mean we need Pakistan's help? If you help yeah sure, we will take it but if you don't, no big deal.
I don't remember India saying this ever. You're not American
US provides Pakistan Army latest explosive detectors

And Indians be like; what?


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