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No oil hunt in South China Sea without nod: Beijing to Delhi

Offending China is in the least interest of Delhi. Hope India continues to do that \:p:/
Business is not an ever green thing, the moment you loose the manufacturing edge which is happening right now , some one else will take that baton.

Which is the why you are initiating silk routes to cling on to that edge.
another wishful thinking. the fact is that we are now climbing up the value-adding chain and begin to steal the meal of those so called developed nations.

as for silk routes, it is our stratege to export overcapcity, spend huge uselss dollars and increase our influnece, more importantly, to exclude US and its lackey japs in the process. I bet you indian never have a grasp of china's strategy.
You people are forcing the neighbours to form a coalition against China.

It is the other way around. It is "Dehati Aurat" India who is spreading terrorism in the neighborhood and has problems with almost all the neighbors. Thus forcing them into coalition against her.

A fact!

What about Indian nod before infra development in disputed part of Kashmir ??

China has not started any projects in Indian Occupied Kashmir, which is a disputed territory.

So chill.
It is the other way around. It is "Dehati Aurat" India who is spreading terrorism in the neighborhood and has problems with almost all the neighbors. Thus forcing them into coalition against her.

A fact!
China has not started any projects in Indian Occupied Kashmir, which is a disputed territory.
So chill.

The guy who used this term NS seems knows fully well about it, India is certainly not a Dehati Aurat !

India has do not want any instability in this region, India's strategic interests are fine so why would India do any thing that disturb this region?

Rather the country which is not happy with what they got, vying for vengeance will try to change the balance of this region.
The guy who used this term NS seems knows fully well about it, India is certainly not a Dehati Aurat !

India has do not want any instability in this region, India's strategic interests are fine so why would India do any thing that disturb this region?

Rather the country which is not happy with what they got, vying for vengeance will try to change the balance of this region.

India is the largest sponsor of terrorism in the neighborhood, everyone knows it.

So do not try to play some sort of saint here.

India can not see neighborhood progressing. And perceives any country which tries to do something better for its economy as a threat to india.

Even in this thread you see this attitude, Indians have trouble with anyone in the neighborhood, be it Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan....

Any small foreign investment in these countries and indian pants are on fire. Sorry, but this attitude is extremly rare in the world and mostly found in indians.
India is the largest sponsor of terrorism in the neighborhood, everyone knows it.

So do not try to play some sort of saint here.

India can not see neighborhood progressing. And perceives any country which tries to do something better for its economy as a threat to india.

Even in this thread you see this attitude, Indians have trouble with anyone in the neighborhood, be it Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan....

Any small foreign investment in these countries and indian pants are on fire. Sorry, but this attitude is extremly rare in the world and mostly found in indians.

seems you misspelt pakistan.
the fact is you can only brag what you want. it is PLA doing what they want, such as regular picnic party deep on india territory or construction on disputed Kashmir, haha

your javan wet their pants everytime when hearing about PLA

So much for Cheerleading.

Meanwhile ONGC exploring oil in SCS & will add billions to Indian Foreign Reserve. Meanwhile in Pakistan, US drone attacks still killing civilians. :D
NEW DELHI/ BEIJING: As India seeks to further its economic and defence engagement with Vietnam, China has warned New Delhi that it can't explore oil and gas blocks in South China Sea without seeking Beijing's approval.

India's ONGC Videsh Ltd is involved in oil and gas exploration in the exclusive economic zone and continental shelf of Vietnam.

"Any oil and gas exploration work should get approval first from China," said a top official of China's ministry of foreign affairs (MFA). The official added that pending the final settlement of territorial disputes in South China Sea, China would encourage "joint development" in the region.

The official made the remark in reply to a query from TOI in a recent meeting - facilitated by the US-based East-West Center - with a group of international journalists. The meeting took at a time of fresh acrimony between the US and China over Beijing's reclamation and island building in South China Sea. According to US authorities, China has reclaimed 1,500 acres in the Spratly island chain in the past 5 months alone by dredging sand.

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US defence secretary Ashton Carter warned China Friday its activities in South China Sea had the potential "to increase the risk of miscalculation or conflict".

China claims more than 80% of South China Sea as its own through its nine-dash line even though it has not yet bothered to identify the geographical coordinates of this line. With its frantic reclamation in the Spratlys though, Beijing has sparked fear that it may look at imposing an air defence identification zone (ADIZ) over South China Sea in the near future.

The official, however, denied that China was looking to impose ADIZ at this stage saying that the "security situation" was stable for now.

Talking about the border dispute with India, the foreign ministry official said that the two countries should be given credit for the fact that they had not allowed the dispute to impact their ties. "The two countries are in close touch through a bilateral mechanism. We hope to resolve the issue very soon. China and India have the wisdom to resolve the issue by arriving at a fair and equitable solution," said the official.

No oil hunt in South China Sea without nod: Beijing to Delhi - The Times of India
Don't you think China is too much? :flame: There are at least 5 countries there who has their share :coffee:
with the same principle of exploring oil in viet EEZ iNDIA CANT build piplelines through Pakistan's EEZs
how can china make a corridor through Azad Kashmir without indian consent.

Are you saying Kashmir is a disputed territory?

That would be a good start, because until now Indians were living in some la-la land and saying Kashmir is not disputed.

And btw how could a "small country" Pakistan occupy territory from the "mighty supapowa" India? :lol:
India is in the phase of transformation, we need to defend our interests, Chinese and Pakistanis will certainly try to harm our interests right from Kashmir to North East.

This is the situation India is in because of the changing scenario in Asia.

However there is a way to counter this menace and nonsense ......... By forming alliance with Japan, Australia, S.Korea and ASEAN. The alliance will keep the bullying nations at bay. At the same time we build our strength.

For China the region is peaceful during its transformation, Not the case for India. We need to be careful and address the threats which may harm the economic development.

The strategy is strengthen India in economy, Military, Technology in such a way that no country even dare to harm the interests .... this is the long term goal.

Couldnt agree more :tup:
6 Easy steps to get oneself relieved (especially for Chinese)

1. Fold up your attitude.
2.Lubricate it with water or oil.
3.Lie on your sides.
4.Hold your one leg up
5. Now take the folded attitude in your hand and push it up your natural hole.
6.Make sure it's in enough that you don't have much pain.

Get lost.

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