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'No, No America': Thousands of Iraqis rally against U.S. military presence

Do you realize that Iraqi Sunni and Kurd parliamentarians boycotted this vote? Do you understand potential implications of this boycott?
I do, but do you also realize their votes werent needed to reach a formal decision in Parliament? democracy in Iraq worked out well, you just dont like who it advantaged brother.

Iraq might disintegrate due to foolishness of Iraqi Shia nationals.
Their country, their rules, their business.

IThese people are playing with fire in this matter.
US is the one playing with fire, LITERALLY ( **Shia insurgency downloading.......)
Country-wide consensus for their demand is non-existent;
But population wise there is consensus. you're just doing confirmation bias- seeing what u want to see. The largest block(Shiites) spoke via Parliament and apparently US fukd up so bad, It magically united the divided Iraqi Shia.

Iraqi Sunni and Kurd are increasingly uncomfortable with Iraqi Shia groups being subservient to Iran.
if they arent weak like ISIS rats then let them do something about it. they keep talking, Iran keeps proving.
I do, but do you also realize their votes werent needed to reach a formal decision in Parliament? democracy in Iraq worked out well, you just dont like who it advantaged brother.

Their country, their rules, their business.

US is the one playing with fire, LITERALLY ( **Shia insurgency downloading.......)

But population wise there is consensus. you're just doing confirmation bias- seeing what u want to see. The largest block(Shiites) spoke via Parliament and apparently US fukd up so bad, It magically united the divided Iraqi Shia.

if they arent weak like ISIS rats then let them do something about it. they keep talking, Iran keeps proving.
FYI: https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/us-seeking-carve-out-sunni-state-its-influence-iraq-wanes

Sadr was a cunt, and still is. His followers took part in the shameful 1991 uprising, traitorous behavior.
Want to know why you never believe the lying liars from the Western media:


This is the only story of the protests ap has on twitter. Of hundreds. This is the lying media of the West.
Want to know why you never believe the lying liars from the Western media:


This is the only story of the protests ap has on twitter. Of hundreds. This is the lying media of the West.
Couple of rich jews control Europe and US media. The nations in these countries are brainwashed puppets who are busy with shopping and tv shows.
Two Khamenaist demonstrations in Iraq in January 2020. Before and after Solemani liquidation.



On second, they are not attacking embassy, not flying terrorist flags.

U see, even Khamenaists can learn.
Sadr is.insane and will blow up against Iran anytime, don't know what's wrong with him
Sadr is.insane and will blow up against Iran anytime, don't know what's wrong with him
Sadr organized a clean, peacefull, neutral demonstration and at least unified a part of Iraqi society. I know he makes unexpected moves, but for now, he's the one who is saving Iraqi honour against the occupiers.
I have seen more Iraqis protesting against Iranian interference and presence.... does this means Iraq is heading to another phase of civil war... more death brigades!
That someone in Washington looked at a map of Iraq, The Mecca of Shia, with more than 20 million people gathering annually from around the world despite all the risks involved, and with more holy sites than any of its neigbors, then still decided that they would turn this land into a secular vasal state, replacing martyrdom with feminism and open homesexuality, I can think of no greater sign of sheer US ignorance.
That someone in Washington looked at a map of Iraq, The Mecca of Shia, with more than 20 million people gathering annually from around the world despite all the risks involved, and with more holy sites than any of its neigbors, then still decided that they would turn this land into a secular vasal state, replacing martyrdom with feminism and open homesexuality, I can think of no greater sign of sheer US ignorance.

good to see there are some real Iraqis with pride left.....

not the confused saddamists who joined ISIS, or ran away to Denmark/Europe to have bread thrown at them like animals...

the poison of western liberal homosexual worshipping, family destroying, whore slut promoting culture of the west is more destructive then any war their armies can wage. Absolute trash, freaks, and filth of society have become the driving force of western culture. absolutely sickening, and they actually want to export this shit to the rest of the world
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