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'No, No America': Thousands of Iraqis rally against U.S. military presence


Sep 24, 2016
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BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Thousands of Iraqis rallied at two central Baghdad intersections on Friday after a prominent cleric called for a "million strong" protest against the American military presence, following the U.S. killing of an Iranian general and an Iraqi militia chief.

The march called by Moqtada al-Sadr aims to pressure Washington to pull out its troops, but many anti-government protesters fear it could overshadow their separate, months-long demonstrations that have challenged Iran-backed Shi'ite groups' grip on power.

Sadr opposes all foreign interference in Iraq but has recently aligned himself more closely with Iran, whose allies have dominated state institutions since the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003.

Throngs of marchers started gathering early on Friday at al-Hurriya Square in central Baghdad and near around the city's main university, Reuters witnesses said. Marchers avoided Tahrir square, symbol of mass protests against Iraq' ruling elites.

"We want them all out - America, Israel, and the corrupt politicians in government," said Raed Abu Zahra, a health ministry worker from southern city of Samawa, who arrived by bus at night and stayed in Sadr City, a sprawling district of Baghdad controlled by the cleric's followers.

"We support the protests in Tahrir as well, but understand why Sadr held this protest here so it doesn't take attention from theirs," he added.

Men and women marched waving the red, white and black national colours, and chanted slogans against the United States, which leads a military coalition against the Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria.

US told them if they jump too much all of their money stored in US banks will be seized.
How about Iran backed Militia in Iraq ?
That's just a zionist brainwash-sentence in the media.
In west, they call each other "partners/our allies", but when it comes to east, suddenly they call countries and armies "militias", "blabla-backed groups" etc.

So we also call these noble Iraqis who fought ISIS our allies/partners.

Soldiers, proxies, militias... same shit.
That's just a zionist brainwash-sentence in the media.
In west, they call each other "partners/our allies", but when it comes to east, suddenly they call countries and armies "militias", "blabla-backed groups" etc.

So we also call these noble Iraqis who fought ISIS our allies/partners.
even I know that Iraq with out US troops will explode from the infighting, US is holding Iraq together so far
even I know that Iraq with out US troops will explode from the infighting, US is holding Iraq together so far
If a country is that weak, to be held together by a occupier, then let it explode. However I believe the reality might be that actually US is indirectly flirting with separatism of Kurdish and Sunni-arab parts of Iraq because the majority of Iraq is demanding them to leave. I believe Iraq, with the support of close regional allies will be able to survive withdrawal of US occupiers.
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