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No new fighter deal on horizon for the IAF

So approximately sometime between mid to end 2023, by that time if everything goes as planned, PAF should be flying around 3 squadrons of Block 3 with further incremental upgrades on the way or in the works, but we would still need a minimum of three additional squadrons to replace the ageing F7 and Mirages, but then India would also have the same problem unless their Tejas actually makes it, if it does, then PAF better start looking for additional platforms right now or they will be outnumbered as well as out teched, if that is a term.

4 years from induction they would have a strike capable force. Earlier perhaps considering the Indians are adept at getting platforms integrated fast.

Looks like Pak and China are constraining the Indian finances for defense!! Not a bad strategy!!! Last time Rahmetli Liaket Ali Han used the financial tools successfully against Serdar Patel to make Pak's independence easier and earlier...

This year was the lowest defense budget interms of GDP
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