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No more Martial Law Please



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Sajjad Ahmad
24 September 2008
Rawalpindi – Pakistan

Pakistan had faced so many challenges in the past and so many bloody events had come into our lives in last 60 years. This is simply not by chance that military commanders had come into politics, time after time. The truth is that the so-called intellectuals and self declared genius people are amongst those, who created the environment for military invasion in politics. Can someone please tell me that what was happened when Gen. Zia had taken over the country? Who distributed sweats, danced on the roads, when the military rulers had taken over the country? Why Ayub Khan, General Zia ul Haq and General Musharraf had invaded a democratic Pakistan? Was it all pre-planned by these generals? I do not think so.

The history is repeating itself once again and this time; we had to stop this from happening again. Pakistan had just recovered from 9 years long Martial Law of General (Retd) Pervaiz Musharraf and not the months passed yet and our so called intellectuals are once again active in the media and in all available channels to bring the military back into politics. The question is, why is that? Why such culprits encouraging military leadership to engage in politics? Why they want the very next Army Chief after Mr. Musharraf, to take over the country? Is this just to get some military help to restore the old judiciary? Absolutely not.

I see only one possible reasons of this recent move by the so called intellectuals to bring military into politics and of course, this is very crucial and important for us to figure out the real game behind this move against peaceful and stable Pakistan.

But before I go on with this reason. Let me bring two other matters under your attention. The Restoration of Old Judiciary and Mr. Zardari as President of Pakistan.

There is no doubt that majority of the people are very much in favour of restoration of old Judiciary. But nobody can find not a single person in the country, who will be in the favour of politicising the issue in such a manner as it had already been done. Pakistan simply does not afford any unrest due to any reason. Therefore, it is in our best interest that we keep our restoration campaign strictly under control and well under the law.

Secondly, I am not a PPP supporter and thus would never like to see PPP in government. But the reality of today is that PPP had been mandated by the people of Pakistan to form the government and to run the country. And it is our democratic and moral responsibility that we acknowledge the will of the people and give our full support to PPP in their efforts to run the country. Therefore, I will request to every single peace loving person of this great nation to welcome Pakistan People Party to do what they intend to do in the best interests of Pakistan. As far as corruption cases are concern. We should not forget that these corruption cases were tried for more than a decade and, unfortunately, none of them could be proved in the court of law or, atleast, there is no positive outcome from these corruption cases, so far. It is our bad luck that such cases were never treated fairly. But had been used as political weapon against others. Is this not a tragedy for our nation that those, who formed all these corruption cases against Mr. Zardari are his companions, now a days and would also be sitting on the government seats in the parliament once again, if Mr. Zardari accepted few of their demands, which also include restoration of old Judiciary? Do not, as a nation, allow them to pull each other’s legs with such political cases, please.

It is hard to believe that General Musharraf’s Martial Law was simply due to internal political crisis. The fact is that this arrangement in Pakistan was necessary for USA to invade Afghanistan and to assure their long presence in this poor country. Otherwise, only a fool can think that those, who live in mountains, can fly the aeroplane in to WTC. Hundreds of research reports and findings could be found on the Internet to prove that this was purely inside job and was not conducted by any Al-Qaeeda or Taliban like people. But, just appreciate the state of the art work done by the US government and CIA; USA had successfully used this fake incident for their new global war plans. After collapse of Russian power and before they rise again, USA is looking to hand-tight over the world as much as possible. For this purpose, USA not only made its own nation fool but the whole world by saying that this is the war against terror.

The fact is that this is not the war against terror but the war of terror and against the peaceful community of the world at large.

Whatever the reasons are. This war against terror, infect war against Islam and Muslim countries will not end in Afghanistan. But the Zionists and ill minded rulers of USA have many other Muslim counties in their hit list. And Pakistan is one of the top most important targets. USA knew very well that unlike Iraq, where majority of the people were against their rulers and unlike Afghanistan, Pakistan would not be an easy target for them. Pakistan’s strong military power, the support available from China to Pakistan and tribal factor will never allow them to invade Pakistan as easily as they did with two other Muslim countries.

Together with many other elements, Pakistan’s Armed Forces are most powerful, well-managed and well-disciplined institution of the country. These forces not only have deep roots in Pakistani society, but these forces also enjoy full and blind support from Pakistani Nation.

Additionally, Pakistan also acquired Nuclear and Missile technology and is well known as possessing nuclear warheads, along with its durable and trustable delivery systems. Pakistan’s space programme is not that fast, though. But its existence and potential is always there. Sending a rocket to the moon or to Israel and USA are not two different things, which is making our enemies insecure. Plus over plus is that this is an Islamic country. Which claims the Philosophy of Islam as the basic reason of its existence. So, our enemies consider our military build-up as the revolution of new Islamic Empire. This time, from South Asia.

So it needs to be stopped. And with least cost.

Another tragedy is that the real culprits are successfully hiding themselves behind the so-called democracy and civilisation of the west. They occupied almost every single office in the western capitals and also had a strong hold over world media and all other information sources. They also possess centuries long experience of propaganda and blame games. Their aims and objectives never comply with the will of the nations, they represent. But they always manage to obtain consensus for their aggressions against poor, weak and innocent nations by spreading biased and bogus information, among their own people. The dilemma of 9/11, self manufactured Al-Qaeeda, the terrorists attacks which never happened on their soil and the scary propaganda against other nations, which do not, indeed, hold the capabilities to hit USA, are few of the tools available to them to achieve their goals.

These enemies of Pakistan are in full action, now a day. Their propaganda campaign against Pakistan is also at its peak. They are looking to make us weaker and demoralise us as much as possible, before they can strike on us. The issue of Judiciary, corruption cases, military operations in parts of Balochistan and NWFP, insurgency and American bombings inside Pakistan, uprising of so called extremists, military build-up from Indian side in Occupied Kashmir, Border clashes on both sides with India and NATO Forces, bomb blasts and the recent attempts to pull Army back in politics are those weapons, which enemies are using to destabilise Pakistan politically, economically and militarily. Thus, in case of any military conflict, Pakistan could hardly resist. Even current level of unrest is simply not enough for the enemy countries to invade Pakistan. They want more political and economical unrest in the country.

It must also be noted that Pakistan or Islamic world is not the only target for the international terrorist groups, which consists of Zionists and Hard line Christian Groups. Though, we as Muslim and as Pakistani are at the top of their hit list. But such culprits possess a religious faith of world level destruction. If they remain until this point, we would have no problem with them. But the worrying thing into it is that such elements are intentionally creating an environment for destruction in the whole world. Which will, to them, prove the truthfulness of their religious believes. This scenario clearly indicating that not only the Muslims are their prime target, but all other religions and believes are also in danger. The surprising thing is that those Christians, who do not subscribe to such doctrines of destructions, are also the targets of their own religious counterparts.

As we ascertained above that our enemies, commonly known as India, Israel and USA are attempting to stop the rise of new Islamic Empire on the world map and with least cost. A million-dollar question is that what is their action plan?

They are working on two fronts. At first, they are building military pressure over Pakistan and working to isolate Pakistan from its traditional friends, such as China. We should not forget that the impeachment move against former President of Pakistan by our great politicians was not launched just by chance and just a day before, he was supposed to leave for China on his scheduled visit. The reality is that the American involvement in our national matters is well proven and only after the green signal from them, the two parties popped up immediately and ran the hours longs meetings day and night to launch impeachment against the President. This fast track political development had forced the President to postpone his scheduled visit to China. Although, I do not believe that I or anyone out of us need to give any proof or supporting evidence of American involvement in our internal matters. But another planed and announced visit of new President of Pakistan, Mr. Asif had also postponed after American bombings in tribal areas and after they threatened Pakistan with their new invasion plans.

Americans are also intending to enhance its military presence in Afghanistan by transferring more troops from Iraq to the region. It is gearing up its infiltration in NWFP, providing military support to some of the terrorists groups, such as Mahsood of TTP, providing access to India in Afghanistan, helping India to set up its military presence in this poor country, hitting Pro-Pakistan Maliks and killing them with their spy planes, trying to isolate Pakistan from China, encouraging India to build military pressure over Pakistan etc etc.

But there will be no benefit of these military plans if Pakistan is not destabilised internally. They knew that only a political unrest in Pakistan, where a military could be dragged in the politics could be beneficial for them. Any kind of military involvement in politics will result in anger among politicians. And, with the help of American controlled media, and agitations and protests of political parties against any such military involvement in politics, they will easily transform this situation into Anti-Military agitation and thus will get the brightest chance to distend the people of Pakistan from its beloved Armed Forces. This will compromise our military’s capabilities to resist against any foreign invasion and thus Pakistan would be an easy target for them.

So, on the second front, they want to destabilise Pakistan politically, economically and socially.

After 60 years long experience of defending the country. It could be easily assumed that Armed Forces of Pakistan are far more capable of understanding such attempts and would be acting in the best interests of the country. The current leadership of military is responding to the issues, responsibly. But this is not enough. As we need military to protect us from any foreign invasion. I believe that we also need to play our role, as a nation, to protect our Armed Forces from any such attempts to convince them to take over the country. We should keep close eye over these so called intellectuals and should not allow them to play with the future of the country. Just for the sake of few dollars and media coverage, they are always ready to sell their souls to the enemies and intentionally serve the purposes of enemies. Pakistan's ability to resists against current wave of terrorism is simply a tremendous performance of Pakistan's Armed Forces. It had successfully washed off all foreign trained militants in Balochistan. It is working hard to take down American prepared infiltrators in NWFP. At this point, Pakistan needs unity in people and trust of the people over the government institutions and over Armed Forces of Pakistan.

And you may have noticed that I talked about the LEAST COST. This requires hundreds of other lines to explain this. So, please wait for my next article “Least Cost”. In this article, I will focus on the regional military conflicts and their implications. Additionally, I will also try to cover the purposes of the military conflicts in this part of the world, around Pakistan.

We all need to unite and stand as one against the common enemies.

Sajjad Ahmad

Freelance Writer & Researcher
Email: sajjad_pak@hotmail.com

Author and Moderator

Pakistan Front Blog
Pakistan Front - Current Affairs

PakistanFront : Pakistan Front

AccountantsInPakistan : Accountants In Pakistan

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ArzKyaHa : Arz Kya Ha
Sajjad Ahmad
24 September 2008
Rawalpindi – Pakistan

Pakistan had faced so many challenges in the past and so many bloody events had come into our lives in last 60 years. This is simply not by chance that military commanders had come into politics, time after time. The truth is that the so-called intellectuals and self declared genius people are amongst those, who created the environment for military invasion in politics. Can someone please tell me that what was happened when Gen. Zia had taken over the country? Who distributed sweats, danced on the roads, when the military rulers had taken over the country? Why Ayub Khan, General Zia ul Haq and General Musharraf had invaded a democratic Pakistan? Was it all pre-planned by these generals? I do not think so.

The history is repeating itself once again and this time; we had to stop this from happening again. Pakistan had just recovered from 9 years long Martial Law of General (Retd) Pervaiz Musharraf and not the months passed yet and our so called intellectuals are once again active in the media and in all available channels to bring the military back into politics. The question is, why is that? Why such culprits encouraging military leadership to engage in politics? Why they want the very next Army Chief after Mr. Musharraf, to take over the country? Is this just to get some military help to restore the old judiciary? Absolutely not.

I see only one possible reasons of this recent move by the so called intellectuals to bring military into politics and of course, this is very crucial and important for us to figure out the real game behind this move against peaceful and stable Pakistan.

But before I go on with this reason. Let me bring two other matters under your attention. The Restoration of Old Judiciary and Mr. Zardari as President of Pakistan.

There is no doubt that majority of the people are very much in favour of restoration of old Judiciary. But nobody can find not a single person in the country, who will be in the favour of politicising the issue in such a manner as it had already been done. Pakistan simply does not afford any unrest due to any reason. Therefore, it is in our best interest that we keep our restoration campaign strictly under control and well under the law.

Secondly, I am not a PPP supporter and thus would never like to see PPP in government. But the reality of today is that PPP had been mandated by the people of Pakistan to form the government and to run the country. And it is our democratic and moral responsibility that we acknowledge the will of the people and give our full support to PPP in their efforts to run the country. Therefore, I will request to every single peace loving person of this great nation to welcome Pakistan People Party to do what they intend to do in the best interests of Pakistan. As far as corruption cases are concern. We should not forget that these corruption cases were tried for more than a decade and, unfortunately, none of them could be proved in the court of law or, atleast, there is no positive outcome from these corruption cases, so far. It is our bad luck that such cases were never treated fairly. But had been used as political weapon against others. Is this not a tragedy for our nation that those, who formed all these corruption cases against Mr. Zardari are his companions, now a days and would also be sitting on the government seats in the parliament once again, if Mr. Zardari accepted few of their demands, which also include restoration of old Judiciary? Do not, as a nation, allow them to pull each other’s legs with such political cases, please.

It is hard to believe that General Musharraf’s Martial Law was simply due to internal political crisis. The fact is that this arrangement in Pakistan was necessary for USA to invade Afghanistan and to assure their long presence in this poor country. Otherwise, only a fool can think that those, who live in mountains, can fly the aeroplane in to WTC. Hundreds of research reports and findings could be found on the Internet to prove that this was purely inside job and was not conducted by any Al-Qaeeda or Taliban like people. But, just appreciate the state of the art work done by the US government and CIA; USA had successfully used this fake incident for their new global war plans. After collapse of Russian power and before they rise again, USA is looking to hand-tight over the world as much as possible. For this purpose, USA not only made its own nation fool but the whole world by saying that this is the war against terror.

The fact is that this is not the war against terror but the war of terror and against the peaceful community of the world at large.

Whatever the reasons are. This war against terror, infect war against Islam and Muslim countries will not end in Afghanistan. But the Zionists and ill minded rulers of USA have many other Muslim counties in their hit list. And Pakistan is one of the top most important targets. USA knew very well that unlike Iraq, where majority of the people were against their rulers and unlike Afghanistan, Pakistan would not be an easy target for them. Pakistan’s strong military power, the support available from China to Pakistan and tribal factor will never allow them to invade Pakistan as easily as they did with two other Muslim countries.

Together with many other elements, Pakistan’s Armed Forces are most powerful, well-managed and well-disciplined institution of the country. These forces not only have deep roots in Pakistani society, but these forces also enjoy full and blind support from Pakistani Nation.

Additionally, Pakistan also acquired Nuclear and Missile technology and is well known as possessing nuclear warheads, along with its durable and trustable delivery systems. Pakistan’s space programme is not that fast, though. But its existence and potential is always there. Sending a rocket to the moon or to Israel and USA are not two different things, which is making our enemies insecure. Plus over plus is that this is an Islamic country. Which claims the Philosophy of Islam as the basic reason of its existence. So, our enemies consider our military build-up as the revolution of new Islamic Empire. This time, from South Asia.

So it needs to be stopped. And with least cost.

Another tragedy is that the real culprits are successfully hiding themselves behind the so-called democracy and civilisation of the west. They occupied almost every single office in the western capitals and also had a strong hold over world media and all other information sources. They also possess centuries long experience of propaganda and blame games. Their aims and objectives never comply with the will of the nations, they represent. But they always manage to obtain consensus for their aggressions against poor, weak and innocent nations by spreading biased and bogus information, among their own people. The dilemma of 9/11, self manufactured Al-Qaeeda, the terrorists attacks which never happened on their soil and the scary propaganda against other nations, which do not, indeed, hold the capabilities to hit USA, are few of the tools available to them to achieve their goals.

These enemies of Pakistan are in full action, now a day. Their propaganda campaign against Pakistan is also at its peak. They are looking to make us weaker and demoralise us as much as possible, before they can strike on us. The issue of Judiciary, corruption cases, military operations in parts of Balochistan and NWFP, insurgency and American bombings inside Pakistan, uprising of so called extremists, military build-up from Indian side in Occupied Kashmir, Border clashes on both sides with India and NATO Forces, bomb blasts and the recent attempts to pull Army back in politics are those weapons, which enemies are using to destabilise Pakistan politically, economically and militarily. Thus, in case of any military conflict, Pakistan could hardly resist. Even current level of unrest is simply not enough for the enemy countries to invade Pakistan. They want more political and economical unrest in the country.

It must also be noted that Pakistan or Islamic world is not the only target for the international terrorist groups, which consists of Zionists and Hard line Christian Groups. Though, we as Muslim and as Pakistani are at the top of their hit list. But such culprits possess a religious faith of world level destruction. If they remain until this point, we would have no problem with them. But the worrying thing into it is that such elements are intentionally creating an environment for destruction in the whole world. Which will, to them, prove the truthfulness of their religious believes. This scenario clearly indicating that not only the Muslims are their prime target, but all other religions and believes are also in danger. The surprising thing is that those Christians, who do not subscribe to such doctrines of destructions, are also the targets of their own religious counterparts.

As we ascertained above that our enemies, commonly known as India, Israel and USA are attempting to stop the rise of new Islamic Empire on the world map and with least cost. A million-dollar question is that what is their action plan?

They are working on two fronts. At first, they are building military pressure over Pakistan and working to isolate Pakistan from its traditional friends, such as China. We should not forget that the impeachment move against former President of Pakistan by our great politicians was not launched just by chance and just a day before, he was supposed to leave for China on his scheduled visit. The reality is that the American involvement in our national matters is well proven and only after the green signal from them, the two parties popped up immediately and ran the hours longs meetings day and night to launch impeachment against the President. This fast track political development had forced the President to postpone his scheduled visit to China. Although, I do not believe that I or anyone out of us need to give any proof or supporting evidence of American involvement in our internal matters. But another planed and announced visit of new President of Pakistan, Mr. Asif had also postponed after American bombings in tribal areas and after they threatened Pakistan with their new invasion plans.

Americans are also intending to enhance its military presence in Afghanistan by transferring more troops from Iraq to the region. It is gearing up its infiltration in NWFP, providing military support to some of the terrorists groups, such as Mahsood of TTP, providing access to India in Afghanistan, helping India to set up its military presence in this poor country, hitting Pro-Pakistan Maliks and killing them with their spy planes, trying to isolate Pakistan from China, encouraging India to build military pressure over Pakistan etc etc.

But there will be no benefit of these military plans if Pakistan is not destabilised internally. They knew that only a political unrest in Pakistan, where a military could be dragged in the politics could be beneficial for them. Any kind of military involvement in politics will result in anger among politicians. And, with the help of American controlled media, and agitations and protests of political parties against any such military involvement in politics, they will easily transform this situation into Anti-Military agitation and thus will get the brightest chance to distend the people of Pakistan from its beloved Armed Forces. This will compromise our military’s capabilities to resist against any foreign invasion and thus Pakistan would be an easy target for them.

So, on the second front, they want to destabilise Pakistan politically, economically and socially.

After 60 years long experience of defending the country. It could be easily assumed that Armed Forces of Pakistan are far more capable of understanding such attempts and would be acting in the best interests of the country. The current leadership of military is responding to the issues, responsibly. But this is not enough. As we need military to protect us from any foreign invasion. I believe that we also need to play our role, as a nation, to protect our Armed Forces from any such attempts to convince them to take over the country. We should keep close eye over these so called intellectuals and should not allow them to play with the future of the country. Just for the sake of few dollars and media coverage, they are always ready to sell their souls to the enemies and intentionally serve the purposes of enemies. Pakistan's ability to resists against current wave of terrorism is simply a tremendous performance of Pakistan's Armed Forces. It had successfully washed off all foreign trained militants in Balochistan. It is working hard to take down American prepared infiltrators in NWFP. At this point, Pakistan needs unity in people and trust of the people over the government institutions and over Armed Forces of Pakistan.

And you may have noticed that I talked about the LEAST COST. This requires hundreds of other lines to explain this. So, please wait for my next article “Least Cost”. In this article, I will focus on the regional military conflicts and their implications. Additionally, I will also try to cover the purposes of the military conflicts in this part of the world, around Pakistan.

We all need to unite and stand as one against the common enemies.

Sajjad Ahmad

Freelance Writer & Researcher
Email: sajjad_pak@hotmail.com

Author and Moderator

Pakistan Front Blog
Pakistan Front - Current Affairs

PakistanFront : Pakistan Front

AccountantsInPakistan : Accountants In Pakistan

TechnologyPakistan : Technology Pakistan

ArzKyaHa : Arz Kya Ha

The reality , is that no body is not intersted in restoration of old Judiciary, in pakistan & time is reaching soon, when pakistanis will not be intersted in militry , politics etc.
what a common pakistani need is just a fair life to him & his family.its better to start looking in the needs of common men?:tup:
The reality , is that no body is not intersted in restoration of old Judiciary, in pakistan & time is reaching soon, when pakistanis will not be intersted in militry , politics etc.
what a common pakistani need is just a fair life to him & his family.its better to start looking in the needs of common men?:tup:

The larger Q is that the Military has never considered the " requirements' of the common man.They have struck at will.

If Zardari crosses the line, the Army is not far away..
batmannow said:

The reality , is that no body is not intersted in restoration of old Judiciary, in pakistan & time is reaching soon, when pakistanis will not be intersted in militry , politics etc.
what a common pakistani need is just a fair life to him & his family.its better to start looking in the needs of common men?

Yes, nobody is interested in duciciary restoration. But everbody is using this issue for their political interests. However, that time will never come when Pakistans will not be interested in Military, politics. But the bad people will be forced to go off the process with the passage of time, when people willl beome more aware about them.

A fair life will remain the dream until your defence is not strong or you do not eleminate your enemies. As a matter of common sense, fair life, in addition to other necessities of life, need security too.
Third Eye said:
The larger Q is that the Military has never considered the " requirements' of the common man.They have struck at will.

If Zardari crosses the line, the Army is not far away

This Q best fit in the case of India, where more than 330 million do not have proper toilet facility, more than half of the nation sleep without food and under open air, more than three quarters of the nation earn less than a dollar a day and India claims that it is rising by doing nuclear deals and by buying billion dollars submarines and fighter jets. Hundreds of billions of dollars in government reseves, more than that is owned by its so called enterpreneurs and more than 10 times of that is SAFE as looted and black money in Swiss banks and on the other hand, more than 3 quarters of its army is in Kashmir alone, fought wars with most of its neighbours. Even Bangladeshis are not ready to tolarate Indians now. While India was their helper in 1971.

Where, at one side, Indians are living in open air. The government is building nuclear bunkers throughout the borders with Pakistan. Looks to me like India planning to recruite all those homeless people in Army and will accomodate them in those bunkers.

By the way, this was the strategy,used by the british government in India to keep people backword and less oppertunites to earn money force people to Join military. Do you not think that the India government also doing the same with its poor nation???
It's a curious polemic you offer, Mr. Ahmad, I have read it a couple of times and I am not sure what the lengthy essay is about - however; some of the ideas you discuss are again, curious - you say:

It is hard to believe that General Musharraf’s Martial Law was simply due to internal political crisis. The fact is that this arrangement in Pakistan was necessary for USA to invade Afghanistan and to assure their long presence in this poor country. Otherwise, only a fool can think that those, who live in mountains, can fly the aeroplane in to WTC. Hundreds of research reports and findings could be found on the Internet to prove that this was purely inside job and was not conducted by any Al-Qaeeda or Taliban like people. But, just appreciate the state of the art work done by the US government and CIA; USA had successfully used this fake incident for their new global war plans. After collapse of Russian power and before they rise again, USA is looking to hand-tight over the world as much as possible. For this purpose, USA not only made its own nation fool but the whole world by saying that this is the war against terror

You suggest that there was martial law during Mr. Musharraf's regime - this is patently false.

You suggest that Mr. Musharraf's regime was a party to the invasion of Afghanistan, you offer zero evidence to substantiate this incredible claim - the position you take is not informed that UN authorization of the action in Afghanistan was granted - yes, perhaps a technicality, nevertheless,, reality.

You assert that people "who lived in mountains" flew aircraft into the WTC - again, sir, this is false, not true. The pilots lived in Hamburg and in US cities where they trained to fly aircraft - they were from well to do, urbane families.

You say:
USA knew very well that unlike Iraq, where majority of the people were against their rulers and unlike Afghanistan, Pakistan would not be an easy target for them. Pakistan’s strong military power, the support available from China to Pakistan and tribal factor will never allow them to invade Pakistan as easily as they did with two other Muslim countries.

Now you seem to be saying that tribals who have accepted money to wage war against Pakistan and it's defending Fauj, are somehow a factor keeping the US at bay - this is not just false it is a lie. Tribals fighting on behalf of taliban and Al Qaida are nothing but the enemies of Pakistan.

You have suggested strong support from China - Again, one marvels at the quality of analysis your position rests on - China does not support anything other than the elimination of these Taliban and Al-Qaida and china does not want it's global position endangered for the sake of taliban or Al-Qaida.

And you also suggest that Pakistanis support the armed forces - I am sure this is debatable, allow me to offer a counter - what expression of popular general support of the armed forces can you point to?? Are funds being collected in masajid and shops to provide gifts for those soldiers fighting these taliban and AQ? Are the media mobilising the population to support the armd forces?? Are Masajid loud speakers being used to condemn the Taliban/AQ enemy??

Earlier your position was built on falsehoods, but the following challenges not just the intelligence of your readers, but their sanity:

So, our enemies consider our military build-up as the revolution of new Islamic Empire. This time, from South Asia

Islamic empire?? WTF?? Here, you reveal yourself and your agenda built on falsehoods - Sir, we are Pakistanis, not imperialsts who wish to distort malign a religious faith and employ it as a political tool of control.

The forum allows for freedom of speech, but this freedom is afforded by the acceptance of responsibilities, we may not, assert or assume, that the freedom of speech is the same as the freedom of hate speech or license to use the freedom for malicious propaganda.

Please do reconsider.

:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan: A Republic, not some idiot islamic empire.
Third Eye said:
The larger Q is that the Military has never considered the " requirements' of the common man.They have struck at will.

If Zardari crosses the line, the Army is not far away

This Q best fit in the case of India, where more than 330 million do not have proper toilet facility, more than half of the nation sleep without food and under open air, more than three quarters of the nation earn less than a dollar a day and India claims that it is rising by doing nuclear deals and by buying billion dollars submarines and fighter jets. Hundreds of billions of dollars in government reseves, more than that is owned by its so called enterpreneurs and more than 10 times of that is SAFE as looted and black money in Swiss banks and on the other hand, more than 3 quarters of its army is in Kashmir alone, fought wars with most of its neighbours. Even Bangladeshis are not ready to tolarate Indians now. While India was their helper in 1971.

Where, at one side, Indians are living in open air. The government is building nuclear bunkers throughout the borders with Pakistan. Looks to me like India planning to recruite all those homeless people in Army and will accomodate them in those bunkers.

By the way, this was the strategy,used by the british government in India to keep people backword and less oppertunites to earn money force people to Join military. Do you not think that the India government also doing the same with its poor nation???

Its amazing how concerned ppl on this forum are ( BD & from Pak) on toilet facilities in India.

We are discussing martial law & the topc turns to toilets, nuc bunkers, what the brits did, money kept in swiss banks etc etc.

That too from someone whose leaders live abroad most of the time, return only to rule & return to their ' safe homes' when the heat gets turned on after they are overthrown !!

Can we get back to the topic please ?
Its amazing how concerned ppl on this forum are ( BD & from Pak) on toilet facilities in India.

We are discussing martial law & the topc turns to toilets, nuc bunkers, what the brits did, money kept in swiss banks etc etc.

That too from someone whose leaders live abroad most of the time, return only to rule & return to their ' safe homes' when the heat gets turned on after they are overthrown !!

Can we get back to the topic please ?

:) well one can also say this about Indians. It is also amazing that how people from India are concerned about Pakistan's internal affairs while knowingly avoding threads where any social problem of India is being discussed.

Its also intresting that on the one hand you are supporting Pakistani politicians in your hate for Pakistan army while on the other hand when the person mentioned many problems in India you came up with remarks like

That too from someone whose leaders live abroad most of the time, return only to rule & return to their ' safe homes' when the heat gets turned on after they are overthrown !!
Sajjad Ahmed in my opinion is far from reality. The eight years under musharraf were the ones in which the Pakistanis realized what freedom means. It is though another thing that we are a very unthankful nation. Before Musharraf got in, how many tc channels did we have, two at most. NS was more off a dictator then a democratic leader. Democracy was all disguise. If Musharraf wanted to impose martial Law, he would have had done it easily as then he had got the majority in his favour but chose not too and instead delivered his promises of returning the country back to democracy. IF martial Law gets back, it will because of the new collation partners and their pathetic polices and not because of Musharraf. Musharraf laid the foundations, now it the job of the new government to avoid creating such circumstances where the army needs to intervene. Already the ruppee has falled at a time when domestic currencies of other countries are getting stronger against dollar. Our foreign reserves are going an all time low. So low that friends of Pakistan was created to give us a push. That never happened in Musharrafs era. Infact Musharraf was the first leader who told the world community that we do not need aid, we need more trade. Thats the difference. The military of Pakistan saw some major upgradition conventional which before his tenure we could not even think off. People forget things so easily and that is exactly why we vote the same people back into the government which gave us nothing but destruction and chaos and unstability.
Muse Said:
It's a curious polemic you offer, Mr. Ahmad, I have read it a couple of times and I am not sure what the lengthy essay is about - however; some of the ideas you discuss are again, curious - you say:

OK. But it is quite surprising that you are unable to assertain what this article is all about. Usually such kind of arguments are given by those who do not subscribe the contents. Anyway...

You suggest that there was martial law during Mr. Musharraf's regime - this is patently false

What do you mean by patently? Your answer will be the answer of your own question. Mr. Musharraf was the Army Chief and became a ruler with the military power available to him and by himself. All chraracteristics comply with those of Martial Law. It may be the demand of yours but not necessarily the dream of any such ruler to call him Martial Law administrator. What we say in Urdu "Ghee seedhi ungli se nikle to ungli terrhee kerne ki kya zarurat ha". So if he has all Martial law powers available than what is the need to declare Martial Law too and provide issue to the political parties to campaign against him?

You suggest that Mr. Musharraf's regime was a party to the invasion of Afghanistan, you offer zero evidence to substantiate this incredible claim - the position you take is not informed that UN authorization of the action in Afghanistan was granted - yes, perhaps a technicality, nevertheless,, reality.

Did I said so??? Wow... I did not said that Mr. Musharraf's regime was party to Afghan invasion. Please do not try to manipulate the contents according to your own will and interests. Since I had not made any claim so this is illogical to ask for the evidence. UN authorization??? What a joke.

You assert that people "who lived in mountains" flew aircraft into the WTC - again, sir, this is false, not true. The pilots lived in Hamburg and in US cities where they trained to fly aircraft - they were from well to do, urbane families.

So go and find the helpers of Pilots in Hamburg and in other US cities, especially in Washington and around Pantagone & CIA headquarters. What they hell they are looking in Afghanistan?

Now you seem to be saying that tribals who have accepted money to wage war against Pakistan and it's defending Fauj, are somehow a factor keeping the US at bay - this is not just false it is a lie. Tribals fighting on behalf of taliban and Al Qaida are nothing but the enemies of Pakistan.

Yes, yes we know this arguments. Usually given by america prepared propaganda masters. The purpose is to convince their own poor, innocent and ignorant nations that we need to attack on Pakistan too. But here in Pakistan, no body is going to give any attention to such bogus and biased statements made by you. Instead, the readers would be laughing on you. Do I need to clarify the tribals and those who are recieving money from USA, India, Israel, Russia, Germany, France to destablize Pakistan. I do not think so.

You have suggested strong support from China - Again, one marvels at the quality of analysis your position rests on - China does not support anything other than the elimination of these Taliban and Al-Qaida and china does not want it's global position endangered for the sake of taliban or Al-Qaida

Perhaps, you read the so called report. In which, your like minds were trying to tell us that Pakistan is covertly supporting ETIM in China??? Don't tell us the jokes. We are not that free. The elimination of any factor in the world is not China's problem but the need of Zionists, who are actual rulars of USA. And the puppit regimes of USA are fully under control of the zionists. Those are the people who want to eliminate every single person and country from the world map, which may have potential to challange their religious faith of ruling the world. And, by the way, where did you read in the article that China is supporting to Taliban Alqaeeda??? Don't try to complicate the simple facts with your tricky mind.

And you also suggest that Pakistanis support the armed forces - I am sure this is debatable, allow me to offer a counter - what expression of popular general support of the armed forces can you point to?? Are funds being collected in masajid and shops to provide gifts for those soldiers fighting these taliban and AQ? Are the media mobilising the population to support the armd forces?? Are Masajid loud speakers being used to condemn the Taliban/AQ enemy??

Please keep your SURE with you. We do not need it. You left the debate of Masjids and other things and only concentrate on defence.pk website. Where you post one article against our beloved armed forces and you will get hundred responses to each of your stupid contributions.

Or forget everything, tell me me when will you go to kitchen?? Surely, when you will be hungry and when you need to sleep where will you go then??? Media do not need to MOBILISE the people. Such things are desperate needs of Indians and Americans, by the way. Where posts are empty and people are not joining the forces. The loud speakers of Masajid are not meant to seek support for military men. And also please try to UNDERSTAND the difference between the role of Church and Masajid in such a situations. Unlike all crusade, which has been started by Churches. Mosques are never used for such things. Though in the early days of Islam there are examples. But got to read and understand the difference. Sorry, I can not offer you this service. As my time is more precious than you.

Earlier your position was built on falsehoods, but the following challenges not just the intelligence of your readers, but their sanity:

So, our enemies consider our military build-up as the revolution of new Islamic Empire. This time, from South Asia

Islamic empire?? WTF?? Here, you reveal yourself and your agenda built on falsehoods - Sir, we are Pakistanis, not imperialsts who wish to distort malign a religious faith and employ it as a political tool of control.

You can not make fool with such stupid cut and paste operations and with your bad expertise of menipulation. Islamic Empire to rule the world is not our dream. Interestingly, Turkey do not claim itself a Muslim country. But still then why EUeans are not ready to take them in? Becuase mojority of the population is Muslim. So they consider it a Muslim country. Similarly, Rule of world is not our dreams, but the dream of Zionists. Additionally, Islamic country, and neither the Islamic Empire nor the Muslim Country, is our ideal.

The forum allows for freedom of speech, but this freedom is afforded by the acceptance of responsibilities, we may not, assert or assume, that the freedom of speech is the same as the freedom of hate speech or license to use the freedom for malicious propaganda.

Please do reconsider.

A Republic, not some idiot islamic empire.

First of all, your ending comments "Idiot Islamic Empire" is rogue statement and do not comply with the civilised manners. Islamic Empire is the concept of big enough Muslim country with good military power, strong economy and wealthy people, loyal to their country and most importantly the country with decisive influence over world issues. While Islamic country also has the same characteristics except the last one, the country with decisive influence over world issues. Our goal is an Islamic Country as made clear by Raja Sahab of Mahmoodabad on 23rd of May 1940 by saying "Mark by words gentlemen. I said Islamic and not muslim is our ideal." and also by Quaid e Azam made it clear many times. While the concept of Islamic Empire powered by the west and spreaded by the so called intellectuals like you. Who need issue against the increasing strength of Pakistan, in order to make their nations fool.

Secondly, your arguments about bad use of freedom of speech best fit to your own self. You misused the freedom of speech by unauthorised cut and past operations, wrong manipulation of contents and by trying to complicate the matters with your ticky mind.
=third eye;201616]Its amazing how concerned ppl on this forum are ( BD & from Pak) on toilet facilities in India.

Its equally amazing, how concerned some ppl on this forum are to see democracy in pak.

That too from someone whose leaders live abroad most of the time, return only to rule & return to their ' safe homes' when the heat gets turned on after they are overthrown !!

So now you understand what democracy is?
Its amazing how concerned ppl on this forum are ( BD & from Pak) on toilet facilities in India.

Its only the trolls who are into that. Typically not the serious Pakistani members.

Best to ignore them and let them enjoy their 2 seconds of fame.
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