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No excuses: Nawaz waiting for Imran’s return before calling APC

we keep searching you, you keep finding us, lets play it?
PTI VS PMLn? another 5 years of great destruction after zardari mafia time in power!lol
we keep searching you, you keep finding us, lets play it?
PTI VS PMLn? another 5 years of great destruction after zardari mafia time in power!lol

Exactly, His party is part of the status quo now while governing KPK but he still thinks himself of like 'Sultana Dako'.........(Rassee Jal Gayee...bal na gaye:omghaha:) by making his participation in this APC, we will finally puts his feets on the ground IA.:P
Exactly, His party is part of the status quo now while governing KPK but he still thinks himself of like 'Sultana Dako'.........(Rassee Jal Gayee...bal na gaye:omghaha:) by making his participation in this APC, we will finally puts his feets on the ground IA.:P

first of all .what do u mean by we will make him ..listen NS sharif dnt ******* care about u ..its a family party ..ur opinion doesnt matter to him ..so stop saying me and we ..he need patatic low life darbaries and make them fool ..btw if he listens to u ..tell that ******* hypocrate to pay the bill of his company ... now lets see if he listens to u ..u can try but trust me u will find out u r just a worthless piece of **** for him ... peace

we keep searching you, you keep finding us, lets play it?
PTI VS PMLn? another 5 years of great destruction after zardari mafia time in power!lol

u forget top mention altaf bhie here ..how can u forget the m,*** murderer with low live fools who follow them ..treat him as god ..justify all hi s wrong doings ..shairk karna choor duh
Hahaha the genius of IK at play once again. Our PM who can't speak straight to the Chinese in plane English and who usually takes dictations from his brother is going to chair the APC and will grunt Army. Duh! Good luck with that.

IK knew it these APCs doesn't bear any good fruits and that too on top when PMLN has no clear stance on eliminating terrorism - the core issue of why this APC is being called for... IK would've been part of APC only if some practical-outcomes were expected. Also, PMLN knows that the only fellow who can take on the holy cow of Pakistan is none other than IK, so they wanted to make sure the APC goes successful and it would not be possible without IK's part... this could be one reason why the APC got delayed.

IK and PTI will be playing a central role in this APC... if they decides to attend it.
IK is shying away from contributing to any policy. All he has been saying about terrorism absolutely doesn't holds and now he wants NS to bell the cat.

but NS is a much older and clever politician for hisself, he will rather let Pakistanis die in Terrorism than taking a firm position on terrorism, not risking any political fallout like Musharraf took the fallout but acted against Terrorists.

It is pretty easy to stay quite on Terrorism and keep criticizing US or world for terrorism in Pakistan rather than openely challenging the terorrists and ordering crackdown against those who don't want to renounce terrorism - and then be called a US stooge by Pakistani Right Wingers and political opponents as happened in case of Musharraf.

Unfortunately I only see politics happening on this issue while Pakistanis women are widowed, Children are orphaned and men have to die cold-bloodedly. :frown:

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