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No Excuse for Violence: Obama Tells Burma


Jun 19, 2008
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'No excuse for violence' in Myanmar

Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Front Page'No excuse for violence' in Myanmar
Obama says during his historic visit

Barack Obama with Myanmar opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi after addressing the media at Suu Kyi's residence in Yangon. He touched down yesterday morning, becoming the first serving US president to visit the Asian nation also known as Burma.Photo: AFP
Star Report

US President Barack Obama used a historic speech in Myanmar yesterday to urge an end to sectarian unrest in the western state of Rakhine, saying there was "no excuse for violence against innocent people".

"National reconciliation will take time, but for the sake of our common humanity, and for the sake of this country's future, it is necessary to stop the incitement and to stop violence," he added.

He called for an end to communal violence between Muslims and Buddhists in the western state of Rakhine.

Two major outbreaks of clash since June in the state have left 180 people dead and more than 110,000 displaced, reports AFP.

Most of those who fled their homes were stateless Rohingya Muslims, who have faced decades of discrimination.

The persecution of Rohingyas also affects Bangladesh. Whenever communal violence breaks out in Myanmar, the minorities intrude into Bangladesh through Teknaf bordering area.

Bangladesh accommodates around 29,000 registered Rohingya refugees, although different estimates suggest the number of the Myanmarese minorities unofficially living in and around Cox's Bazar ranges between 2.5 and 5 lakh, The Daily Star reported earlier.

"Today, we look at the recent violence in Rakhine state that has caused so much suffering, and we see the danger of continued tensions there," Obama said in his address at Yangon University.

"For too long, the people of this state, including ethnic Rakhine, have faced crushing poverty and persecution. But there's no excuse for violence against innocent people, and the Rohingya hold within themselves the same dignity as you do, and I do," he added.

Myanmar's reformist government is under pressure to give citizenship to the Rohingya as it comes under international scrutiny, with warnings that the conflict threatens its democratic transition.

Yesterday, Obama spent about six hours in Myanmar and did not visit the capital, Nay Pyi Taw, reports BBC.

The highlight of his visit was a speech at Yangon University, which was at the heart of pro-democracy protests in 1988 that were violently suppressed by the military regime.

Addressing students, he said America would help to rebuild Myanmar's economy and could be a partner on its journey forward.

Referring to his January 20, 2009 inauguration speech in which he pledged the US would extend a hand to any country that was willing to unclench its fist, he said: "Today I've come to keep my promise and extend the hand of friendship.

"But this remarkable journey has just begun, and has much further to go.

"Reforms launched from the top of society must meet the aspirations of citizens who form its foundation. The flickers of progress that we have seen must not be extinguished."

After visiting Myanmar, Obama headed to Cambodia to join a meeting of the Association of South East Asian Nations, in a trip that underlines the shift in US foreign policy focus to the Asia-Pacific region.

Earlier he met Thein Sein, saying the reform process "here in Myanmar... is one that can lead to incredible development opportunities".

Obama then met pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi at the lakeside home where she spent years under house arrest. She thanked the US for its support but warned that difficult times could lie ahead.

"The most difficult time in any transition is when we think that success is in sight," she said, saying people should not be "lured by a mirage of success".

The US president and his team also made a brief stop at Shwedagon Pagoda, the Yangon landmark that has been at the heart of many key moments in the country's history.

Obama was accompanied by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton - who was returning to Myanmar almost a year after her first visit.
Obama's word virtually has no value because his host Aung San Suu Kyi does not see eye to eye with him and labeled Rohigas, who lived there for thousands of years, as "illegal".

Net policy action and effect is US will provide lip service on Rohinga issue but rewarding Myanmar with trade benefit creating geo political and PR space for Myanmar genocidal acts. And then pushing Bangladesh to accept oppressed Rohingas. US has diced its policy implementation to hide its hand but its not hard to piece together what their end goal is.
Man's an idealist :lol:

We should not have responded to Soo Key's threatening rhetoric during her visit to India.

Simply stay quiet, beef up our military and economy. And not buy a single US made equipment :no:

The Burman's can whine all they like.
Suu kyi is a racist. I thought she is educated. But, she went to England to study. This how she proved herself not knowing the history of Arakan and its Rohingya people when she called them Bangladeshi immigrants. In reality, Barmans are the immigrants in Arakan. Arakan was no part of Burma and barmans have no business there. They should vacate that land and give the Rohingyas autonomy to rule their own land.
US does not give a damn about the Rohingya, but as long as it remains in the frontpage US will have to pay certain level of lip service. US will not be pressuring Bangladesh in any way. It is up to Bangladesh and OIC to ensure that Rihingya are not forgotten. Burma is under pressure internationally and also subregionally in ASEAN where indonasia and Malaysia has taken up the rohingya cause earnestly.
Amid all the discussions here, it can be concluded that the Burmans are frightened, and hence hostile toward Bangladesh.

Half-witted conspiracy theories aside, Bangladesh on its part had always worked for at least having amicable relations with Myanmar. Even during the Junta rule. It always had a non-confrontational foreign policy, and will remain that way no matter what no matter what half-witted conspiracy theorists say.

It'd be very interesting to see how they react in the long term considering this Rohingya issue will remain a thorn on Myanmar's progress.
As I said, bangla will eventually bend. The only lessons being given here are ones in real politik and you clowns should pay attention.

Amid all the discussions here, it can be concluded that the Burmans are frightened, and hence hostile toward Bangladesh.

Half-witted conspiracy theories aside, Bangladesh on its part had always worked for at least having amicable relations with Myanmar. Even during the Junta rule. It always had a non-confrontational foreign policy, and will remain that way no matter what no matter what half-witted conspiracy theorists say.

It'd be very interesting to see how they react in the long term considering this Rohingya issue will remain a thorn on Myanmar's progress.

How did you conclude that the? I thought you were the one bangladeshi here with an IQ bigger than your waistline.
How did you conclude that the? I thought you were the one bangladeshi here with an IQ bigger than your waistline.

I am actually very fit. Thank you.

Now what is clear is that you are fearful, and hence hostile toward us for reasons best known to yourselves. That hostility has to come from somewhere wouldn't it?

And just how are you going to make us "bend over"? What, you gonna intimidate us? :lol: Attack us? :woot:

Bear in mind, we never threatened or intimidated you in any way whatsoever.
I am actually very fit. Thank you.

Now what is clear is that you are fearful, and hence hostile toward us for reasons best known to yourselves. That hostility has to come from somewhere wouldn't it?

And just how are you going to make us "bend over"? What, you gonna intimidate us? :lol: Attack us? :woot:

Bear in mind, we never threatened or intimidated you in any way whatsoever.

I think you're mistaking fear with contempt. And we would not be so gauche as to attack anyone in this modern-day world of foreign military intervention but rather the international community will eventually pressure you into finding a bi-lateral solution. It's galling to think that you would entirely ignore the plight of an islamic peoples who speak in a dialect of your Chittagonian.
I think you're mistaking fear with contempt. And we would not be so gauche as to attack anyone in this modern-day world of foreign military intervention but rather the international community will eventually pressure you into finding a bi-lateral solution. It's galling to think that you would entirely ignore the plight of an islamic peoples who speak in a dialect of your Chittagonian.

And what is this "international community"? The last time I've heard is that they were trying to persuade the Bangladesh Government into accepting additional funds to help out the Rohingya refugees living in Bangladesh. Not accept all of them from all over Asia. You are having a very simplistic view.

A bi-lateral solution does not equate to accepting all of them into Bangladesh. Thien Sien asked the UN to "relocate" them into a third country. There aren't any international laws that dictate this. So that point is moot.

And no, the US is not going to take sides. There's a whole bigger ball game going on up there. They will not risk further complicating their strategy as they did in the Cold War.

And I'm afraid that Myanmar's leaders aren't particularly experienced in such. Including Sue Key. Quickly jumping over to the US camp is a dangerous thing they are doing.

Not saying my country's leaders are any better, but it does maintain a balanced foreign policy which strives to make all parties satisfied. Including dealing with Myanmar.

Somehow shoving the Rohingya issue down the carpet shows that they are letting fear rule over them. And by correlating Bangladesh into the issue, it can be said that there is fear.

And if the US does force us, they'll make the exact same mistake they did in 71'.
At some point a carrot will be placed in front of the General, as such they will do the right thing. They probably cooked the last election. Therefore I doubt they would care about public opinion this time around.
Let us see if Obama pushes for sanctions against the racist Burmese regime.

If it does not, then we know that it is simply paying lip-service.
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