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No compromise on Kulbhushan (anti state activities) - Pakistan Army

The more highlighted the Indians made this issue with threats like we will go any extent and out of the way to bring Yadav back, this has only strengthen our resolve and further sealed Yadav faith. No amount of back door talks or diplomacy can work when the issue is so hyped up in media on both sides.
So now question arises what expected outcome can one predict from Indian side? @deckingraj @Jackdaws @MilSpec
Gentlemen your response? I dont want to take this debate towards the legality of this death penalty or was it justified or a murder as we have had plenty on that.

He is in your custody. What you do with him is your choice. We hope our government does its due diligence w.r.t to an Indian National being in your custody to get him due process in available avenues of Pakistani Jurisprudence. If your evidences presented in reality are strong and irrefutable, and the Indian establishment knows that he was Spy involved in terrorism, My guess is India won't escalate it any higher. But if the contrary is true, where he was abducted from Iran and sold to ISI, then you are changing the game and setting a new precedent. As a result, a lot of innocent Pakistanis outside their country would be fair game, given that we can indeed spend a lot more to buy such individuals from third parties. Given that no Indian would ever condone such actions by Indian intell agencies, such scenario will never fructify. I sincerely hope it doesn't comes down to that.

I personally have doubts in your judicial system which stems from previous precedents set by your country in multiple cases. For the over eager moderators and other members with serious comprehension issues (offcourse not you @IceCold given the faith I have in you in actually understanding what I am writing), this is not implied insult or demeaning of your jurisprudence, this is just my concern, that he won't get the required avenues to defend his life.

In short, there are two outcomes,
1> If he indeed is a spy, there will be additional efforts in uncovering Pakistani spies operating around India, as a response.
2>If he is not a spy, and evidences are fabricated, and leads to his death sentence. We will see a lot more Indian doctors and engineers in Afghanistan being kidnapped and killed in this new modus operandi by Pakistan. Given India has not been in this game it will take Indian agencies ages to catch up.
It's clear as daylight that India can't do much to save their monkey this time so it's better to assume that Army is sending this message to our political leadership rather than India.
Nawaz Sharif and his gang can be the party poopers.
Every country requires a leftist voice - we may not agree to it but it is important in the discourse of a nation. 99% of time Arundhati Roy spews anti-Indian Govt pro-Maoist venom but it is important that she be allowed to air those views.
There is always a boundaries either for lefties or righties when few tried to hurt majority or play with minorities feelings it Sud be stop.
He is in your custody. What you do with him is your choice. We hope our government does its due diligence w.r.t to an Indian National being in your custody to get him due process in available avenues of Pakistani Jurisprudence. If your evidences presented in reality are strong and irrefutable, and the Indian establishment knows that he was Spy involved in terrorism, My guess is India won't escalate it any higher. But if the contrary is true, where he was abducted from Iran and sold to ISI, then you are changing the game and setting a new precedent. As a result, a lot of innocent Pakistanis outside their country would be fair game, given that we can indeed spend a lot more to buy such individuals from third parties. Given that no Indian would ever condone such actions by Indian intell agencies, such scenario will never fructify. I sincerely hope it doesn't comes down to that.

I personally have doubts in your judicial system which stems from previous precedents set by your country in multiple cases. For the over eager moderators and other members with serious comprehension issues (offcourse not you @IceCold given the faith I have in you in actually understanding what I am writing), this is not implied insult or demeaning of your jurisprudence, this is just my concern, that he won't get the required avenues to defend his life.

In short, there are two outcomes,
1> If he indeed is a spy, there will be additional efforts in uncovering Pakistani spies operating around India, as a response.
2>If he is not a spy, and evidences are fabricated, and leads to his death sentence. We will see a lot more Indian doctors and engineers in Afghanistan being kidnapped and killed in this new modus operandi by Pakistan. Given India has not been in this game it will take Indian agencies ages to catch up.

Well there r lots of Indians out of country aswell. And no one want you to trust on our judicial system. We will see wat may come.
The more highlighted the Indians made this issue with threats like we will go any extent and out of the way to bring Yadav back, this has only strengthen our resolve and further sealed Yadav faith. No amount of back door talks or diplomacy can work when the issue is so hyped up in media on both sides.
So now question arises what expected outcome can one predict from Indian side? @deckingraj @Jackdaws @MilSpec
Gentlemen your response? I dont want to take this debate towards the legality of this death penalty or was it justified or a murder as we have had plenty on that.

Well i don't think we have much in our hands as far as Yadav is concerned....usually diplomacy works on carrot and stick policy...In other words there has to be something at stake that other party will fear of loosing which in turn helps you negotiating.....now there is hardly any dialogue going in, so there is no question of any leeway...I mean how badly you can kill someone who is already dead or just on verge of dying??...

Unfortunately there are going to be consequences and the quantum of that will depend on final fate of yadav...Whatever we have seen in terms of India and Pakistan especially since Modi is in power, unprecedented steps has been the hallmark....Finally I am afraid they are going to be bad for common people both sides....In current atmosphere Yadav is most likely going to be hanged....and netizens captured on both sides(especially fishermen) is going to pay a huge price for it....In my view LOC is going to be red hot if Pakistan actually move ahead with execution... I can assure you had Yadav been hanged by now, coast guard in gujrat would have been busy shooting at those drowning Pakistani marines, leave aside any attempt to save them...
He is in your custody. What you do with him is your choice. We hope our government does its due diligence w.r.t to an Indian National being in your custody to get him due process in available avenues of Pakistani Jurisprudence. If your evidences presented in reality are strong and irrefutable, and the Indian establishment knows that he was Spy involved in terrorism, My guess is India won't escalate it any higher. But if the contrary is true, where he was abducted from Iran and sold to ISI, then you are changing the game and setting a new precedent. As a result, a lot of innocent Pakistanis outside their country would be fair game, given that we can indeed spend a lot more to buy such individuals from third parties. Given that no Indian would ever condone such actions by Indian intell agencies, such scenario will never fructify. I sincerely hope it doesn't comes down to that.

I personally have doubts in your judicial system which stems from previous precedents set by your country in multiple cases. For the over eager moderators and other members with serious comprehension issues (offcourse not you @IceCold given the faith I have in you in actually understanding what I am writing), this is not implied insult or demeaning of your jurisprudence, this is just my concern, that he won't get the required avenues to defend his life.

In short, there are two outcomes,
1> If he indeed is a spy, there will be additional efforts in uncovering Pakistani spies operating around India, as a response.
2>If he is not a spy, and evidences are fabricated, and leads to his death sentence. We will see a lot more Indian doctors and engineers in Afghanistan being kidnapped and killed in this new modus operandi by Pakistan. Given India has not been in this game it will take Indian agencies ages to catch up.
Don't worry boss India is too much into this game
And according to your realtime intelligence he is been kidnapped from Iran
And sold to ISI by..... if that's the case what was he doing in Iran with the fake
Id beside that why it's not been raised by your govt with the govt of Iran
I hope some learned member from Iran can shade some light on this matter
As we can say about the same for kasab who been bought by Indian through
Northern alliance
That's clear... there would be no compromise from army side but any word from politicians?
Time to break the neck of a terrorist. Hang him high and send a message to the enemy. We won't tolerate terror and their sponsors.
sabka saath sabka vikas (where it has failed miserably) and a strong, aggressive foreign policy (it hasn't delivered squat).

Can you translate the sabka saath sabka vikas, thanks.

As for aggressive foreign policy, I always thought of him as an optimist/ realist. He did follow through quite nicely as a successor to Mr. Vajapayee, setting the stage for a massive Indian diplomatic/economic clout which PM Modi is taking advantage of with varying success.
Can you translate the sabka saath sabka vikas, thanks.

As for aggressive foreign policy, I always thought of him as an optimist/ realist. He did follow through quite nicely as a successor to Mr. Vajapayee, setting the stage for a massive Indian diplomatic/economic clout which PM Modi is taking advantage of with varying success.

I guess it roughly translates to "everyone together, everyone progresses" - his election has given a fillip to right wing Hindus like cow vigilantes to run amok - he has alienated a lot of the population. His stellar advantage remains that he remains corruption free and the main opposition - the Congress is rudderless with a daft leader in Rahul Gandhi. A vocal and hands-on opposition leader would thoroughly exploit the shortcomings of the Modi regime. However, currently there is no opposition - Rahul Gandhi is uninspiring and inept and Kejriwal after promising much in the initial months has now been reduced to a clown with his antics.
Don't worry boss India is too much into this game
And according to your realtime intelligence he is been kidnapped from Iran
And sold to ISI by..... if that's the case what was he doing in Iran with the fake
Id beside that why it's not been raised by your govt with the govt of Iran
I hope some learned member from Iran can shade some light on this matter
As we can say about the same for kasab who been bought by Indian through
Northern alliance
Well, I cannot reply with any thing substantive to such brilliantly shaped narrative.
Ppp, pml-n, mqm, anp & people like achakzai are all sponsors & financiers of rent terrorism & well wishers of Raw & Afghan agencies.

These bastards should be hunted down.
Ppp, pml-n, mqm, anp & people like achakzai are all sponsors & financiers of rent terrorism & well wishers of Raw & Afghan agencies.

These bastards should be hunted down.
So you trying to say half of the PTI members who were joined PTI after 2013 should also
Be hunted down ?
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