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Actually it is a problem with we the people of subcontinent. We still do not understand the true meaning of democracy. We look upon these leaders as the rulers of our nations and their children as the heir.

The Nehru Gandhi Family ind India and the Bhutto's in pakistan are perfect example of this. In India Rahul Gandhi is termed as 'Yuvraj' which means the crowned prince and it is certain that he is the face of congress in India. I think the same mindset is there with PPP in Pakistan and now they want to project Bilawal as the price of Pakistan.

I have to disagree with u josh, I never heard of Rajeev Gandhi bringing Rahul gandhi or priyanka gandhi into an international high level meeting like this. Even if so people of India have an option to vote for other parties so that Gandhi dynasty wont bring their kids to such political matters.
Actually it is a problem with we the people of subcontinent. We still do not understand the true meaning of democracy. We look upon these leaders as the rulers of our nations and their children as the heir.

The Nehru Gandhi Family ind India and the Bhutto's in pakistan are perfect example of this. In India Rahul Gandhi is termed as 'Yuvraj' which means the crowned prince and it is certain that he is the face of congress in India. I think the same mindset is there with PPP in Pakistan and now they want to project Bilawal as the price of Pakistan.

actually problem is pretty difficult. If you are expecting a non-corrupt person will come up from this democratic system then forget it. This system is totally corrupt, and will never let any non corrupt person to come up. Can you give a single person in pakistan politics who is not corrupt? that is the reason.. also we all know where the all policies get planned, and actually get what USA select for us. So where is democracy?

btw there is no comparison of india and pakistan, but we have seen sonia gandhi many times in formal meetings so we can't point on bilwal as well, at least on this issue.. as he is the Chair Person of PPP.
I have to disagree with u josh, I never heard of Rajeev Gandhi bringing Rahul gandhi or priyanka gandhi into an international high level meeting like this. Even if so people of India have an option to vote for other parties so that Gandhi dynasty wont bring their kids to such political matters.

I take your point but everyone knows that Dr. Manmohan Singh is a puppet of Soniya and Rahul Gandhi..its them who are ruling India. I do not want to speak about Rajeev gandhi but yes, Soniya Gandhi is invited in to high level meetings and she has a more important stature than the Prime Mnister of India.
The photograph reminds me of benazir bhutto accompany her father for important meetings when she was young, i don't remember much of those, however have seen that in her book daughter of the east.

Even these pictures don't show that Benazir was a participant of a highly official meeting.

This Bilawal's presence can be seen from an other angle. All the parliamentarians and officials go through an oath when they take charge of their respective offices/duties, to be loyal to the country and not to reveal any state secret that may cause any security threat to the country. Bilawal has never gone through such oath. It means that he is not bound to keep the national secrets. So, when he is present in such highly official, rather sensitive, meetings he can be a security risk?

As far his being chiarmane of PPP is concerned, I don't think that he is the chairman at present. Because he has to be 25 to actively participate in politics. Funny, isn't it? A person is not eligible to take part in politics and he is attending highly official meetings.

Again, I see US as a part of it. Why they allowed it? Perhaps, just to make Zardari feel proud of bieng so important? and then act upon all their advices blindfold?
NAPOLEON once said:
So cheer up everyone ,what do you think US is doing?
BTW, who must have paid for this trip? i mean the President is ok, but does the package includes 'unofficial guests'?
well we know pakistan is run by few families. knowin that bilawal will be our future PM. so its gud he is gettin some training. may be it will also be gud if he visit pakistan durin summer and stay in a house with no power generators.
Father and son ....Sanford and son. We won't see this situation if BiBi was alive...really a brainless president of Pak history.
well i have to say ZARDARI turned out smarter than what all PAKISTANIS thought!!! i mean till november 2007 no one could have even imagined he would be running the country....

he is a master tactician....and the example of this is how he has made the PML(N) leadership go quiet by pulling out a SAUDI peace deal ACE!!

never underestimate your enemy my friends ZARDARI is a dog but till today all pakistanis underestimate his cunningness!!

as for BILAWAL well unfortunately pakistan never sees new faces & bilawal is the worse and detached leader pakistan can ever have!!

bilawal never lived in pakistan never understood pakistani culture properly can't speak urdu!!! i mean seriously Z.A.BHUTTO jr (murtuza's son) is much better than this guy!!!!
I doubt that Z.A Bhutto or Fatimah Bhutto would bring any difference to the whole ideology of our country. Because they will end up using the name Bhutto most of the time.
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