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Mar 31, 2008
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BUT here are some:

Please see this picture closely because, for the life of me, can't get over Bilawal Bhutto accompanying his father to a high-level meeting with Barack Obama and Hamid Karzai. (Can you ever imagine Obama bringing one of his daughters to a meeting like this or, for that matter, Bush one of his)???

Just have one question: WHY IS BILAWAL SITTING THERE ? A 20 year old who does not even know how to tie his shoes – but then come to think of it neither does his father. Actually, one more question: what does it say about Zardari's priorities that Bilawal is sitting closer to his father and Barack Obama than either Pakistan 's foreign minister (Shah Mahmood Qureshi, on Bilawal's left) or Husain Haqqani, Pakistan's ambassador to the U.S. (to Qureshi's left)?

There is no rational reason why Bilawal Bhutto should be sitting in on an extremely important meeting with extremely important leaders.
Could this be the "Divine Right Of The Kings" doctrine being implemented? Are these the new King and Crown Prince for us poor miserable Pakistanis???


Got this in an email.
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BUT here are some:

Please see this picture closely because, for the life of me, can't get over Bilawal Bhutto accompanying his father to a high-level meeting with Barack Obama and Hamid Karzai. (Can you ever imagine Obama bringing one of his daughters to a meeting like this or, for that matter, Bush one of his)???

Just have one question: WHY IS BILAWAL SITTING THERE ? A 20 year old who does not even know how to tie his shoes – but then come to think of it neither does his father. Actually, one more question: what does it say about Zardari's priorities that Bilawal is sitting closer to his father and Barack Obama than either Pakistan 's foreign minister (Shah Mahmood Qureshi, on Bilawal's left) or Husain Haqqani, Pakistan's ambassador to the U.S. (to Qureshi's left)?

There is no rational reason why Bilawal Bhutto should be sitting in on an extremely important meeting with extremely important leaders.
Could this be the "Divine Right Of The Kings" doctrine being implemented? Are these the new King and Crown Prince for us poor miserable Pakistanis???


Got this in an email.
Adab e ghulami bachpan sey sikhaye jaatey hein. Zardari is having him sit next to him to teach him the etiquettes of slavery first hand.
Not just tht ,see this picture....where the fu!k is Jinnah's picture in the presidential house?


Never saw a person who worships himself!sob
Could this be the "Divine Right Of The Kings" doctrine being implemented? Are these the new King and Crown Prince for us poor miserable Pakistanis???

Something to do with Politics of South Asia and the indirect election process...

Pakistan is not alone with the dynasty politics thing. India (Sonia, Rahul) , Bangladesh (Both begums), Sri Lanka (Bandaranaikes, Rajapaksa) all belong to some dynasty or the other. I think it might have something to do with the strong party orientation of politics. Bhutan does not have the problem and we'll see how Nepal gets by.

That said, taking a 20 year old to a meeting is a new standard for all south asian dynasties. The previous record would have to go to India's own Lalu Prasad for appointing his unlettered wife Rabri Devi as Chief minister. Thanks for taking that record away from us, Pakistan!:smitten:
An other thing is, why US allowed this? Its against any official norm or protocol.
I have a question regarding this.. would like general comments, please don't make it an international blame game.

1) Would direct elections of PM/president solve the issue ? USA (atleast until the last 20 years) did not have the problem. But then with the Bushes and Clintons (and Kennedy clan), that might be changing. So I am not certain. But in their 200 year history they have had very few dynasties.
2) How does Britain get away without dynasties ? They have a very similar parliamentary process. The only odd thing I have seen with them is that they will repeat their prime minister until bits and pieces start falling off (Thatcher, Blair).
3) A communist style polit-bureau actually solves the dynasty problem. USSR, China and Indian Communist states have no dynasties. But that is an extremely indirect form of elections and extremely party oriented. Not sure why dynasties do not work in such a "network" oriented system.
4) Israel does not have dynasties, though their military is very influential and acts as a feeder route to politics. Same goes for Iran where theology/educational sector acts as a feeder route.
Bilawal is the co-chairman of the PPP, isn't he?

Heads of political parties are usually not called to international conferences. Diplomatic ettiquette is that Heads of States meet Heads of State, Ambassadors meet Ambassadors etc. Theoretically, if a party chairman was involved, USA would have to drag in head of democratic party to the meeting.

The exceptions are when a foreign dignitary is on a foreign visit when they try to meet as many people as possible. Don't know when the picture was taken - was there a time when Karzai and Obama met on foreign soil with Pak heads (ie , not in US, not in Afghanistan ?). That then brings up the question of Pak Ambassador being in the meeting.
Bilawal Zardari bumps a seat in the Pakistani Delegation to the White House

A casual glance at this picture above taken a few weeks back one would generally not have seen the anomaly but a careful look reveals the problem, a high level meeting in Washington between the respective Presidents of The United States of American, Afghanistan and Pakistan, seems ordinary enough. Generally such a meeting is attended by the official representatives of each country, Afghanistan being represented by President Hamid Karzai, the American delegation by President Obama and you can even see Vice-President Joe Biden, but the problem lies when you take a look at the Pakistani side of the delegation President Zardari, Shah Mehmood Qureshi, Hussain Haqqani and Rehman Malik, but what-the-heck is Bilawal Bhutto Zardari doing sitting right next to Mr. Asif Zardari.

There is no rational reason why Bilawal Bhutto Zardari should be sitting in on an extremely important meeting with extremely important leaders. Could this be the “Divine Right Of The Kings” doctrine being implemented? You don’t see Hamid Karzai bringing his kids to such meetings, you don’t see Obama bringing his two girls for a round of official meetings, but ironically you DO SEE our President tagging along his 20-year old son for an adrenaline rushing tour of the White House. Lets also not forget the fact that during this official visit to Washington with a begging bowl for the IDP’s in Pakistan our President Zardari stayed in a $4200 Presidential Suite at the Willard Intercontinental Hotel in Washington while Bilawal Bhutto Zardari was given a $2200 suite all covered and sponsored by the Government of Pakistan. All this lavish spending continued while a national disaster brewed up in the Frontier Province due to the displacement of 2.5 Million people
Though I must also admit that looking at this picture does bring another priceless moment for the critics. With Bilawal Zardari in attendance, squeezing a last-minute jump seat between his father and the Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi it does seem that Rehman Malik was quite literally been pushed onto a ‘stool‘ at the end of the table. The expression with which he strains to hear the sermon of his [Mai Bap] President Obama is priceless. We know these Pakistani clowns care little about international customs and traditions and our screaming here will make no difference, but on hindsight I think we must thank Bilawal Zardari for squeezing into this meeting and have served us with an image of a constipated Rehman Malik getting the boot leg position ‘ova there

Google Image Result for http://teeth.com.pk/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/obama-karzai-zardari-bilawal.jpg
Its funny How he is copying his dad on every move I hope he doesn't imitate him on policy.
because he is our next PM....

I wonder why USA not objected.

Get ready pakistanis.......
Actually it is a problem with we the people of subcontinent. We still do not understand the true meaning of democracy. We look upon these leaders as the rulers of our nations and their children as the heir.

The Nehru Gandhi Family ind India and the Bhutto's in pakistan are perfect example of this. In India Rahul Gandhi is termed as 'Yuvraj' which means the crowned prince and it is certain that he is the face of congress in India. I think the same mindset is there with PPP in Pakistan and now they want to project Bilawal as the price of Pakistan.
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