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No capacity to deliver

Feb 13, 2013
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@Aeronaut @nuclearpak @Oscar @Jungibaaz or any mod: I tried to post this in Senior's Cafe but there was no response, so I am posting it here. Please move if necessary.

I think that the following article should be discussed in detail. As a nation, we need to take a serious look at the very basics that into making the foundations of a State.


No capacity to deliver - DAWN.COM

No capacity to deliver


2013-07-19 07:36:10

A BUS full of schoolchildren has an accident in Kallar Kahar in September 2011. Later we get to know that the vehicle was not roadworthy as the body was not up to specified standards and the brakes had not been properly checked.

A van, again full of schoolchildren, blows up in Gujrat in May 2013. We find out that faulty CNG installation was responsible. There was a can of diesel lying in the van, the pipe connecting the can and the CNG cylinder was not up to the mark and had not been properly secured.

A factory fire kills and injures hundreds of people in Karachi in September 2012. We find that the factory did not have enough functioning exits and the safety precautions that factories are supposed to take had been ignored. There was a factory fire the same day in Lahore, where the casualties were fewer, but reports pointed out similar problems and lacunae.

Most recently there was a fire in a chemicals warehouse in Lahore. The warehouse was located in a residential area of the city. One of the first things that was pointed out was that the chemicals had been stored at this location illegally and such chemicals should not have been stored in a warehouse in a residential locality.

The newspaper report had gone on to say that there were a number of warehouses in the vicinity of the one that had caught fire that were also storing chemicals illegally. But again, the revelations came after the incident.

These incidents, costing precious lives and the loss of millions of rupees, raise a number of issues. We seem to have lots of rules, regulations and laws but they do not seem to be observed by people, while mechanisms for enforcing these seem to be flawed. We do arrest the bus or van driver and the factory owner, if they survive, and some of them may go to jail, but that clearly does not go to the heart of the problem.

The rules and regulations we have are too onerous and people cannot reasonably observe them, the detection systems are so weak and corrupt that there is incentive to save on expenditure by not fulfilling the requirements or improving the implementation mechanisms, including the flawed system of checks and balances.

In this scenario, most people must be flouting the rules — we only get to know of a few when accidents occur. The rot must be a lot deeper and wider.

We need to institutionalise a thorough reform process to look at safety codes and other issues. We need to look at the rules and regulations to figure out if they are suited to current conditions and are optimised.

Then we need to redesign mechanisms to ensure their implementation: we need mechanisms for regular inspections and checks to ensure compliance and appropriate fines or other punishment for infringements of the law.

This is easier said than done. Why has government after government failed to take action? Every time an incident occurs, the government promises action, but nothing much happens in the end.

The problem is deeper and more entrenched. The concept of ‘isomorphic mimicry’ and ‘capability traps’, developed by economist Lant Pritchett, may be helpful if we wish to reflect.

Pritchett believes that a lot of institutions and organisations in the developing countries, in the public sector in particular, have the outer form or structure of comparable institutions and organisations in the developed world. But they do not have the capability to deliver the basic and core functions of such institutions and organisations.

They mimic actions by managing visible and easy-to-monitor variables, but where core functions are concerned, they do not have the capability to deliver. And these organisations are trapped in these mimicry structures.

We might have schools that look like schools anywhere. We might even have teachers and students in classes, and uniforms and books. But when it comes to delivering on learning outcomes, we fail. And the trap has to do with the fact that when we talk of reforms, we talk of infrastructure (boundary walls, bathrooms) as the main issue and do not focus on learning outcomes.

But parents send their children to schools to learn. Should these learning outcomes not be our main measure of output or success? Instead reforms usually focus on everything other than these outcomes and indicators. Our schools mimic what other schools do, outwardly, but do not deliver on variables of interest.

The same seems to be true of officials like building and motor vehicle inspectors as well as a number of governmental departments. They have the outer form of these departments but are incapable of delivering the services they are required to provide.

Making laws is the easy and most visible part. That the government keeps doing. But when it comes to implementing them, the government lacks delivery mechanisms and the requisite capability and competence.

Government departments give salaries to bureaucrats and clerks; they produce much noise and a lot of paperwork. When disaster strikes, the incompetence of the departments is highlighted, but even catastrophes fail to induce change as incompetence is entrenched because of the poor abilities of bureaucrats, clerks and the system surrounding them. It is a hard equilibrium to break.

Capability traps can be broken but that requires long-term and intensive work focusing on redesigning organisations, institutions and systems. Political governments do not seem to be interested in doing that. It is easier to make underpasses, motorways and bus systems.

But if we want sustainable and sustained growth we have to change gears and work on longer-term governance reform plans.

The writer is senior adviser, Pakistan, at Open Society Foundations, associate professor of economics, LUMS, and a visiting fellow at IDEAS, Lahore.
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. But when it comes to delivering on learning outcomes, we fail. And the trap has to do with the fact that when we talk of reforms, we talk of infrastructure (boundary walls, bathrooms) as the main issue and do not focus on learning outcomes.

The reforms that we talk of are grass root level and absolutely necessary, should have been done a long time ago, like untreated wounds, they've been left to fester and among the average Pakistani these gaps in proper governance are part of everyday life. The longer we leave them to fester, the worse they will get and the more difficult it will become to remove.

But we Pakistanis are lazy, we don't move until it is absolutely necessary, you wont see change among us until us as individuals are affected significantly.

The question here being; How does one as an individual attempt to change this? I lack the vision to give a decent answer, I'll leave it you folks.
no democrazy, can deliver any thing in a less educated country?
you need a leader like mao, who can train them to the level that they can beat the world, with thier determination?
The reforms that we talk of are grass root level and absolutely necessary, should have been done a long time ago, like untreated wounds, they've been left to fester and among the average Pakistani these gaps in proper governance are part of everyday life. The longer we leave them to fester, the worse they will get and the more difficult it will become to remove.

But we Pakistanis are lazy, we don't move until it is absolutely necessary, you wont see change among us until us as individuals are affected significantly.

The question here being; How does one as an individual attempt to change this? I lack the vision to give a decent answer, I'll leave it you folks.
It will happen slowly, an individual can change by forcing politicians to take action, by petitioning online or posting videos on youtube.

no democrazy, can deliver any thing in a less educated country?
you need a leader like mao, who can train them to the level that they can beat the world, with thier determination?

what if the pakistani mao was brilliant but his son was dumb but you are struck with him because mao made sure you do. Most maos tend to do that. China is different.
It will happen slowly, an individual can change by forcing politicians to take action, by petitioning online or posting videos on youtube.

what if the pakistani mao was brilliant but his son was dumb but you are struck with him because mao made sure you do. Most maos tend to do that. China is different.

did ever any mao,s son rulled over china?
actulllly mao was from china, there isnt any other mao in the world?right?
any pakistani following chairman moa will make sure, he would do the same, by not imposing his stupid son, on the nation after him?
no he did not... you are right.. :lol:

i think as a nation! we need a simple leader dedicated & patriotic, a bit libral with a iron hand pushing forward with a rotating chain of command to follow up?
thts it!
i think as a nation! we need a simple leader dedicated & patriotic, a bit libral with a iron hand pushing forward with a rotating chain of command to follow up?
thts it!

alas... only if you learn that its not a 'system' .. any good system should work with normal people dont normal things... once you put that structure in place, it should self propagate and continue, infact refine the system.

Relying too much on a messiah is a weakness of society which cant do things together. Such society will disintegrate as soon as messiah departs.
no democrazy, can deliver any thing in a less educated country?
you need a leader like mao, who can train them to the level that they can beat the world, with thier determination?

Democracy is the way forward. You cannot expect Pakistan to benefit from democracy in just 5 years, wont happen anywhere. Give it some time, you will see the fruits of democracy. You can't expect dictators or military rulers to do the job of elected representatives.

Besides, when your civilian government fails, they are ousted by power of vote, when dictators fail, their removal can often result in civil war and political turmoil.

i think as a nation! we need a simple leader dedicated & patriotic, a bit libral with a iron hand pushing forward with a rotating chain of command to follow up?
thts it!

Leaders are only as good as the people they govern.
The day Pakistanis wise up a bit, is the day we elect good leaders like you've said.
nearly 40 years of stupid damocrazy in pakistan ?
today pakistanis ask they dont need to waste 100 more years on the stupid elites eliteness?
since how many times, when a dictator removed pakistan got civil wars?
its all dam propaganda, started by vasted intersts with croupted money distributed to the media, nothing more?
pakistanis were 1000% safe, relexed, usefull, & happy in all of dictators rule?

alas... only if you learn that its not a 'system' .. any good system should work with normal people dont normal things... once you put that structure in place, it should self propagate and continue, infact refine the system.

Relying too much on a messiah is a weakness of society which cant do things together. Such society will disintegrate as soon as messiah departs.

so in other words, china is a joke to you?:rofl:
i think messiah needs to create not a legecy but a system itself, even a brutal one but, which can solve the common men problem?
still china is far productive, & progressive thn rest of asian democrazies?
actully, we south east asians are to much influenced by gora,s?
its not yhat damocrazy is the best or the only system in which a nation can grow up?
nearly 40 years of stupid damocrazy in pakistan ?
today pakistanis ask they dont need to waste 100 more years on the stupid elites eliteness?
since how many times, when a dictator removed pakistan got civil wars?
its all dam propaganda, started by vasted intersts with croupted money distributed to the media, nothing more?
pakistanis were 1000% safe, relexed, usefull, & happy in all of dictators rule?

That's not true.

We've haven't had proper democratic process ever, only now have we had a proper transition.
The reason why democracy is weak in Pakistan is that because it's never been able to grow stronger. Democracy is no quick fix, it takes decades of patience.
nearly 40 years of stupid damocrazy in pakistan ?
today pakistanis ask they dont need to waste 100 more years on the stupid elites eliteness?
since how many times, when a dictator removed pakistan got civil wars?
its all dam propaganda, started by vasted intersts with croupted money distributed to the media, nothing more?
pakistanis were 1000% safe, relexed, usefull, & happy in all of dictators rule?

so in other words, china is a joke to you?
china does not rely on messiah system as proposed by you.. they have inner party democracy as far as I know but not sure exactly how it works.
Tell me why their system will work in your country. China is an exception not rule. Look at most eastern europe and russia.
A pakistani version of CPC will be much more corrupt, and not only that, it will gag your voice. At least you could throw PPP out.
That's not true.

We've haven't had proper democratic process ever, only now have we had a proper transition.
The reason why democracy is weak in Pakistan is that because it's never been able to grow stronger. Democracy is no quick fix, it takes decades of patience.
last of elections haa proven you wrong instead, in a less educated & poor nation , it doesnt matter what democrazy it is? as long as it can gives the poors the bread?
thats why in this election peoples voted for 1000 rupees, but not for change? right
cause they just need that?
also damocrazy wasnt succsessfull because all these politicians themselves were pushing each others for power?
dont blame the failures to armed forces, who are just there when, there was no one?
be it a earthquack or floods or even doctors strikes?
china does not rely on messiah system as proposed by you.. they have inner party democracy as far as I know but not sure exactly how it works.
Tell me why their system will work in your country. China is an exception not rule. Look at most eastern europe and russia.
A pakistani version of CPC will be much more corrupt, and not only that, it will gag your voice. At least you could throw PPP out.

mao was thier messiah? right? he devloped a brutal system with a rotation of command?
we never tried that system , cause we were too impressed with gora shahi?
even russia is a new version of chinese system, commrade putin is thiet messiah, who trunned the tables out?
vietnam, laos, even combodia still doing fine?

work in progress!
behold & beaware!

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