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No ban on Sikh turbans, only on burqas, says France

Yes. Nice. But why cover the hair? The hair itself does not add as much beauty as ... say the face. Or you know... :D

Also, it is impossible to find out about one's heart from outside. It takes days, may be years to truly know someone. :)

Actually it doesn't any more, relatively. In older times a woman's hair used to make men go crazy, as did ankles, wrists and necks, times were more conservative back then. If you pick up some old poetry you'd see how the poet always gets enchanted by the woman's hair.

When more and more women started exposing their hair in public it began to lose its sexual appeal, as did the wrists and the ankles and the neck. Take a woman's legs and/or belly as an example. Only a few decades ago these were quite sexualized, however, in today's world where a woman's belly and legs are easily seen almost everywhere, they have lost their sexual appeal. Or take the example of a woman's cleavage. Go to EU or North America and you notice that it's not that big a deal for men there, come to Pakistan or India and you'd see men drooling gallons over it.

So, women's hair in those times in Arabia (and most of the rest of the world, EU included) was quite sexualized and was considered extremely inappropriate to show them in public.
So, women's hair in those times in Arabia (and most of the rest of the world, EU included) was quite sexualized and was considered extremely inappropriate to show them in public.
That is cool. :) More than that, I guess the harsh weather must have played a part.

So I assume that burqa will be pointless in far more temperate regions today. Quranically speaking.
Yes. Nice. But why cover the hair? The hair itself does not add as much beauty as ... say the face. Or you know... :D

Also, it is impossible to find out about one's heart from outside. It takes days, may be years to truly know someone. :)

Primary lesson to learn about organized Religions - never get into an argument about one, an organized religion has thought about everything and has a prepared answer for everything.
Primary lesson to learn about organized Religions - never get into an argument about one, an organized religion has thought about everything and has a prepared answer for everything.
I know. But it still remains interesting. :)
No, as Muslim we shouldn't choose our partner due to their looks but rather their heart another reason is to prevent sexual harassment.

O Prophet! Tell your wives and daughters and the believing women that they should draw over themselves their jilbab (outer garments) (when in public); this will be more conducive to their being recognized (as decent women) and not harassed. But God is indeed oft-forgiving, most merciful. (33:59)

And know that women advanced in years, who no longer feel any sexual desire incur no sin if they discard their thiyab (outer garments), provided they do not aim at a showy display of their zeenah (charms or beauty). But it is better for them to abstain (from this); and God is all-hearing, all-knowing. (24:60)
how can you knew your partner heart if you are not allowed to befriend her/him ? How you can know her if your schools are separated ? If you are not allowed to talk to her ? If you only knew her from cheap trash books or the jokes that some people made or the lies that somebody make about his or her conquests ? How you can made a marriage work when your partner is the first one from opposition sex that you have interaction with. How you can made a marriage work on trial and failure based on wrong assumptions?
how can you knew your partner heart if you are not allowed to befriend her/him ? How you can know her if your schools are separated ? If you are not allowed to talk to her ? If you only knew her from cheap trash books or the jokes that some people made or the lies that somebody make about his or her conquests ? How you can made a marriage work when your partner is the first one from opposition sex that you have interaction with. How you can made a marriage work on trial and failure based on wrong assumptions?
Bro , of course you have time to talk and interact with her as long as it isnt anything sexual and If you dont see a future relationship between him or her then you can decline.
Bro , of course you have time to talk and interact with her as long as it isnt anything sexual and If you dont see a future relationship between him or her then you can decline.
but if you separate them from the first day of school when they have that time ?
I dont think anybody should have a issue regarding covering up hair, Be it Sikh's or the Muslim women, The issue is when people dehumanize themselves or are forced to cover up their faces in the guise of religious sentiment.. It's utter BS and does not equate to the right to choose, Human rights or religious freedom

The soul of a being is through it's face, You cover that up he/she becomes a mere object.. It's the worse kind of sexual harassment.. That should not be tolerated in any form
Oh no! Evil Yindoo Moooody has turned France also into RSS Sanghis. :lol:


But France has its own choice.

how can you knew your partner heart if you are not allowed to befriend her/him ? How you can know her if your schools are separated ? If you are not allowed to talk to her ? If you only knew her from cheap trash books or the jokes that some people made or the lies that somebody make about his or her conquests ? How you can made a marriage work when your partner is the first one from opposition sex that you have interaction with. How you can made a marriage work on trial and failure based on wrong assumptions?

Exactly my questions. :D
but if you separate them from the first day of school when they have that time ?
I dont know about Iran but in Pakistan you ask your parents and your parents will ask the family of the girl you are interested in and you'll be free to take her out time to time and constantly have family meetings/feasts.
India's power working. This is the benefit of being Indian and Indian originated religion. No way this request was going to be accepted had this request come from any other developing or Islamic country.
Thank God. Thank you France. :)

India's are so gullible. The law states the following

1. No woman is allowed to wear any dress which covers her full face. Indian Hindoo Women wearing Ghunghats will also face the same problems.

Rajasthani Woman In Ghunghat 24_002016, Pictures- Picturesindia.com

2. No religious symbols including turbans, hijab, crosses etc. are allowed in Govt. Schools but can be worn in private schools if allowed by the school board.

3. Turbans are not allowed as safety helmets on motorbikes as allowed in India.

Hope that educates all.
2. No religious symbols including turbans, hijab, crosses etc. are allowed in Govt. Schools but can be worn in private schools if allowed by the school board.

3. Turbans are not allowed as safety helmets on motorbikes as allowed in India.

Hope that educates all.

Please Pardon my Ignorance - would you be kind enough to rephrase these 2 points or explain in detail? :confused:
seeking to address the allegations regarding the "so-called restrictions'' imposed on the wearing of the Sikh turban, France on Tuesday clarified that there was no ban on Sikhs wearing turbans in public places.

The ban, said the French embassy in New Delhi, was only on burqa "for obvious security reasons".

In a clarification, the embassy said France upheld the freedom of religion, as well as the right not to have one, and opposed discrimination on this ground. The "ban" on turbans, it said, was applicable only in public schools. "French law in this matter is very precise: the restriction applies to the wearing of all visible religious signs, without any discrimination, and it applies only to public schools. It leaves it to the heads of public schools to take the most appropriate measures, so that it is implemented in a sensitive manner,'' said the embassy, adding that, "There has been no particular problem in its application.''

No ban on Sikh turbans, only on burqas, says France - Times of India
I like the articles you post. I am going to subscribe to your news agency. :)

on topic:
whats the fuss about?
If you want to live in France, live by their laws. I live in ME, and i follow the rules of the country I live in. when I enter KSA i put on a burqa, can the french not expect the same in return?

Indian Hindoo Women wearing Ghunghats will also face the same problems.
Lol at that.
Ghoonghat wearing Indian women abroad???have you spotted any???
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Please Pardon my Ignorance - would you be kind enough to rephrase these 2 points or explain in detail? :confused:

Government Schools = Government funded and run by them. You cannot carry any religious symbols while on the School Premise.

Your Driving License / Passport photo should be without a turban. You cannot drive without helmets in France and unlike India you cannot say your turban does not allow you to wear a helmet. Most Sikhs in France don't have a problem but Sikh's in Punjab do. Two young sikhs students took this case to court and lost in all forums as it was not against anyone religion. However they did win in the UN but the ruling was non binding on France.

I like the articles you post. I am going to subscribe to your news agency. :)

on topic:
whats the fuss about?
If you want to live in France, live by their laws. I live in ME, and i follow the rules of the country I live in. when I enter KSA i put on a burqa, can the french not expect the same in return?

Lol at that.
Ghoonghat wearing Indian womn abroad???have you spotted any???

if ever they did come to France though i confess i have never seen any in France though in London once. the point is no one is allowed to cover their full face in public places in France and it is not muslim centric.

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