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No Aryan migration into India / Pakistan? Its' all a myth?

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The point is that the Indo-Europeans foreigners established themselves as upper castes, therefore lighter skinned Hindus are on top of your caste system while darker skinned Hindus are in the bottom of your caste system, even though the low caste Hindus were the original inhabitants of India...

Therefore the Hindu caste system is a discriminatory system like the Nazi System in pre-world war 2 Germany.

The original inhabitants of Indiamost likely in the islands of Andaman. And also the Tribals of India, which are not even included in the caste system.

The West Bengladeshis and Tajiks are found around 70%, Russians/Ukranians/Poles around 50-60%, Scandinavians around 20-30%.

Its even found in the tribals of India. Tribals like Chenchus hold on average 26%.
Just for the sake of DNA map, if we accept this than the frequency of R1a1a is highest in India, how Russian can claim that Eastern Europe is the origin?

While the earliest Aryan book Rigveda doesn't write anything beyond India.

Many Russians simply can't stand with the fact that half of their father bloodline coming from Indians.

So they prefer to stick with their own theory that Aryans were their natives, later it came to India by establishing the caste system onto the aboriginal Dravidians.
Just for the sake of DNA map, if we accept this than the frequency of R1a1a is highest in India, how Russian can claim that Eastern Europe is the origin?

While the earliest Aryan book Rigveda doesn't write anything beyond India.

Rigveda was written in central asia, not India. Hinduism takes elements from aryan and dravidian rituals.
The point is that the Indo-Europeans foreigners established themselves as upper castes, therefore lighter skinned Hindus are on top of your caste system while darker skinned Hindus are in the bottom of your caste system, even though the low caste Hindus were the original inhabitants of India...

Therefore the Hindu caste system is a discriminatory system like the Nazi System in pre-world war 2 Germany.

Lower caste groups might have originated with the hierarchical divisions that arose within the tribal groups with the spread of Neolithic agriculturalists, much earlier than the arrival of Aryan speakers", and "the Indo-Europeans established themselves as upper castes among this already developed caste-like class structure within the tribes.

Try again. Besides this is only one point of view, and trust me there are many schools of thought when it comes to this Aryan migration/invasion theory.
brother i am from india..believe me..aryans dident came to india....why would they come from cooler regions and settle in hot equator regions are u mad??they settled in punjab kashmir and around indus river that had moderate climate...why they hell will they come to my hometown of calcutta that has hot climate?[/B]

Are you sure human migration always been from hot place to cold place?
Also, I have no idea about climate of that time.
Even now loads of russian girls in Goa. Why? (dont answer, am just kidding)
Are you sure human migration always been from hot place to cold place?
Also, I have no idea about climate of that time.
Even now loads of russian girls in Goa. Why? (dont answer, am just kidding)

Stop replying to trolls mate. They thrive on this kinda shyte.
Cultures and religions may change, but race (genes) does not. Aryans (central Asian hordes) migrated to many places, intermarried with locals, and they have different cultures and religions now.

But modern ancestral DNA map shows that there is commonality between all Indians including north and south. So far there is no proof that Aryans came from outside. They didn't mentioned it for once in the books. All its Sindhu, Saraswati and Ganga.
But modern ancestral DNA map shows that there is commonality between all Indians including north and south. So far there is no proof that Aryans came from outside. They didn't mentioned it for once in the books. All its Sindhu, Saraswati and Ganga.

There is, because of intermarrige between races. Did you see the video I posted about India-BBC, some posts back. Quite interesting.
Watch it and give your view afterwards.
Many Russians simply can't stand with the fact that half of the father bloodline coming from Indians.

So they prefer to stick with their own theory that Aryans were their natives,
Thats the main reason. They prefer their views only, above facts.

later it came to India by establishing the caste system onto the aboriginal Dravidians.

North and South Indian populations share a common ancestral origin.
Let him have his share of fun. Mods usually sleep during this time. Tomorrow all these will be cleaned.
Feel bad for mods now.

This same guy comes every day and posts some crap. I am wondering why his IP is not banned. There is an option for that right?
This same guy comes every day and posts some crap. I am wondering why his IP is not banned. There is an option for that right?

This is just frustration of real life showing on the internet. This is usual in all forums. Mods cannot do anything more than just banning.
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