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Nisar’s stance on Kashmir forces Rajnath Singh to leave SAARC conference

Article 1,
Constitution of J&K says

J&K is integral part of union of India

Chapter closed

Human rights cannot be excuse of carrying a AK-47 with grenade launcher in valley

And issuing a threat to security forces

Who wrote this constitution of "OCCUPIED" J&K ??
Article 1,
Constitution of J&K says

Written by india the occupying country. This "Constitution of J&K" is treated as piece garbage by Kashmiri people and that is what counts.
Who wrote this constitution of "OCCUPIED" J&K ??
It was Passed by J&K Assembly with full Majority
Constitution of Jammu & Kashmir is the legal document which establishes the framework of government at state level in Indian state of Jammu & Kashmir. The present constitution was adopted on 17 November 1956, and came into effect on January 26, 1957. As of 2002, 29 amendments have been affected to the Constitution.

Preamble to the Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir is as quoted below.


having solemnly resolved, in pursuance of the accession of this State to India which took place on the twenty sixth day of October, 1947, to further define the existing relationship of the State with the Union of India as an integral part thereof, and to secure to ourselves-

JUSTICE, social, economic and political;

LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;

EQUALITY of status and of opportunity; and to promote among us all;

FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity of the nation;

IN OUR CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY this seventeenth day of November, 1956, do HEREBY ADOPT, ENACT AND GIVE

— -Preamble of Constitution of Jammu & Kashmir.


Exactly, That was the time, when india was in strength among the ministers (or raja's of that time). Now the people are voicing up to the atrocities and, as per your own minister, good terrorism that your army is unleashing on unarmed civilians..
Rajnath's only statement was, stop comparing "good" & "bad" terrorism. If a person kills somebody with guns, doesn't matter if he/she is fighting got freedom, religion or food he/she is a terrorist. As simple as that.

Yes it bloody does!
Go plead that to a Pakistani and there is no use pleading to me. We are not Pakistanis.

You know very well what is pleading and what is pointing out. Anyway those who cannot face the truth shy away this way.
ISLAMABAD (Web Desk) – Indian Home Minister Rajnath Singh on Thursday could not digest the blunt stance on Kashmir by his Pakistani counterpart Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan and left the SAARC conference without attending the last session.

Rajnath Singh felt displeased after Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan candidly advocated the issue of peace in Indian-held Kashmir during addressing a one-day meeting of home ministers from countries belonging to South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (Saarc).

Nisar at one point outrightly said that there is a difference between terrorism and struggle for freedom probably referring to the uprising in Kashmir.

“The violence being committed against the innocent people of Indian Kashmir is open terrorism,” Nisar said during his extempore address as Pakistan’s interior minister.

The Indian delegation led by Rajnath Singh left the meeting and did not talk to media at the airport as well.

According to multiple media reports, a strong stance of Pakistan over regional peace and especially Kashmir made it difficult for Rajnath Singh to carry on with the meeting and he took his way to New Delhi.

Earlier, the minister left his seat of speaker to address all issues point by point raised by home ministers of the member countries.

“We have always wished to work in close cooperation with all our neighbours and we believe all pending issues can be addressed through dialogue.”

Khan went on to claim that Pakistan suffered heavy losses in the fight against terrorism and the country condemned every single incident of terror which claimed innocent lives.

The interior minister’s remarks come in the backdrop of escalating tensions between the nuclear-armed rivals over unrest in disputed Kashmir.

As per Indian media reports, the ongoing strain in Indo-Pak relations was evident at the SAARC interior/home ministers’ conference when home minister Rajnath Singh came face-to-face with Chaudhary Nisar for the first time the two leaders barely shook hands.

New Delhi on the other hand alleged that Pakistan blacked out Rajnath Singh’s address at the SAARC home ministers’ meet.

Blah blah blah....
Blah blah blah....
We know truth hurts.......

And the blunter it is more painful it is ...

Indians never like to wake up from their atoot ang shit dream but a very rude awakening is awaiting them ..

Sooner than they anticipate
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