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Nirbhay cruise missile to be tested by next month finally


Aug 14, 2013
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Country will test missile shield next week: DRDO - The Times of India

BHUBANESWAR: In a boost to the defence sector, the country is all set to test its anti-ballistic missile defence system for long range (beyond 100 km) off Odisha coast for the first time next week.
This will be followed by trial of cruise missile Nirbhay (whose maiden test had failed last year) and air-to-air missile Astra next month, Avinash Chander, scientific adviser to defence minister, said here on Saturday.

During an informal chat with mediapersons, Chander, who is also director general (DG), Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO), said the indigenously-built unnamed missile interceptor will be tested from Wheeler Island. DRDO successfully tested interceptors at least six times earlier, but the range was between 20 and 30 km.
"It is a system to intercept enemy missiles with a range of 2,000 km. The missiles will get intercepted at range of more than 100 km away so that damage to our cities can be prevented," the DG said. Chander was here to address convocation of Siksha 'O' Anusandhan University.
Official sources said the DRDO will fire a missile, mimicking an enemy weapon, from a naval warship, while the interceptor missile will be launched from launching complex-IV. The interceptor will destroy the warhead of the 'enemy' missile midair. The entire process will be fully automated.

Chander said DRDO is also preparing to test Nirbhay, a sub-sonic cruise missile which flunked maiden test in March last year, early next month off Odisa coast. Nirbhay (which means fearless) is India's equivalent to America's Tomahawk and Pakistan's Babur.

DRDO will also test-fire Astra, the beyond visual range air-to-air single stage and solid-fuelled missile, from an aircraft. The 3.8-metre Astra is the smallest DRDO-developed missile.
"Both are having unique capabilities. Astra will be tested for the first time from an Su-30 aircraft.

These two tests will be carried out between Chandipur and Wheeler Island in next 15 to 20 days", Chander said.

Sources said if Astra is successfully fired, India will break into elite group of nations, including the US, France, Russia and Israel, possessing such missiles. The missiles are capable of engaging ultra-modern supersonic fighter jets. Astra can carry a 15-kg high-explosive warhead.
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This news is probably the best one I heard in recent past...

I wish all 3 test , to succeed ..

Let's wait for the celebrations..:partay:

Indeed ...test of Nirbhay has been delayed for so many months

Good to hear about it

DRDO has lined up several major launches ...this year .

Nirbhay will succeed this time ....

Other launches such as Astra launch from Sukhoi and PDV interceptor launch are also very crucial ....

Keeping fingers crossed ....
3 important tests. Hopefully all PDV, Nirbhay and Astra comes out success.
Crystal ball might go up in smoke when it takes into account an equally smoky history of Indian Missile program. (the going up in smoke type smoky)

Mmm, says a man from the country which has produced so many successful technological military marvels.

Unlike them, we don't have the luxury of getting pre-tested missiles from China or N-korea and renaming it after Turkic plunderers. All they have to do is to remember to change the default co-ordinates from Taiwan or Seoul.
Chander said DRDO is also preparing to test Nirbhay, a sub-sonic cruise missile which flunked maiden test in March last year, early next month off Odisa coast. Nirbhay (which means fearless) is India's equivalent to America's Tomahawk and Pakistan's Babu
Does babur CM is based on tomahawk tech ?? :crazy_pilot::tongue:
Does babur CM is based on tomahawk tech ?? :crazy_pilot::tongue:

Indeed ..see the excerpt below

" In 1998, when the Clinton administration launched 75 Tomahawk cruise missiles at Osama bin Laden’s bases in response to al Qaeda’s bombing of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, six of the missiles misfired and landed across the border in Pakistan. It has long been suspected that these unexploded missiles were studied by Pakistani and Chinese scientists. Ted Postol, a professor of science, technology, and international security at MIT, confirms this: “A Pakistani colleague of mine told me that a significant number of those missiles that we launched at Afghanistan actually landed in Pakistan and those guys reverse-engineered them.”
The propulsion system of the Babur missile that Pakistan tested in 2005 definitely resembles that of the BGM-109 Tomahawk. After an initial launch by a solid-fuel booster, a cruise turbo fan engine cuts in, giving the Babur a speed of 880 kilometers per hour and a range of 500 kilometers. "

The Missiles of August--Part II | MIT Technology Review
Indeed ..see the excerpt below

" In 1998, when the Clinton administration launched 75 Tomahawk cruise missiles at Osama bin Laden’s bases in response to al Qaeda’s bombing of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, six of the missiles misfired and landed across the border in Pakistan. It has long been suspected that these unexploded missiles were studied by Pakistani and Chinese scientists. Ted Postol, a professor of science, technology, and international security at MIT, confirms this: “A Pakistani colleague of mine told me that a significant number of those missiles that we launched at Afghanistan actually landed in Pakistan and those guys reverse-engineered them.”
The propulsion system of the Babur missile that Pakistan tested in 2005 definitely resembles that of the BGM-109 Tomahawk. After an initial launch by a solid-fuel booster, a cruise turbo fan engine cuts in, giving the Babur a speed of 880 kilometers per hour and a range of 500 kilometers. "

The Missiles of August--Part II | MIT Technology Review

:lol::lol::china::pakistan: shaheen-e-tomahawk :rofl::rofl:
I believe the 2,000 KM range version is on drawing board.

BTW good luck to DRDO.
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