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Nightmare Scenarios

third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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Nightmare scenarios - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

BACK in 2011, the American actor George Clooney recalled asking Barack Obama to identify the one thing that kept him up at night.

“Pakistan,” replied the US president.

Obama did not elaborate. We can assume, however, that he was alluding to the various nightmare scenarios that spooked Washington officialdom back then, including loose nukes and state disintegration.

A new IMF report throws the severity of Pakistan’s water crisis into sharp relief.
Today, Pakistan should still be keeping President Obama up at night — but not because of those aforementioned fears, which have always been purely hypothetical and somewhat fanciful. Instead, what should be causing sleepless nights for Obama — and concerned humanity overall — is water scarcity. It is a nightmare scenario that is all too real, and all but inevitable, for Pakistan.

A new IMF report throws the severity of Pakistan’s water crisis into sharp relief. Pakistan has the world’s fourth highest rate of water use. Its water intensity rate — the amount of water, in cubic metres, used per unit of GDP — is the world’s highest. This suggests that no country’s economy is more water-intensive than Pakistan’s.

This aggressive water consumption portends catastrophic consequences. According to the IMF, Pakistan is already the third most water-stressed country in the world. Its per capita annual water availability is 1,017 cubic metres — perilously close to the scarcity threshold of 1,000 cubic metres.

Back in 2009, Pakistan’s water availability was about 1,500 cubic metres. According to projections from a study I produced that year, called Running on Empty, Pakistan would not become water scarce until 2035. Instead, thanks to lightning-fast consumption rates, Pakistan is nearly water-scarce today.

And yet it gets worse.

New Nasa satellite data of the world’s underground aquifers reveal rapidly depleting groundwater tables. The aquifer in the Indus Basin — whose rivers and tributaries constitute Pakistan’s chief water source — is the second most stressed in the world (this means rapid depletion with little or no sign of recharge). This shouldn’t be surprising; even seven years ago, groundwater tables in parts of Lahore had fallen by up to 65 feet (20 metres) over a five-year period.

Groundwater is water security’s last resort — it is what we tap into when surface supplies run dry. And yet in Pakistan, this safety net is fraying. The country’s water security blanket is in danger of being yanked away. In sum, Pakistan is voraciously consuming water even as water tables are plummeting precipitously. So what to do?

The same solutions have been trotted out for years, many of them problematic. Build more large dams? Expensive and controversial. Demand that India stop obstructing downstream river flows? Impractical. Poor water governance, rapid population growth, and climate change effects — not upper riparian machinations — are the reasons for Pakistan’s water crisis.

The most reasonable recommendation is simply to use existing resources more judiciously. However, people won’t be willing to conserve unless they have a strong incentive to do so. Fortunately, there is an obvious way to generate that incentive — charge consumers a realistic price for their water. To that end, the IMF report wisely calls for water pricing reform. This might be the best way to ease the water crisis before it spirals completely out of control.

In Pakistan, as the report states, public water utilities tend to set prices below cost recovery levels. Irrigation water charges recover less than a quarter of annual operating and maintenance costs. On the whole, agriculture is largely untaxed — and yet more than 90pc of Pakistan’s water resources are allocated to that sector.

By charging more for water (ideally using a pricing scale tied to income level), not only would consumers presumably use it more judiciously, but the government would also gain desperately needed revenue. And this revenue would enable Pakistan to pay for badly needed repairs. Water expert Simi Kamal has estimated that repairing and maintaining the country’s existing canal systems would free up about 75 million acre feet of water — close to the 83 MAF water shortfall that the IMF projects Pakistan will face in the coming years.

This additional revenue could also be used to repair Pakistan’s dilapidated large dams. Tarbela has lost nearly 30pc of its storage capacity since the late 1970s. Pakistan’s total dam storage constitutes only 30 days of average demand (the figure is 220 days in India). Revenue-generating water pricing reforms would also provide Pakistan with funding to invest in new infrastructure, water-conserving technologies, and — perhaps most importantly — programmes that help the poor pay for and access water.

Admittedly, all this makes for a very tall order. It presumes that leaders can muster sufficient political will to implement pricing reforms, and that consumers have the ability and desire to pay more for water.

Additionally, pricing reform is no silver bullet for the water crisis. It won’t address Pakistan’s troubling land ownership policies, which ensure that the landless struggle to access water (land ownership, it has been said, is a proxy for water rights). It won’t make Pakistan’s water any cleaner; dirty water kills more than 600 Pakistani children a day. And it won’t reduce the bloat in Pakistan’s water sector bureaucracy, which makes water policymaking highly inefficient.

And yet unless Pakistan miraculously manages to halt the effects of climate change or to make billions upon billions of cubic metres of water appear out of thin air, there really is no other choice. Particularly because of what may lie in store down the road.

Back in 2009, the Running on Empty study projected that by 2025, Pakistan’s water shortfall could be five times the amount of water that could then be stored throughout the Indus River system’s vast reservoirs. It estimated that the shortfall in 2025 would comprise almost two thirds of the entire Indus River system’s current annual average flow.

Based on the IMF’s new estimates, it’s likely that these projections would be even more alarming if calculated again today. In effect, in the absence of immediate action, Pakistan could face the not-too-distant prospect of becoming a water-starved wasteland.

And that’s a thought that should be keeping us all up at night.

The writer is senior associate for South Asia at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington, DC.


Twitter @michaelkugelman

Published in Dawn, June 29th, 2015
Foreign NGO funded DAWN media at it again ...

Only thing that today's Dawn has common with the great newspaper that was established by Qaed-e-Azam is the name that they bought from the original owners.

If you want to read any negative News about Pakistan, just go to Dawn website and you will find the whole collection, no wonder together with Tribune and Geo, Dawn is the most favorite place for Indians, :lol:
We are not using that water, We are wasting that water in Arabian sea. How much water storage you have ???? Ghantaaa ... Sara pani samandur mein jaa rha hai ... I have listened somewhere that we are wasting $20 Billion water anually....
We are not using that water, We are wasting that water in Arabian sea. How much water storage you have ???? Ghantaaa ... Sara pani samandur mein jaa rha hai ... I have listened somewhere that we are wasting $20 Billion water anually....

There is merit in this argument.

We are letting way too much sweet water flow into the Sea.

The need is to recycle this water inland from as near the mouth of the river as possible.
There is merit in this argument.

We are letting way too much sweet water flow into the Sea.

The need is to recycle this water inland from as near the mouth of the river as possible.

It require competence and either it is India or it is pakistan don't have expertise in water managment.
Guys, this is no laughing matter. This is a matter of paramount importance for both Pakistan and India. We actually need to work together on this an try to implement the construction of large scale water desalination all along our coastlines, while making sure the excess salt and debris are not released into the oceans. Use that water and conserve groundwater, let it replenish.
This is indeed a very serious matter for both Pakistan and India. Large scale reservoirs need to be built and water conservation techniques to be applied to farming. Lining the existing canal system will free up some water for farming but it will also reduce/eliminate recharging of underground aquifer. The other factor is population with its current growth levels water per capita availability will be lower regardless of the reforms. As far as I think it is already too late even if the work is started today....It is very sad. I will blame the successive governments since (circa 1980) for their shortsightedness and zero planning.
BACK in 2011, the American actor George Clooney recalled asking Barack Obama to identify the one thing that kept him up at night.

“Pakistan,” replied the US president.

That was most likely due to the osama bin laden raid....not pakistan's water shortage or nukes.....
Staying up at night won't do much. We all must work together to prevent a total meltdown of this crucial country.

Baath toh Teri sahi hai bhai

On topic
Water security is something both our nations should work together on
Baath toh Teri sahi hai bhai

On topic
Water security is something both our nations should work together on

Of course. The first step is to resolve the Kashmir issue so that each side can get to building the infrastructure needed to utilize the water resources better.
Environmental changes are seriously affecting the sub-continent, more resources are required to determine the challenges that will be faced in near future.
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