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Night-blind army tank falls into ditch, 2 troopers dead

Unnecessarily provocative headline. First off, the article doesn't say which tank it was. Secondly, is there anything to lead us to believe that this happened because of the tank being night blind? Motor accidents happen during daytime too, and tanks are susceptible to unfortunate accidents like any other motor vehicle. The headline carried the implication that this happened due to its night-blindness.

"Night blindness" in the case of tanks refers to an inability to fight in the dark, not an inability to see where they are going. Thermal sensors and other such upgrades are meant to enable weapons to be guided in the dark, not to see where the tank it going. When they say night blindness, they don't mean lack of headlights.

So this incident is no reason to call for a retirement of the tanks - it is an insult to the driver of the tank to suggest that he was stupid enough to drive blind.
Unupgraded old t-72.Should just scrap these useless ****.More arjuns and use the hulls as akash and nag platforms.
That's what happens when IA Generals sleep with Russian b1tches and import junk, while refusing to induct home-made tanks(fully night vision capable and no need to take Russian permission to modify) for decades.

Blame totally goes to corrupt IA top brass. No doubt at all. :tdown:

So this incident is no reason to call for a retirement of the tanks - it is an insult to the driver of the tank to suggest that he was stupid enough to drive blind.

Ok, sweetie, there is no need to jump now. Corrupt and pathetic Indian Army top brass is an insult to hard-working and brave common Indian army soldiers.

There is no need to blame media when it has for first time in Indian history has written a sensible article, away from stupid jingoism of silly IA officers(we are holy cows, we can't be corrupt. don't dare question us!)

The headline is appropriate and I see nothing wrong with it. Also IA top brass(VK Singh) spoke of lack of enough modernisation only to subvert indigenisation process and push another blunder of imports under the guise of "we are going to die in next 5 years if we don't IMPORT now"!! These stupid Generals who can't even handle basic hacking issues in their forces, have habit of bluffing about DRDO but has failed to even maintain their trashy over-expensive Russian b1tches.

Corrupt Indian Army top-brass and their Russian b1atch supporters has become an embarrassement for India.

Two army personnel were killed when a tank tumbled into a 20-ft-deep water-logged ditch during a military exercise near Phagwara in Punjab, police said on Wednesday.

The incident took place near Nasirabad and Malikpur villages, 15 km from Phagwara, on Tuesday night.

Subedar R Anandan and havildar Mohammed Sayem of 46th Armed Unit Jammu died on the spot in the incident, Panshat police incharge Ashok Kumar said.However, the tank’s driver, Brijesh Kumar, jumped to safety through the vehicle’s emergency window.

The bodies were sent to the local civil hospital for postmortem before being handed over to the Army, Kumar said.

While Anandan hailed from Tamil Nadu, Sayem was from Uttar Pradesh , he said, adding the bodies would be sent to the respective states for cremation.A case has been registered in connection with the incident.

If this reporter is to be believed, India has now started cremating Muslims!!!
Military excercises are dangerous but this is the purpose as well , to prepare troops to anticipate / simulate unknows
and you can manage to laugh for a tragic accident....:eek:

This is PDF man get use to it.:coffee:

Anyway RIP the dead.

Ok, sweetie, there is no need to jump now. Corrupt and pathetic Indian Army top brass is an insult to hard-working and brave common Indian army soldiers.

There is no need to blame media when it has for first time in Indian history has written a sensible article, away from stupid jingoism of silly IA officers(we are holy cows, we can't be corrupt. don't dare question us!)

The headline is appropriate and I see nothing wrong with it. Also IA top brass(VK Singh) spoke of lack of enough modernisation only to subvert indigenisation process and push another blunder of imports under the guise of "we are going to die in next 5 years if we don't IMPORT now"!! These stupid Generals who can't even handle basic hacking issues in their forces, have habit of bluffing about DRDO but has failed to even maintain their trashy over-expensive Russian b1tches.

Corrupt Indian Army top-brass and their Russian b1atch supporters has become an embarrassement for India.

You see actually its you who is jumping not the guy you are replying to he made some valid points if you got probelm with that try correct us rather than burning like this .:flame:
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un

Whats the problem with you man? Don't try to humiliate indian muslims including me.

He is just jealous of us that we have got brave soldiers like Shaheed "Mohammed Sayem" :tup:

And we are moving in the path of Allah S.W.T.
it was just a sarcastic comment dude, don't get pissed off at the lol

Ashok bro,
I simply didn't find his reply sarcastic neither i think this is an appropriate place or occasion for being sarcastic.
Well,if he was really sarcastic,i am sorry for my reply.
RIP to the dead.

now all that pakistan military needs is some shovels to kill the advancing indian tanks.
RIP to the dead, a tragic event indeed.
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