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Nicolas Sarkozy Defeated

Melenchon the ally of Hollande is pro China. He even said Tibet is Chinese and there is no discussion about it.
i dont like hollande for economic reason, for example he blaming china causes trade deficit in france.
It's so selfish to think of these elections only through the interests of your own country, given that 60M+ people will be affected by the governance. Sarkozy has been completely incompetent, a puppet of Merkel's failed austerity policies. Hollande will help revitalize France.

Besides, what makes you think that Sarkozy was so good for China/India?

No, I am asking a question.

If your illiterate, then its not my fault.
No, I am asking a question.

If your illiterate, then its not my fault.

Your implication was clear, otherwise you would have phrased it more neutrally ("is this good or bad for india?"). Don't blame others when you can't control your own prose.
i dont like hollande for economic reason, for example he blaming china causes trade deficit in france.
He is not blaming China, he says that France should find commercial equilibrum
which is very logic
Socialist Francois Hollande wins French presidency

Socialist Francois Hollande has been elected as France's new president.

He got about 52% of votes in Sunday's run-off, according to early projections, against 48% for centre-right incumbent Nicolas Sarkozy.

Mr Sarkozy has admitted defeat, saying: "Francois Hollande is the president of France and he must be respected."

Analysts say the vote has wide implications for the whole eurozone. Mr Hollande has vowed to rework a deal on government debt in member countries.

Exuberant Hollande supporters have already converged on Place de la Bastille in Paris - a traditional rallying point of the Left - to celebrate.

Mr Hollande capitalised on France's economic woes and President Sarkozy's unpopularity.

The socialist candidate has promised to raise taxes on big corporations and people earning more than 1m euros a year.

He also wants to raise the minimum wage, hire 60,000 more teachers and lower the retirement age from 62 to 60 for some workers.

In his concession speech, Mr Sarkozy told stunned supporters that he was "taking responsibility for defeat.

Hinting about his possible political future, he said: "My place will no longer be the same. My involvement in the life of my country will now be different."

During the campaign, he said he would leave politics if he lost the election.

It is only the second time an incumbent president has failed to win re-election since the start of France's Fifth Republic in 1958.

The last was Valery Giscard d'Estaing, who lost to socialist Francois Mitterrand in 1981. Mr Mitterrand had two terms in office until 1995.

The new president is expected to be inaugurated later this month.

A parliamentary election is due in June.

BBC News - Socialist Francois Hollande wins French presidency

(Reuters) - Francois Hollande, the man who wants to be France's "Mr Normal" president, has stopped going to work by scooter but tells voters he will still take the train and do the family shopping once elected - at least, he jokes, "if the fridge is empty".

The 57-year-old Socialist has spent more than a year on the campaign trail, building his stature as a statesman, finetuning his tax-and-spend manifesto, and promising to do away with the brash style that earned Nicolas Sarkozy the nickname "president bling bling".

In a race marked more by Sarkozy fatigue than Hollande fervor, his few concessions to fashion were to trade his jam-jar spectacles for designer glasses and go on a strict diet that deprived him of chocolate cake and of his double chin.

His partner Valerie Trierweiler also wants to stick to a simple life. She relishes the already too-rare moments when the two share dinner on the sofa in front of the television, even if, she says, he tends to use too much butter in his cooking.

She says she will happily play "second fiddle as first lady" but she wants to remain a working mum, in part to pay for the upkeep of three teenage sons that the twice-divorced journalist had before moving in with Hollande.

Hollande previously spent a quarter of a century and had four children with Segolene Royal, the Socialist candidate for president who lost to Sarkozy in 2007. Royal announced her split with him weeks after her poll defeat.

Hollande, born in the middle-sized northwestern city of Rouen, where he attended a private Catholic school, never married Royal and is not married to Trierweiler, which may cause minor protocol headaches when it comes to state visits.


Economically, Hollande says there is no reason to subject France to drastic Greek-style austerity and he will try to get the rest of Europe, starting with German leader Angela Merkel, to commit in tandem to pro-growth strategies.

He has never held a ministerial post during 30 years in politics, knows few world leaders personally, and until recently was perhaps better known abroad as Royal's partner.

However, Hollande has become something of an international curiosity since he dared to challenge what he branded a recipe for "endless austerity" driven by Berlin.

His platform relies on tax rises, mainly on the rich and companies, to fund spending on schools, state-aided job creation and letting those who started work at 18 retire at 60, while simultaneously working towards balancing the budget by 2017.

He is no radical leftist, despite vowing to slap a 75 percent rate of income tax on annual earnings above 1 million euros ($1.31 million). That will hurt some 3,000 people but is more symbolic than effective in terms of revenue.


Beyond the fact that Sarkozy is an easy target after years of economic crisis, Hollande's strongest selling point may be that he bends with the wind but has never broken. One of his nicknames is "marsh reed" ("roseau" in French).

Less charitably, Socialists dubbed him "Flanby", the brand name of a wobbly egg-custard dessert.

Hollande surprised many in a near three-hour TV duel with Sarkozy last week by more than holding his own against the conservative president, a formidable debater whose reputation for bulldozing his opponents off the stage is legend.

Hollande has made the most of his image as an affable, contagiously witty politician at a time when Sarkozy's hard-hitting energy has lost its magic.

The Socialist says symbols matter and has promised to cut presidential and ministerial salaries by 30 percent as his first act to show the ruling elite can tighten its belt in tough times.

He has promised the head of state will no longer enjoy legal immunity for suspected offences preceding his election, unlike the blanket protection that exists now.

Hollande even says he would like to travel by train rather than presidential jet when possible, even if his train would have to be tailed by a jet in any case for security reasons.

Hollande's mother, a social worker who was very close to him and died in 2009, adored France's last left-wing president, Francois Mitterrand. His father, an eye and ear doctor, dabbled in far-right politics in the 1960s, opposing France's pullout from Algeria.

Trierweiler, interviewed by women's' magazine Femme Actuelle days before Sunday's ballot, confided that one of his quirks in domestic life is that he never closes the door behind him.

She even managed to turn that to his advantage, saying: "He never closes the door to anyone, as he has nothing to hide." ($1 = 0.7625 euros)

it's bye-bye bling bling

Good riddance of this poison dwarf. He was hateful to Muslims. Look at all he said about Turkey and then lead the killing in Libya. he was just an American poodle

The dwarfs last miserable attempts at winning the people's vote with the Armenian "genocide" law was all futile. He is such a clown, good riddance...

bye bye dwarf
This is antisemitism, voting out a half Jewish President, this is outrageous! :whistle:
Melenchon the ally of Hollande is pro China. He even said Tibet is Chinese and there is no discussion about it.

Just because he said that Tibet is part of China, how does this mean he is pro-China?

Even the GOP verbally admits that Tibet is part of China everytime, does this mean they are also pro-China according to your funny little logic? :coffee:
This is antisemitism, voting out a half Jewish President, this is outrageous! :whistle:

Yea it is. I didn't think of that lol. I disliked this guy from day one he compromised French independence that they used to pride themselves and tied France to American and Brits from day one. Anyway he has learned his lesson and got his just desserts
The dwarfs last miserable attempts at winning the people's vote with the Armenian "genocide" law was all futile. He is such a clown, good riddance...

bye bye dwarf


dude you know that your president is standing 2-3 steps up the stairs??
Good ridance, Hope to see Franco-Turko Relationship to improve rapidly with this New President.
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