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NIA nails Pakistan in court for pushing fake currency


Oct 6, 2013
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NEW DELHI: In first case where Pakistan's involvement in printing of fake Indian currency notes (FICN) has been nailed by forensic evidence, an NIA special court on Wednesday convicted all six accused. It is also the first FICN case to be registered under Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA) making such printing and distribution a terror activity.

NIA had produced evidence through RBI experts and forensic tests by Security Printing and Minting Corporation of India Limited (SPMCIL) to show that FICN features, paper quality and printing quality matches exactly to Pakistan currency and thus could only have been printed by Pakistan government press.

On the basis of the reports submitted by SPMCIL, the chairman of the Committee of Experts was examined in detail for a consolidated expert opinion, said sources. The expert in his examination concluded: "...during the examination of the samples of the FICN as well as the legal tender of neighbouring country, most of the pivotal parameters of the paper like GSM of the paper, Wax Pick Quotient, poly vinyl alcohol, PH value etc... were found matching with the legal tender of that country ... GSM is an important indicator about the density of paper. Various currency papers have different GSMs ... The surface sizing is almost similar.

"The similarity in the furnish used (100% rag content), PH of the paper and surface sizing (presence of Poly Vinyl alcohol) clearly indicates that similar manufacturing process has been adopted in case of FICN and legal tender of that country. The aforesaid facts clubbed with presence of See Through Registration features, quality of the printing of the FICN, presence of security thread which appears to be inserted at the time of manufacturing of the paper, use of numbering box in printing the numbering panel of the FICN etc. points out towards the neighbouring country as a source of FICN". This is the first time that Pakistan's hand in FICN printing has been nailed by forensic evidence. "Until now such opinions were merely based on intelligence reports," said an NIA officer.

The six accused, identified as Ravi Dhiren Ghosh, Nuruddin Islam, Mohd Samad, Mohd Aijul Shaikh, Mohd Asruddin Shaikh and Azraul Tamez Shaikh had been first arrested by Maharashtra ATS in 2009 with Rs 3.45 lakh in FICN in Mumbai. The investigation was later transferred to NIA which slapped sections of UAPA dealing with terror activity and terror funding apart from IPC sections dealing with FICN.During the investigation by NIA, it was revealed that FICN of denomination of Rs 1000 of 2AQ series seized in this case were also recovered at the Kochi currency chest of the RBI. The similar nature and series of notes found at two different places indicated that there was a wide network operating in circulation of FICN and also that the source of both these FICN (i.e. Kochi and Maharashtra) was the same.

To cast the investigation net wide, NIA then took samples of IFCN seizures made across the nation. Samples were taken from seizures in Chandigarh, Chitradurga Town (Karnataka), Kashmir, Thane (Maharashtra), Badwani (Madhya Pradesh), Vasco (Goa) and Bhopal. These samples were first sent for expert opinon to RBI which stated that many covert features of genuine Indian currency were successfully imitated, and could have been achieved only through highly sophisticated machinery only available with sovereign governments. Similar opinion was given by Experts of Bank Note Press (BNP) Mysore.

To get more clarity, samples were sent to Security Printing and Minting Corporation of India Limited (SPMCIL) which prints currency and stamps in the country to match them with currencies of other countries to find out where they were coming from. The SPMCIL report found the currencies matching with those printed in Pakistan.

Comparing FICN with Pakistan currency the SPMCIL report stated: "The PH value of the paper used in legal tender of that country and one used in FICN samples is same i.e. 5.0 to 5.5. The gram per square metre (GSM) of the paper used in FICN samples and that in legal tender of that country was found to be similar. The caliper value measured in both the papers (FICN and legal tender) has similar range." An earlier report on the same notes by SPMICL had stated: "...after thoroughly examining the FICN it can be concluded that the notes have been printed on highly sophisticated machines which a common man cannot acquire since such machines involve huge capital investment. The pulp found to be 100% rag in the FICN which is normally used in making currency papers. The perfection of window and watermarks formation indicates the manufacture of FICN paper on regular currency making machines which can only be owned by a country/state".

NIA nails Pakistan in court for pushing fake currency into India - The Times of India
Shame on them. But what step govt. is taking against such a country or they will do as bjp who abuses pak but take first bus to lahore??
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