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'Next Kargil could happen in the Andamans'

I swear Andaman and Nicobar Islands is a popular holiday destination lol.

While you Army's official figures stand at 700 Pakistani martyrs!!

For you, truth seems to be convenient figures, from wherever they may be!

You should ask your army about two points 4875 and 4251. Which were earlier in possession of your PA.

I don't have access to the PakMil. However, there are no such records anywhere on the net which make that ridiculous claim that Indian Army was able to capture Pakistani positions!! You could not even recapture point 5353, plus another 2-3 posts, can you explain why?

YYou know what's irony ?? Your government refused to take back bodies of your PA regulars by disowning them but later

So was the rumour started by IA but it found no buyers in the international community. On the other hand, IA was purchasing coffins from as far as the United States!! The following also speaks about the dramas that IA conjures:

A Fake War in the Himalayas? - by Ranjit Devraj
INDIA's FAKE WAR in Kargil & Siachen
While you Army's official figures stand at 700 Pakistani martyrs!!

For you, truth seems to be convenient figures, from wherever they may be!
It's not my truth ,it's your PM's truth.

I gave you link about what your PM has to say .He is in better position to know about human losses incurred to PA. I will believe him more any day than an anonymous guy on forum. By the way our army claims more than 1000 lives. Your figures of 300 are mark of your ignorance.

I don't have access to the PakMil. However, there are no such records anywhere on the net which make that ridiculous claim that Indian Army was able to capture Pakistani positions!! You could not even recapture point 5353, plus another 2-3 posts, can you explainI don't have access to the PakMil. However, there are no such records anywhere on the net which make that ridiculous claim that Indian Army was able to capture Pakistani positions!! You could not even recapture point 5353, plus another 2-3 posts, can you explainI don't have access to the PakMil. However, there are no such records anywhere on the net which make that ridiculous claim that Indian Army was able to capture Pakistani positions!! You could not even recapture point 5353, plus another 2-3 posts, can you explainI don't have access to the PakMil. However, there are no such records anywhere on the net which make that ridiculous claim that Indian Army was able to capture Pakistani positions!! You could not even recapture point 5353, plus another 2-3 posts, can you explain why?

I may say same about 5353.Who told you about 5353 ???There are article on net which clearly states that two Pakistani posts were captured by India. Now you tell me why did Pakistan lost them ??

It's out in open ,those who wrote about 5353 , they also wrote about two Pakistani picks fell to India. If
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So was the rumour started by IA but it found no buyers in the international community. On the other hand, IA was purchasing coffins from as far as the United States!! The following also speaks about the dramas that IA conjures:

A Fake War in the Himalayas? - by Ranjit Devraj
INDIA's FAKE WAR in Kargil & Siachen

Who the hell is Devraj ?Does he represents or ever represented GOI ???Any Tom Dick can sprout whatever he wants.

So what ?? Purchaging best coffins available in world to respect is good unlike your army disowning your own regulars.
It's not my truth ,it's your PM's truth.

I gave you link about what your PM has to say .He is in better position to know about human losses incurred to PA. I will believe him more any day than an anonymous guy on forum. By the way our army claims more than 1000 lives. Your figures of 300 are mark of your ignorance.

Sometimes, one has to take the truth with a pinch of sale. And NS said that more then 4000 soldiers were martyred! He was being a politician. In any case, PA issued official figures of 453 casualties, out of that only 290 were suffered in direct contact. The rest were martyred when they were in retreat under orders to fall back. You do not want to believe your own military that officially states that 700 Pakistani soldiers were killed and you do not want to believe the figures of PA.....yet you readily want to believe the conjured up figures of a politician, that's convenience, isn't it??

I may say same about 5353.Who told you about 5353 ???There are article on net which clearly states that two Pakistani posts were captured by India. Now you tell me why did Pakistan lost them ??

It's out in open ,those who wrote about 5353 , they also wrote about two Pakistani picks fell to India. If

Well, since the point is already established that Pakistan lost the Kargil war, it shouldn't be a surprise that the losing side lost further ground. However, the fact that cannot be digested is, how come the victor with overwhelming odds in her favour, or so as is made up to be, was unable to retake the point 5353?? Is there any answer to that?

No INDIAN can answer that!

Who the hell is Devraj ?Does he represents or ever represented GOI ???Any Tom Dick can sprout whatever he wants.

So what ?? Purchaging best coffins available in world to respect is good unlike your army disowning your own regulars.

I can feel your frustration and helplessness. Dude, sometimes its better not to tread territories that are guaranteed to hurt your ego :). If a country of 1.2 Billion has to go as far as the United States to arrange coffins during a conflict and transport her dead soldiers in garbage trucks......then there is something very serious that has been kept classified!
Had your military been as capable or as effective, none, and let me repeat that again, NONE of the posts would still be with Pakistan.....sadly for you, the post with Pakistan is a slap on your retarded head for even thinking that you were in any decent military position.
Have some shame. What does military retreat mean? Victory or defeat? You were kicked out of kargil.


Faced with the possibility of international isolation, the already fragile Pakistan economy was weakened further. The morale of Pakistan forces after the withdrawal declined as many units of the Northern Light Infantry suffered heavy casualties. The government refused to accept the dead bodies of many officers,an issue that provoked outrage and protests in the Northern Areas. Pakistan initially did not acknowledge many of its casualties, but Sharif later said that over 4,000 Pakistani troops were killed in the operation.Responding to this, Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf said, "It hurts me when an ex-premier undermines his own forces," and claimed that Indian casualties were more than that of Pakistan. The legacy of Kargil war still continues to debated on Pakistan's news channels and television political correspondents, which Musharraf repeatedly appeared to justified the causes and preludes of the Kargil war.

Many in Pakistan had expected a victory over the Indian military based on Pakistani official reports on the war,but were dismayed by the turn of events and questioned the eventual retreat. The military leadership is believed to have felt let down by the prime minister's decision to withdraw the remaining fighters. However, some authors, including Musharraf's close friend and former American CENTCOM Commander General Anthony Zinni, and former Prime minister Nawaz Sharif, state that it was General Musharraf who requested Sharif to withdraw the Pakistani troops. In 2012, Musharraf's senior officer and retired major-general Abdul Majeed Malik maintained that Kargil was a "total disaster" and gave bitter criticism to General Musharraf.[132] Pointing out to the fact that Pakistan was in no position to fight India in that area; it was the Nawaz Sharif government that initiated the diplomatic process by involving the US President Bill Clinton and got Pakistan out of the difficult scenario. Malik maintained that soldiers were not "Mujaheddin" but an active-duty serving officers and soldiers of Pakistan Army.

The PAF F-16s had valuable significance for the patrolling missionsbut none of the F-16s took active participation in the conflict.
In a national security meeting with Prime minister Nawaz Sharif at the Joint Headquarters, General Musharraf became heavily involved with serious altercations with Chief of Naval StaffAdmiral Fasih Bokhari who ultimately called for a court-martial against General Musharraf.Taking participation in the arguments, Chief of Air Staff Air Chief Marshal PQ Mehdi quoted that "any intervention by the Navy and the PAF into disputed land of Indian-controlled Kashmir would be perceived as an escalation to all-out declared war". After witnessing Musharraf's criticism given to his fellow officers, ACM PQ Mehdi decided to give Musharraf a favor after issuing orders to PAF's F-16s for the patrolling missions near the Skardu Valley.ThePakistan Navy largely remained camouflaged during the entire conflict, and only submarines were deployed for patrolling missions. With Sharif placing the onus of the Kargil attacks squarely on the army chief Pervez Musharraf, there was an atmosphere of uneasiness between the two. On October 12, 1999, General Musharraf staged a bloodless coup d'état, ousting Nawaz Sharif.

Benazir Bhutto, an opposition leader in the parliament and former prime minister, called the Kargil War "Pakistan's greatest blunder". Many ex-officials of the military and the Inter-Services Intelligence (Pakistan's principal intelligence agency) also believed that "Kargil was a waste of time" and "could not have resulted in any advantage" on the larger issue of Kashmir.[138] A retired Pakistan Army's Lieutenant-General Ali Kuli Khan, lambasted the war as "a disaster bigger than the East Pakistan tragedy",[139] adding that the plan was "flawed in terms of its conception, tactical planning and execution" that ended in "sacrificing so many soldiers."[139][140] The Pakistani media criticized the whole plan and the eventual climbdown from the Kargil heights since there were no gains to show for the loss of lives and it only resulted in international condemnation.

Despite calls by many, no public commission of inquiry was set up in Pakistan to investigate the people responsible for initiating the conflict. The Pakistan Muslim League (PML(N)) published a white paper in 2006, which stated that Nawaz Sharif constituted an inquiry committee that recommended a court martial for General Pervez Musharraf, but Musharraf "stole the report" after toppling the government, to save himself.The report also claims that India knew about the plan 11 months before its launch, enabling a complete victory for India on military, diplomatic and economic fronts. A statement in June, 2008 by a former X Corps commander and Director-General of Military Intelligence (M.I.) that time, Lieutenant-General (retired) Jamshed Gulzar Kiani said that: "As Prime minister, Nawaz Sharif "was never briefed by the army" on the Kargil attack, reignited the demand for a probe of the episode by legal and political groups.

Though the Kargil conflict had brought the Kashmir dispute into international focus – which was one of the aims of Pakistan – it had done so in negative circumstances that eroded its credibility, since the infiltration came just after a peace process between the two countries was underway. The sanctity of the LOC too received international recognition. President Clinton's move to ask Islamabad to withdraw hundreds of armed militants from Indian-administered Kashmir was viewed by many in Pakistan as indicative of a clear shift in US policy against Pakistan.

After the war, a few changes were made to the Pakistan armed forces. In recognition of the Northern Light Infantry's performance in the war – which even drew praise from a retired Indian Lt. General– the regiment was incorporated into the regular army. The war showed that despite a tactically sound plan that had the element of surprise, little groundwork had been done to gauge the politico-diplomatic ramifications. And like previous unsuccessful infiltrations attempts, such as Operation Gibraltar, which sparked the 1965 war, there was little coordination or information sharing among the branches of the Pakistani Armed Forces. One U.S. Intelligence study is reported to have stated that Kargil was yet another example of Pakistan's (lack of) grand strategy, repeating the follies of the previous wars. In 2013, General Musharraf's close collaborator and confidential subordinate Lieutenant General (retired) Shahid Aziz revealed to Pakistan's news televisions and electronic media, that "[Kargil] adventure' was India’s intelligence failure and Pakistan's miscalculated move, the Kargil operation was known only to General Parvez Musharraf and four of his close collaborators."

Kargil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Well, since the point is already established that Pakistan lost the Kargil war, it shouldn't be a surprise that the losing side lost further ground. However, the fact that cannot be digested is, how come the victor with overwhelming odds in her favour, or so as is made up to be, was unable to retake the point 5353?? Is there any answer to that?
No INDIAN can answer that!
Simple answer is Indian Army denied ever having control on Point 5353. Some Indian media house reported that dubious news. By the way, Tiger Hill was the point that can control the National Highway to Ladakh. It was snatched away. Their is no map that can show that India ever controlled point 5353. No doubt Indian army might have wanted to capture it just like it captured some villages in 1971 of Azad Kashmir and did not return them back. But,there is no logic in the argument that while Pakistani army was kicked out in every sector , Indian army left the point 5353 for free.:lol:
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...anybody attacking and occupying and then getting owned by the Indian Armed Forces.

Yeah just like Kargil. :coffee: Possible.

Sarthak,pentagon was wanting a base in the andaman islands. Could it be something like that.
Sarthak,pentagon was wanting a base in the andaman islands. Could it be something like that.

The idea about a base in A&N islands was put forward by some stupid US Think Tank not Pentagon .
Maybe the chincoms will extend their 9-dash line all the way into Bay of Bengal?
Have some shame. What does military retreat mean? Victory or defeat? You were kicked out of kargil.Simple answer is Indian Army denied ever having control on Point 5353. Some Indian media house reported that dubious news. By the way, Tiger Hill was the point that can control the National Highway to Ladakh. It was snatched away. Their is no map that can show that India ever controlled point 5353. No doubt Indian army might have wanted to capture it just like it captured some villages in 1971 of Azad Kashmir and did not return them back. But,there is no logic in the argument that while Pakistani army was kicked out in every sector , Indian army left the point 5353 for free.:lol:

Thanks for quoting 'Wikipedia', the official blog of losers.

You know what's defeat? The inability of 35000 Indian Soldiers, with air support of 10 squadrons of Indian Air Force, to retake their own positions back, from roughly 5000 fighters, until those positions were vacated! That is extremely shameful and goes to extreme lengths what your military was capable of, no doubt they could never dare cross even an inch of LoC or the border......not then and not even in 2001/02. Could not even launch a single package of the much touted Precision Air Strikes!!

And point 5353 is still one of the most strategic positions, that was never held by Pakistan before Kargil......but now we hold it and you could not take it back militarily despite all your desperate attempts! Reason for this was the fact that we did not retreat from that position!

So kid, all you could get in Kargil was what we let go, you could hardly get anything worthwhile, despite putting in a hugely disproportional force, until we let it go!!! And we all know why we let it all go.........
Not Pakistan but Burma,Indonesia and BD have interest in A-N.
Not Pakistan but Burma,Indonesia and BD have interest in A-N.

They can contact tourism department for holiday packages.

Thats the closest they can try to get in there.
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