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Next False Flag 'Planned' to be Blamed on Pakistan


Aug 19, 2009
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When is the plan likely to take place...!!! Also just before Obama's term end,,, like Bush won 2nd term on basis of 911,,, Obama's term might be extended based on that upcoming False-Flag...
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I'd start by quoting a post from other thread...
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When they can cause their countrymen such a harm as 9 11,,, think what else they might have planned for 'beloved'-citizens...
YouTube - Six nuclear missiles on B-52 bombers, Minot to Barksdale
YouTube - Nuclear B-52 Incident
& then they have guts to say Pakistani weapons are insecure...

& don't miss the part that 6-7 crew members working at either of involved airbases DIED... ""Accidently"".... u know ""Accidently""....

Here are their names:-

1-Todd Blue - Minot AFB(Airforce Base)
2-a married couple from Barksdale Airbase(Names not released)
3-Stephen Garrett - Minot AFB
4-Weston Kissel - Minot AFB
5-John Frueh
6-Jonathan Bayless - Minot AFB
7-Thomas L. Tinsley - Alleged of breach in following the standards while handling nukes.
"Obama needs a similar kind of event"
Beck claims the left is "setting up another Oklahoma City," which will be blamed on him | Media Matters for America
So Choose the color u'd like :)

---------- Post added at 02:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:22 PM ----------

"Focus on Pakistan".... hear it urself @ minutes 2:15 & the evil-smug u see at the back is now US-embassador to india... supervising all intrusions into Pakistan...
YouTube - Panel Warns of a Biological Attack by 2013
& Obama told u that before hand... remember.!!! "terrorists trained in Karachi & Kandahar" & "secrets from nuclear scientist in Pakistan"
From minutes 8:20:-
YouTube - Barack Obama Speech from Berlin, Germany
YouTube - Alex Warns Americans: Nwo's Next False Flag in USA Maybe Nuclear on The Alex Jones Show 1/4
YouTube - The Next False Flag Attack On The USA Will Be A Bioweapon
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The US Presidential elections take place in the month of November. The next POTUS is decided on the very same day (although the US electoral college results will take a few more days but always mirror the election day results).

Any "false flag operation" occurring in December has absolutely no bearing on the elections.

So much for your conspiracy theories!! Seriously, get a life CT idiots.
Barksdale Missile Number Six: The Stolen Nuclear Weapon
Someone, operating under a special chain of command within the United States Air Force, just stole a nuclear weapon.

News Stories and Flawed Explanations

The story of the B-52 flight was first reported by Army Times, owned by Gannett, on Wednesday September 5. Gannett relied on information provided by "anonymous officers". The story was picked up by Yahoo Wednesday morning, published by USA Today and The Washington Pos, and then quickly spread.

In response, the Pentagon quickly spread an official explanation.

The Air Force admitted to an inadvertent error: The intent was to transport ACMs without weapons. According to military officers, the nuclear warheads should have been removed before the missiles were mounted on the pylons under the wings of the bomber.

In the words of the Pentagon:

"There was an error which occurred during a regularly scheduled transfer of weapons between two bases. The weapons were safe and remained in Air Force control and custody at all times."

For almost the first time in the history of the nation, the military has publicly and promptly admitted it "made a mistake". This in itself is truly astounding.

To reinforce the military's claim that a mistake was made, a system-wide stand-down was ordered for September 14.

That official explanation was quickly explained away. The mistake was made intentionally, so a "deliberate leak" of a secret operation could occur.

The CIA and the Office of Counter-Terrorism in the State Department explained that Barksdale AFB is a "jumping off point" for re-supply of the Middle East.

The "deliberate leak" was intended to serve as a veiled warning to Iran. This deliberately misleading explanation is evidently intended to lead the public or Iran or both to logically conclude the missiles are bound for Iran.

Bluntly, State and the CIA converted a whistleblower leak by true American patriots into a deliberate leak by official Washington, to scare Iran.

By this means Washington has led the public to forget or overlook the real issue.

To begin, the multiple official explanations reek to high heaven. They collectively read suspiciously like flimsy cover stories concocted in hasty desperation. And no amount of pretty lipstick will be able to make the official explanations pretty.

Transportation Violations

More conflicting explanations followed. These missiles are part of a group scheduled to be decommissioned. This would explain why they were shipped out of North Dakota.

But the missiles were not transported on their way to decommissioning. Missiles are normally decommissioned at Davis-Monthan AFB at Tucson. Nuclear weapons are decommissioned at the Department of Energy's Pantex facility near Amarillo, Texas, accessed through Kirkland AFB in New Mexico.

And military policy requires minimization of the number of flights made with nuclear weapons aboard. So the weapons should not have been mounted on the missiles, flown to Louisiana, un-mounted and flown to New Mexico.

The mode of transportation is also a major issue not defused by official explanations. Per standard operating procedures, or SOPs, both missiles and nuclear warheads are transported primarily by air, in specially modified C-130s or C-17s. Under no peacetime circumstances do military SOPs allow transport of nuclear weapons mounted in cruise missiles mounted in combat positions on combat planes.

Department of Defense Directive Number 4540.5, issued on February 4, 1998, regulates logistic transportation of nuclear weapons.

By delegation of Commanders of Combatant Commands, movement of nuclear weapons must be approved by commanders of major service commands.

Commanders of Combat Commands or service component commanders must evaluate, authorize and approve transport modes and movement routes for nuclear weapons in their custody.

The Air Force is required to maintain a Prime Nuclear Airlift Force capability to conduct the logistic transport of nuclear weapons.

Under SOPs, combat planes with combat-ready nuclear weapons can only be flown on the authority of the Commander in Chief, the Joint Chiefs of Staff or the National Military Command Authority.

All of these transportation regulations were flagrantly violated on August 30.

Handling Violations

Violations of regulations concerning handling of the nuclear weapons in North Dakota are worse.

A sophisticated computerized tracking system is used for nuclear weapons. Multiple sign-offs are required to remove the weapons from their storage bunkers.

The AGM-129 Advanced Cruise Missile was designed to carry nuclear weapons. No non-nuclear warhead is available for this missile. So the only possible error could have been loading nuclear warheads on the missiles instead of practice dummies.

The practice warheads have standard blue and yellow signs declaring "Inert, non-nuclear". The nuclear warheads have at least three distinctive red warning signs. This error is therefore highly improbable, absent tampering with signage.

Nuclear weapons are transported from the storage bunker to the aircraft in a caravan that routinely includes vehicles with machine guns front and rear and guards with M-16s. All steps in the process are done under the watchful eyes of armed military police.

Rules require that at least two people jointly control every step of the process. If one person loses sight of the other, both are forced to the ground face-down and temporarily "placed under arrest" by observant security forces. All progress stops until inspections are made to assure the weapons weren't tampered with.

All nuclear weapons are connected to sophisticated alarm systems to prevent removal or tampering. They could only be removed from the storage bunker by turning the alarm off. And the squad commander clearly would not have authority to turn off the alarm.

The Impossible Mistake

Bluntly, the mistake of loading nuclear weapons on a combat aircraft in combat-ready position is simply not possible to make. Safeguards are far too stringent and far too many people would be involved. Particularly given that the mounting was in violation of policy that's been in place without exception for almost 40 years.

No discipline is expected to be meted out. The New York Times tried to imply the commanding general had been fired. Actually, the squad commander in charge of munitions crews at Minot was "relieved of duty pending an investigation". He has not been removed from his position or disciplined. The crews involved have been "temporarily decertified pending corrective actions or additional training" but have not been disciplined. No mention has been made of the wing commander.

Note carefully: These actions amount to nothing at all. The wing and squad commanders are still in place and the crews can easily be re-certified.

Successful Confusion

Washington's efforts to confuse the public have been successful. Attention has shifted from the crucial issue.

This news has already become non-news. The August 14 stand-down will momentarily become news, followed by announcements of more stringent restrictions, improved safeguards and additional training. The public always has been and always will be safe.

One of the major issues will be avoided:

Someone in an irregular chain of Air Force command authorized loading and transport of nuclear weapons.

And that would never have been done without a reason. Given the magnitude of regulatory violations involved, the reason must be extremely important.

The paramount issue will be avoided, if necessary with repetition of the reassurance that the Air Force was in control at all times. The weapons were only missing during the 3.5-hour flight.

At Barksdale, the missiles were considered to be unarmed items headed for modernization or the scrap heap, and of no particular importance. They were left unguarded for almost ten hours.

According to one report, almost ten hours were required for airmen at Minot AFB to convince superiors that the nuclear weapons had disappeared. According to information provided to Congress, this time lapsed before airmen at Barksdale "noticed" the weapons were present. News reports will continue to overlook this fact also.

Even here the focus is on time. The number of missiles and warheads issue was overlooked.

Early news reports spoke of five nuclear warheads loaded onto the bomber. Apparently, this information was provided from Barksdale.

That number was later updated to six weapons missing from Minot, apparently based on anonymous tips provided to Military Times by people at Minot. This information has also been forgotten.


Six nuclear weapons disappeared from Minot AFB in North Dakota.

Five nuclear weapons were discovered at Barksdale AFB in Louisiana.

Which leads to my chilling conclusion:

Someone, operating under a special chain of command within the United States Air Force, just stole a nuclear weapon.

What next?
The answer has been provided several times, most recently by CIA Director and General Michael Hayden. On September 7, dressed in full military uniform, Hayden told assembled members of the Council of Foreign Relations:

"Our analysts assess with high confidence that al-Qaida's central leadership is planning high-impact plots against the U. S. homeland."

"We assess with high confidence that al-Qaida is focusing on targets that would produce mass casualties, dramatic destruction and significant aftershocks."

An eye for an eye. Use of nukes will justify use of nukes. A perfect excuse to wage nuclear war against Iran.

I suspect Hayden is absolutely correct, except for his mistaken identification of the "central leadership" that is planning detonation of a nuclear weapon on American soil.
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like 9/11 and nazi germany, american history will see a phase of staged and false flag operations in desperate attempts to maintain hegemony. Fortunately, falsehood has no base and it shall perish!~!
like 9/11 and nazi germany, american history will see a phase of staged and false flag operations in desperate attempts to maintain hegemony. Fortunately, falsehood has no base and it shall perish!~!
Yes, that's what I hope too,,, I hope their plans would miserably fail...

اور انہوں نے تدبیر کی اور الله نے بھی تدبیر فرمائی اور الله بہترین تدبیر کرنے والو ں میں سے ہے

The US Presidential elections take place in the month of November. The next POTUS is decided on the very same day (although the US electoral college results will take a few more days but always mirror the election day results).

Any "false flag operation" occurring in December has absolutely no bearing on the elections.

So much for your conspiracy theories!! Seriously, get a life CT idiots.
u genius from behind, the point is, it's planned near end of Obama's term, 21-Dec-2012 was ment to relate it to the movie...
u genius from behind, the point is, it's planned near end of Obama's term, 21-Dec-2012 was ment to relate it to the movie...

Lol thats a new one!

Anyway, if one bases their facts on movies, that too fictional hollywood products, then good luck to you sire.

OMG...omg...omg!!! You are right! The world's gonna end in 2012 as they depicted in the movie. Definitely true!
Yes, that's what I hope too,,, I hope their plans would miserably fail...

اور انہوں نے تدبیر کی اور الله نے بھی تدبیر فرمائی اور الله بہترین تدبیر کرنے والو ں میں سے ہے

u genius from behind, the point is, it's planned near end of Obama's term, 21-Dec-2012 was ment to relate it to the movie...

YouTube - 2012 - Official Trailer 3

This is what the next false flag operation against pakistan will look like. The evil americans are have hired john cusack and amanda peet this time to carry it out replacing the good old osama and mohammad atta.

:bunny: :pakistan:
gubbi & nick-indian u 2 r being distracted by the movie part, while conveniently ignoring the actual point,,, so to make it easy for ur level of IQ, I'm going to remove the movie part...
Former Vice President Dick Cheney warned that there is a “high probability” that terrorists will attempt a catastrophic nuclear or biological attack in coming years, and said he fears the Obama administration’s policies will make it more likely the attempt will succeed.
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"Good morning. At this moment, somewhere in the world, terrorists are planning new attacks on our country. Their goal is to bring destruction to our shores that will make September the 11th pale by comparison." -- George W. Bush, Feb. 13, 2008
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The greatest threat now is "a 9/11 occurring with a group of terrorists armed not with airline tickets and box cutters, but with a nuclear weapon in the middle of one of our own cities."
-- Dick Cheney on Face the Nation, CBS, April 15, 2007
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Tom Tancredo told about 30 people at a town hall meeting in Osceola, Iowa, on Tuesday that he believes that a nuclear terrorist attack on the U.S. could be imminent and that the U.S. needs to hurry up and think of a way to stop it.
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Former CIA Director R. James Woolsey tells NewsMax in an exclusive interview that terrorists could strike the American homeland — possibly with a weapon of mass destruction — this summer or early fall.
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Michael Scheuer, the retired CIA veteran...If al-Qaida does launch an attack inside the U.S., as the U.S. government suggests, "it will be much bigger than 9/11."
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updated 7/11/2007 ... Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff’s “gut feeling” about an increased terrorist attack... again pointing to pakistan (Watch Video)
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Lol thats a new one!

Anyway, if one bases their facts on movies, that too fictional hollywood products, then good luck to you sire.

OMG...omg...omg!!! You are right! The world's gonna end in 2012 as they depicted in the movie. Definitely true!

2012? that's early, I will end it before that. Damn i can't believe i read it all huh!
like 9/11 and nazi germany, american history will see a phase of staged and false flag operations in desperate attempts to maintain hegemony. Fortunately, falsehood has no base and it shall perish!~!

and what part of history makes you believe so....I cannot recall a period in human history when one race has not hated and subjugated another.

I remain quite pessimistic about our ability to deal with current challenges. At best, we will muddle along as we are right now...I agree that a weakening hold of America on the world stage will make them alter strategy and given that by and large the same folks run the world as they did 25 years ago...we know there thought process.....Middle East, Nuclear Bombs, Fake or forced wars and buckets full of lecturing why its right.Pessimistic..BIG YES.
what is this old false. Out of topic and not to consider able now

due too much of debate we had on topic so every terror on America labeled to Pakistan is not fare but more than much of terror came from Afghanistan and Russia. and about Karachi the terror activities MQM & ANP mostly concern with assume to political revenge other associated to India. :pakistan:

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