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Iajuddin and MUA were both elevated by the BNP. Why do I not feel too much sympathy for BNP that this happened to them? There are still many of these mediocre types in BNP and Khaleda Zia is still not sidelining them.
25 injured in BCL clash

Thursday, April 9, 2009
At least 25 activists were injured today in clashes between two rival groups of the Bangladesh Chhatra League (BCL) at Jagannath University.

The clashes erupted at around 11:00pm over an incident on April 4 in which at least 12 leaders and activists of the BCL were injured, sources said.

The clash between two groups of BCL – President Group led by Kamrul Hasan Ripon and the Secretary Group led by Abu Sayeed continued for three hours.

The injured of the President Group are Robin, Imran, Shaon, Rajib, Shohel, Shafik, Babor and Biddut.

On the other hand, the injured of the Secretary Group are Sumon, Nandi, Sharif, Maksud and Arif.

Police charged baton to bring the situation under control. A tense situation is prevailing, campus sources said.

Man Awami can't even stand their own. On can only guess how brutal they can be against others though I don't have any problem if these haram products tear each other up. ...:smokin:

The Daily Star - Details News
Power situation worsening day by day

No progress in implementation of 3 large power projects

No appreciable progress was made in last three months of the Awami League-led government on implementation of the three large power projects, earlier planned to be implemented as independent power producers (IPP), reports UNB.

The projects are 450-MW Bibiyana combined cycle (CC) plant, 450-MW Sirajganj CC plant and 450-MW Meghnaghat power plant, phase-II.
All the three projects were undertaken for implementation in the private sector on build-own-operate (BOO) basis because of public fund constraints.
Of the three projects, the move for implementation of the Meghnaghat project was first initiated by the last Awami League government. But the project still remained unimplemented because of repeated cancellation of tendering process.

On the other hand, the move for Sirajganj and the Bibiyana project was initiated by the immediate past BNP government but that move also faced similar problem of repeated tender cancellation.

Among the projects, tender was called twice for Meghnaghat Phase-II project, thrice for Sirajganj project while once for the Bibiyana project.
But every time, the tenders were cancelled at the final stage of approval process. And each time, a tender-from invitation to final decision stage-took at least two years'' time.

After such huge time-killing, this time the officials of both Power Ministry and Power Cell had the belief that the Awami League government will promptly move to implement the projects because of its election pledge for improving the power situation.

The Awami League had promised to increase power generation by 3,500 MW within 5 years.

But within a short period, the officials have started believing that things will move as usual - as there is no special effort in sight to move forward the projects.

However, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, who is also in-charge of the Power and Energy Ministry, sat twice with the officials of her ministry in three months'' time.

At both meetings, she directed the officials to expedite the pace of their work and discharge their responsibilities without any fear.

But despite such a clear directive from the Prime Minister, things remain as before with no move in sight to expedite the implementation of the projects.
Meanwhile, the power supply situation is worsening day by day as the gap between demand and supply is increasing. After the Prime Minister''s recent meeting with the Power and Energy Ministry officials, the power situation improved next day, but within next two days it again deteriorated with the sudden shutdown of a number of plants.

Now, the country has been experiencing about 2000 MW of power shortage and many places in both the urban and rural areas have to face load shedding almost every alternative hour.

The News Today
Cross-border crimes go up after carnage

It's dropping fast, says BDR DG

M Abul Kalam Azad

Cross-border movement of criminals, and trafficking of illicit goods including small arms increased alarmingly in the days following the events in Pilkhana Headquarters of Bangladesh Rifles (BDR), observed an internal security report.

The national security is likely to be affected by the recent development, and trafficking of illegal weapons might rise taking advantage of it, the report cautioned.

Director General of BDR Maj Gen Md Mainul Islam however told The Daily Star over the phone yesterday that the number of illegal cross-border activities has been dropping fast with the increasing activities of the border security force, initiated lately.

"Our border patrol activities have increased with the passing of time. We've tightened the control on the border areas resulting in arrests of illegal intruders, and seizure of illegal goods," he observed.

The internal security report, submitted to the highest authorities of the government in early April, observed that the post BDR mutiny time has been marked by sharp increase of different illegal activities across all frontiers of Bangladesh. It identified the illegal activities as trafficking of women and children, and illicit narcotics, and smuggling of arms and ammunitions.

It mentioned that the price of a bottle of illicit narcotic, phensydil, had been around Tk 700 before the events in the BDR headquarters, the price of which nose dived to around Tk 350 since then, due to massive increase in inbound smuggling of the drug.

It also observed, "Since most of the members of different battalions of BDR were either directly or indirectly involved in the mutiny and lawlessness of February 25 and 26, so most of them are in a state of confusion and dilemma about their careers and future until the investigation is over. That is why, many of them are not playing an active role in guarding the borders and in curbing smuggling."

Quoting anonymous sources the report mentioned, "Keeping in mind the uncertainty of their future, some of them are even trying to ensure a future by getting themselves involved in cross-border smuggling."

The report, which was also sent to the Ministry of Homes Affairs, and Rapid Action Battalion (RAB), noted that many army officers deputed to BDR are carrying out their duties staying in nearest cantonments or circuit houses or rest houses, instead of staying at their command posts, feeling insecure.

The new BDR DG however said the officers are closely monitoring the situation by taking over their command positions, which he said boosted the morale of the jawans. "Now the situation at the borders is under our total control," Maj Gen Mainul said.

The security report advised the government to initiate coordinated efforts at the foreign and home affairs ministries levels with India and Myanmar to ensure meaningful security at the border areas. The report also advised the government for strengthening the activities of all internal law enforcement agencies in light of the border situation.

Bangladesh shares nearly 4,000 kilometres or 2,500 miles of land and maritime borders with its neighbours India and Myanmar.

The mutiny and the subsequent atrocities in the BDR headquarters of Pilkhana in the capital left the paramilitary border force in a fragile state. A total of 76 persons including 54 army officers deputed to the force were killed by the mutineers.

:The Daily Star: Internet Edition
BNP to be on streets until govt cancels decision on Khaleda's residence

BNP and its front organisations will continue their peaceful movement until the government withdraws its "illegal" decision cancelling the lease allocation of Khaleda's cantonment residence, reports UNB.

BNP Secretary General Khandaker Delwar Hossain Saturday announced the party's stand while addressing a protest rally organised by Jatiyatabadi Jubo Dal, the youth wing of the party, in front of the BNP central office at Naya Paltan in the city in the afternoon.

He said no threat and intimidation of the government would work to deter the opposition from its movement.

The rally was organised as part of a two-day demonstration programme that ended Saturday with demonstrations at district and upazila levels across the country by BNP and its front organisations against the Wednesday's cabinet decision scrapping Khaleda's Shaheed Mainul Road residence in Dhaka cantonment.

Jubo Dal President Barkatullah Bulu, MP, who presided over the rally, announced its fresh street protest for two days across the country and gave the government a 48-hour deadline to rescind its 'illegal' decision.

As part of its two-day programme, Jubo Dal will hold protest rallies and take out processions at six divisional headquarters, including capital Dhaka, on April 13.

On April 15, similar protest programmes will be held at district, upazila and pourshava levels all over the country.

BNP leaders Mirza Abbas, Gayeshwar Chandra Roy, Dr Moyeen Khan, Zainul Abdin Farooque, MP and Jubo Dal General Secretary Moazzem Hossain Alal, among others, addressed the rally.

Addressing the rally, Khandaker Delwar said the government is trying to play a game of minus-one formula by evicting the opposition leader Khaleda Zia not only from her cantonment residence, but also from politics.

He asked the Prime Minister to remove this thought from her mind, if anyone gave her this 'ill advice,' as it would never be successful on this soil of Bangladesh.

He said he finds the sign of BKSAL, not democracy, in the activities of the three-month-old Awami League government "as it has indulged in land grabbing, capturing of halls and educational institutions, extortion, terrorism and finally making an attempt to grab Khaleda's cantonment home through an illegal decision".

Delwar said the government wants to divert public attention and hide its ill-motive and failures to implement its election commitments by creating a non-issue an issue.

Speaking at the rally, Mirza Abbas said it is not the government but Awami League that has cancelled the lease of Khaleda's residence and this has been reflected in the recent aggressive statements of the ruling party ministers and leaders. "If the ruling party comes out on the street without the police protection to face Jubo Dal, they (AL) would not get the escape route."

Gayeshwar Roy said the behind-the-scene actors of 1/11 are trying to implement their unfinished works through the Prime Minister.

He said the present effort of removing Khaleda Zia from her cantonment residence is part of the conspiracy hatched to send her abroad.

Dr Moyeen said the cabinet decision has violated the human rights by hatching conspiracy to remove Khaleda from her residence.

After the meeting, a protest procession was brought out that paraded Kakrail-Bijoynagar crossing before terminating in front of the party office.

Good for BNP. Awami actually helping BNP to regroup under this issue. No complain from me.:enjoy:

BNP to be on streets until govt cancels decision on Khaleda's residence
Truth is unacceptable for rulers in Bangladesh

Sunita Paul

Bangladesh is a nation with many past histories of pride. It is the nation, which fought for mother-language and finally snatched the right from the mighty Pakistani authorities. In 1971, this nation fought a war of independence and just in nine months, snatched the victory thus making a glorious presence of a country named Bangladesh in the global map. Bangladeshis by nature are extremely courageous, hard-working and optimistic. But, unfortunately, this nation is continuing to witness administration by rough politicians for decades.

Right after the independence of Bangladesh, 75 million people in the country entrusted Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman with the great responsibility of a ruler with the hope of seeing a ´Golden Bengal´ under the dynamic and charismatic leadership of Mujib. He (Bangabandhu) too promised a prosperous nation with right of expression, freedom of press and above all citizen rights. But, just in 4 years, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman decided to form one party rule thus banning newspapers, suffocating freedom of expression and abusing citizen rights under a heneous black law named ´Special Powers Act´. Thousands of political opponents were detained under SPA and many killed by the special paramilitary force named Rakkhibahini formed by the Awami League government under the leadership of the man, who is the founding father of the nation. In political history in the world, it will be impossible to locate a second leader like Mujib, who adopted series of laws and rules to suppress and repress his own people, just for the sake of safeguarding his rule.

There is no controversy regarding the towering high personality of Bangabandhu. He is the hero, who led the war of independence of the country sitting in isolated prison in West Pakistan. But, other than partisan people, no one supports what he did by forming one party rule named BAKSAL and suppression and repression of people as well suffocating freedom of press and expression.

During December 29, 2008 general election, Bangabandhu´s daughter Sheikh Hasina Wajed snatched landslide victory in the general election by defeating her arch rival Bangladesh Nationalist Party and the alliance. This time, daughter of Mujib promised changing the country into a land of infinite possibility thus announcing her ´Digital Bangladesh´ or ´Vision 2021´ projects. Electoral manifesto of Bangladesh Awami League attained high appreciation in Bangladesh and abroad for a number of reasons.

But, just in less than 100 days in administration, Awami League is unfortunately unmasking its very repressive face to the nation as well as international community. On April 11, 2009, ruling party lawmaker Captain (Retired) Giasuddin Ahmed and his thugs physically assaulted Abdullah Al Amin Biplob, a correspondent of vernacular daily The Shamokal. The ruling party MP reportedly threatened the journalist of refraining from writing anything against his misdeeds during the entire five-year tenure of the present government.

Similar attitude is witnessed in other cases too. Some hired intellectuals and so-called writers are continuing to publish malicious articles and commentaries on me, since I picked up the BDR massacre issue and started exposing many facts, where it was becoming crystal clear that many of the heavyweights in the ruling party were involved behind this tragic massacre.

A former ambassador belonging to Bangladesh Awami League quarter, wrote to a number of newspapers in the world, asking to refrain from publishing my articles, as this ambassador claimed, contents of my write-ups were not prolific. As he could not give a single example of any of my comments to be untrue, for obvious reason, international media are ignoring such ridiculous request and continuing to publish my pieces as they did for past few decades.

Some Awami League pals claim, I have picked up the pen since the BDR massacre! This is a lie of highest order. I have been writing for decades and even during 2005 of BNP rule, I was only one of those very few individuals who wrote against the misdeeds of BNP´s political office Hawa Bhaban as well as many of the king-stars of this hated building.

Many of my writings were refereed in a number of prominent newspapers in Bangladesh during that period.

I continued my pen during the interim government too.

But, none of these writing had ever been either questioned or criticized by Awami Leaguers. But, this time, when I am exposing facts behind the BDR massacre, there is visibly wild media war against me by a section of anti-army elements inside and outside Bangladesh. Entire scenario creates doubt in my mind about the sincerity of the ruling government in Bangladesh about publishing a real and neutral investigation report on the BDR massacre and punishing the culprits.

There is even rumor in Bangladesh that the government led by Sheikh Hasina Wajed may not at all allow the investigation report conducted by Bangladesh Army to see the light of sun.

But, neither government´s dubious attitude towards the BDR massacre or its maligning campaign against me will ever stop my pen. Investigation committees should carefully scrutinize each and every piece of information published in Bangladeshi and international press on this extremely sensitive issue.

Today, I have to raise few more fresh questions related to the BDR massacre:

1. Why the student wing leader of Bangladesh Awami League, Liakot Sikder is missing from public appearance?

2. Sikder appeared in a TV talk show on Ekushey Television right after the general election, along with Mohiuddin Khan Alamgir, Brigadier General (Retired) Hannan Shah and others leaving tears while stating ´brutal treatment´ by the army during the interim government´s tenure.

3. Mohiuddin Khan Alamgir said in the same program that ´proper actions will be taken against those army officers who were active during the interim government rule´.

4. Brig. Gen. (Retired) Hannan Shah gave descriptive statements containing anti-army sentiment.

5. Mohiuddin Khan Alamgir, Barrister Moudud Ahmed, Sheikh Fazlul Karim Selim, Jahangir Kabir Nanak, Mirza Azam, Shahid Uddin Chowdhury Anie, Mirza Abbas, Salauddin Qader Chowdhury, Sajeda Chowdhury, Abdul Jalil, Barrister Fazley Noor Taposh, Lt. Col. (Retired) Faruk Khan, Suranjit Sen Gupta, Abul Hossain, Maj. Gen. (Retired) Subid Ali Buiyan, Sahara Khatun, Tanjim Ahmed Taj Sohel and many others gave extremely offensive statements in the parliament against Bangladesh Army.

6. Sheikh Hasina Wajed´s son and advisor Sajib Wajed Joy was active in lobbying against Bangladesh Army in United States and other countries. He even gave interviews to foreign media as well wrote several articles projecting Bangladesh Armed Forces as ´militancy infected´.

7. Although Bangladeshi investigators are checking cell-phone call list of the ruling party leaders, but, who knows if they were also using several SIM cards which were not properly registered? It is well known fact that in Bangladesh, it is easy to buy a cell phone connection even without providing any information on the user.

8. The ruling party is continuing to do everything to divert the attention of people from BDR massacre to anything else. Even recently Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Wajed gave a strange statement saying Bangladesh was willing to launch a satellite. It is evidently understood that behind such sudden statement of the Bangladeshi PM was to even divert the global attention to ´satellite´ issue than BDR massacre.

9. Extortion, rape, murder, abduction and various forms of crimes are on high rise in Bangladesh since installation of the new government. In most cases, such crimes are conducted by ruling party men. For obvious reason, rulers in Dhaka are trying t ignore all such notoriety.

10. Brother of the home minister Sahara Khatun in a newspaper interview said, on April 10, 2009 when members of Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) entered his residential hotel in Dhaka for nabbing a gang of counterfeit money makers, his son named Polash stopped the RAB members of conducting the raid. At one stage, he introduced himself as the nephew of the home minister and threatened dire consequences if RAB members tried to raid his residential hotel. Later this young boy was arrested by RAB and the raid conducted thus finding huge volume of counterfeit currency as well as equipment for making such items. But, while the RAB men were supposed to leave the premises with the arrested people, including the nephew of the Home Minister, she phoned the RAB members instructing to leave her nephew. Such tendency and nepotism by a home minister will possibly give a picture of today´s Bangladesh under the rule of Bangladesh Awami League.

11. If the Home Minister could interfere in setting her nephew released from the charge of abetting making of counterfeit currency, should it not be suspected that the ruling government may do anything in salvaging their party men from the BDR massacre investigation?

12. Many of the pro-Awami League journalists in Dhaka have started saying that the BDR massacre crisis was already handled by the government. Do they want to mean by saying this that the rulers in Dhaka have successfully buried the investigation process of the massacre? Why Awami League leader Torab Ali Akhand is placed out of focus suddenly? Why there is no further information on his son, who was also arrested in connection to the massacre?

Unfortunately, truth is unacceptable for rulers in Bangladesh. The present government is no exception to it. This time, the ruling party, instead of using state machinery in repressing press, is using their hired intellectuals and ´obedient´ media in putting pressure on anyone exposing truth. This is a clear example of media terror by the rulers. And, there is no example of final survival of any government in the world, which suffocates freedom of expression.

American Chronicle | Truth is unacceptable for rulers in Bangladesh
Upazila reps threaten to declare MPs unwanted

Staff Correspondent

Upazila parishad chairmen, vice-chairmen on Wednesday threatened a tough movement, including declaring personae non gratae lawmakers on upazila parishad premises if the sweeping authority of the lawmakers over upazila parishads in constituencies are not scrapped.

They demanded amendment to the Upazila Parishad (Reintroduction of the Repealed Act and Amendment) Act, passed by the parliament on April 6, scrapping the provisions, which give the lawmakers the authority to control the decisions made and work done by upazila parishads.

They placed the demands at an exchange of views among themselves organised at the National Press Club by the newly floated Bangladesh Upazila Chairmen Forum.

The Biswanath upazila parishad chairman, Muhibur Rahman, who chaired the programme, said, ‘We would like to solve the problem first by holding talks with the government. If the discussion fails, the forum will announce its next course of action.’

About 100 representatives of upazilas from across the country attended the meeting and extended their support for the forum. The decided to install a full committee of the forum to carry forward their movement until the demands could be met.

Most of the representatives who addressed the meeting suggested both a legal battle challenging the act in the High Court and a movement to ensure the freedom of upazila parishads, the most important tier of the local government in accordance with the provisions stipulated in Article 59 of the constitution.

The parliament on April 6 unanimously passed the Upazila Parishad (Reintroduction of the Repealed Act and Amendment) Act, making it mandatory for upazila parishads to consult lawmakers and to accept their recommendations in planning development in their constituencies.

The act repealed the Local Government (Upazila Parishad) Ordinance 2008, promulgated by the immediate-past interim government, which repealed the Upazila Parishad Act 1998.

The Upazila Parishad (Reintroduction of the Repealed Act and Amendment) Act reintroduced the Upazila Parishad Act 1998 with some amendments.

The act has delegated more power to the lawmakers as advisers to upazila parishads than they had under the Upazila Parishad Act 1998. The 1998 act had made lawmakers advisers to upazila parishads in their constituencies, but had not made it mandatory for the local government bodies to accept their suggestions.

The Bangladesh Upazila Parishad Association, another association of the elected chairmen of the local government bodies, earlier observed that strong and functioning upazila parishads would not be possible under the new law passed by the parliament.

The association at a meeting on April 7 vowed action programme if the prime minister would not heed their demands and retain the questionable provisions which take away the freedom and autonomy of the local government bodies.

The Nabinagar upazila parishad chairman, Ziaul Huq Sarker, at the exchange of views urged lawmakers not to interfere in the activities of upazila parishad and said the local government representatives would launch a movement to regain their power.

‘I think the lawmakers have lost directions and finding no jobs, they now want to interfere in our tasks,’ Ziaul said.

Jaipurhat sadar upazila vice-chairman Titas Mostafa urged the forum leaders to take a resolution declaring the lawmakers personae non gratae in upazila parishad complexes.

Cox’s Bazar sadar upazila chairman Salimullah Bahadur subscribed to the views of Titas Mostafa. All the upazila representatives attending the meeting echoed the proposal, by raising hands and clapping.

Bhanga upazila chairman Sudhin Kumar Sarker urged the forum to declare the act a black law as it provides lawmakers with sweeping authority over upazila parishads.

‘It [the new law] was a clear violation of the constitution and non-fulfilment of the Awami League’s electoral pledge. It will destroy the status of the upazila parishad as an independent local government body,’ he said.

Asma Begum, a woman vice-chairman elected for the sadar upazila in Jaipurhat, said the elected upazila representatives had the powers to paralyse life in the constituencies so that lawmakers could not be able to visit their areas.

‘Do not compel us to resort to tough action. Please do your own job and leave us to discharge our duties freely as people voted us for their betterment,’ Asma said, referring to lawmakers.

After the meeting, Muhibur Rahman was made convener and Ziaul Haq Sarkar member secretary of the forum.

The forum will announce a 16-member central committee soon and hold exchanges of views in divisional headquarters.

Local government experts, academics, rights activists and some political parties observed the new upazila parishad act was a clear violation of the constitution.

They said it would weaken the local government bodies and create a political and administrative crisis.

Soon after election Awami league had installed all their party loyals in key govt post. And now these same party caders demanding tolls and extorting money from business and industries. All in the name of 'din bodol'.

How fares “our” government?

Mahmud ur Rahman Choudhury

Last week I wrote two editorials on successive dates titled "How fares our parliament?" and "How is our government faring?", basically discussing what our parliament and government has done so far in fulfilling their commitments made to the people before the December 2008 elections. The second of the two I found to be important enough to go to the front pages with and so, here it is.

The AL government is in office for the last 4 months and within that time the government had run into many crises which it is still in the process of "handling" but those processes are taking their time, raising frustrations within the "populace". Having promised the "world" so to say, before the elections, the AL government is now finding it difficult to deliver, pushing more and more decisions and solution further and further away along the time-scale. So, let's take some of the more important issues and see what the AL is doing about those.

The energy and power crisis had been building up in Bangladesh over the last 7 years and the AL is well aware of the problems the crisis has been creating for everything - industries, agriculture, communications, businesses and general living - and yet it had promised, before the elections to resolve it "quickly". Now that the AL is in government for the last few months, it is finding out that solving the energy and power crisis call for much more than words and after blaming the last BNP-Jamaat government for aggravating the problem, the government is claiming that "maybe" the crisis would be resolved after 3 years! Meanwhile the AL is asking the people to have "patience and understanding" - two states of the mind which people have run out off a long time back. The AL is also threatening tough police actions against anybody who takes to the streets protesting against the intolerable situation. So much for the energy and power crisis.

Like the energy and power crisis, food and price crisis has been prevailing in the country since the last few years and the AL promised to tackle it fast. It did so initially, showing a lot of "presence" of its ministers in Dhaka markets and threats of dire action against price hikes. Prices came down to some extent, not because of AL actions but because commodity prices were on the down-slide in international markets but within just 2 months prices crept up despite the threats of "dire actions". The over-production of cereal crops, over the last one year, by enthusiastic farmers results in an oversupply and consequent price depression, with farmers being unable to recoup their costs. Farmers don't seem too happy now and the government's procurement drives are unable to reach the producers and fulfill the procurement targets. Market monitoring have ceased altogether and prices of commodities are back to being decided by syndicates of a small number of importers, traders and suppliers with AL political cadres taking their "cuts" through extortions. So, there goes "food at afforadable prices".

Education has also been taking a beating in this country for the last 2 decades and the AL promised to eliminate illiteracy by 2021 but within a month of the AL forming the government, its student cadres went to war against each other and against the BNP and Jamaat cadres, resulting in closure of a dozen universities and colleges. The AL claims that the existing education system is creating social discriminations and divisions, with madrassah education breeding extremists and so, the AL government is working out yet another "new education policy" which will make Bangladesh "digital". As to what the AL government means by "digital" is anyone's guess because more than 50 percent of the populace is entirely illiterate, unable to counts digits. People are beginning to ask whether "digital" means supplying lakhs of computers, at good profit margins, by members of the AL ruling elites and AL minded businessmen. That's about wraps up education and eradicating illiteracy.

The trial of war criminals was one of the major commitments of AL and within a month after the government was formed, the law minister was all over the media with promises of immediately forming investigating agencies and tribunals and getting the trials over by December 2009. Till date there is no sight of any investigations or tribunals with the AL now speaking about taking time to ensure that nothing goes wrong with the trial or its process. People are asking what can go "wrong" when, in fact, there are no investigations, no tribunals and no trials.

The BDR mutiny was followed by promises of immediate investigations of the massacres of 60 army officers, within 7 days, followed by trials by court martial of the culprits. The dates of submitting investigation reports kept on being deferred by first 15 days, then a month and now all that is in complete hibernation. With investigations nowhere near being completed and "submitted", the trials too are nowhere near being held. So much for the AL government's claim that the mutiny was so dangerous that it could lead to a civil war but for the timely "political" action of the PM.

Cabinet meetings are held regularly or are presided over rather regally by the PM with her chiding the cabinet colleagues like errant children, threatening to show them the door, should they fail to deliver the "Vision 2021" and "Digital Bangladesh" and the only things that the Nation gets out of these cabinet meetings are ever more crop of promises which never get implemented. Remember, we started off by calling it "our" government because we elected it but now it's only the "AL" government because it's not delivering anything to "us". The AL government is not faring so well and people are wondering how they are going to live on empty stomachs filled with so many dreams for the next 5 years.

leading news
He was neither sold nor chickened out but an 'Ideological Mole' that was planted by so-called secular (Lefty leaning) infiltrators (Ex- Gen Mahbubur Rahman, Mannan Bhhuian etc) of BNP.........

But our commies didn't even know where their heads and tails were as Tagore once wrote,

Bohu din dhore
Bohu Krosh ghore
Dekhite giase Sindhu !
Dekha hoy nai chakhu malia
ghorer kone ek pa felia
ekti dhaner patar opor
ekti shishir Bindu !

The correct phrases are as follows:

Bohu din dhore
Bohu Krosh ghure
Dekhite giachi parbatmala,
Dekhite giachi Sindhu !
Dekha hoy nai chakkhu melia
ghor hote shudhu ek pa felia,
ekti dhaner shisher upore
ekti shishir Bindu !
Top Bangla army officer seeking political asylum in US

Dhaka, Jun 10 A senior army officer posted in the Bangladesh embassy in Washington, who had a key role in arrest of top politicians during emergency rule, is seeking political asylum in the US following his recall last month, a media report said today.

Brig Gen Chowdhury Fazlul Bari, defence attache at the embassy here, was recently recalled after serving little over a year, bdnews24 media portal quoted an unnamed person"close to"him as saying.

Bari was director at the all-powerful Directorate General of Forces Intelligence in the 2007-08 regime of the military-backed caretaker government and is known to have played a key role in the arrest of several top politicians and bureaucrats during a massive anti-graft drive.

In the wake of the Awami League&aposs return to power, several top leaders of the party had demanded curtailing of the influence of the military&aposs intelligence wing in the civilian administration, the report said.

" Although not naming him directly, the politicians&aposwrath was particularly directed at Brig Bari,"it said.

Talking to leading newspaper Daily Star, Bari denied any move to seek political asylum. However, he said that he is not coming back to the country soon.

International : Top Bangla army officer seeking political asylum in US : 595356

Traitor Shorty :sniper: MUA is next...
JS probe body to summon Matin Yeah payback time for losers and I ain't complaining....Hang them high..........:lol:

Mon, Jun 15th, 2009 5:20 pm BdST

Dial 2324 from your mobile for latest news
Dhaka, June 15 (bdnews24.com)—A parliamentary probe team has decided to summon former shipping adviser M A Matin for his alleged irregularities in awarding a container handling deal to a private firm on his last day in office.

The probe body, formed in May by the parliamentary standing committee on the shipping ministry, said at a meeting Monday that Matin had hurriedly awarded the contract at the last hour on Jan 6 as the new cabinet was taking oath.

"We have decided to summon former adviser Matin before the probe body to clarify why he had awarded the contract to the firm within 24 hours," Mohammad Shah Alam, who heads the investigation committee, told bdnews24.com after the meeting at the parliament building.

"Next week we will hold another meeting and decide when M A Matin should turn up to answer our questions," he said.

Matin was the head of the corruption-busting body formed by the military-installed caretaker government after the declaration of the state of emergency on Jan 11, 2007.

Shah Alam said the documents of the Chittagong Port Authority read that Matin had arranged a CPA board meeting in the afternoon of Jan 5 to evaluate the tender committee's report.

The CPA initiated the file to award the contract within 24 hours to Ishaq Brothers after the meeting and couriered it to Dhaka by air, he said.

"The file was accepted on Jan 6 morning and the same was sent to Chittagong Port Authority for necessary actions after the adviser had signed it.

"The file reached Chittagong in the afternoon of January 6 and the port authority awarded the works to Ishaq Brothers at 9pm at night.

"This is a record in Bangladesh's history. We have to know why the file moved so fast."

Matin is the first adviser to that caretaker government to have been charged with corruption.

JS probe body to summon Matin :: Bangladesh :: bdnews24.com ::
Fascist, conniving, lying-bastardouness were always RAWAMY traits; ever since it came to a being. It started its heinous cowardice-revengefulness with the beatings of 'W Pakistani Muslim Leaguers ' in 1958 and up until today it even never spared decent, god fearing women-- May Almighty burn these bastards in hell.. Amen...

The Daily Sangram || Oldest bangla daily newspaper
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The following is the most desirous, revealing and astonishing link that tells about La-Hasina's ins and out. And it is nothing but the translation of the famous book of 'Amar Fanschi Chai' ( I want myself to be hung) by Matiur Rehman Rantu, who used to be La-Hasina's personal secretary. Dear fellow members, enjoy the character of Bangaladeshi PM..

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