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2 students killed, 1,000 hurt, 25 instts closed in 3 months

Chhatra League activists reportedly engaged in violent clashes with their opponents both within the party and with rivals JCD

Thursday April 02 2009 01:43:25 AM BDT

Two student leaders were killed, more than 1,000 injured and about 25 educational institutions were closed over violent clashes by and within the associate bodies of students of major political parties after the Awami League-led alliance had won the December 29 general elections.(The Newage)

Abul Kalam Asad Rajib, the general secretary of the Dhaka Medical College unit Chhatra League which serviced out its tenure, was killed on Tuesday in a factional feud, and a leader of the Rajshahi University unit Chhatra Shibir, Sharifuzzaman Nomani, was killed by Chhatra League activists on March 13.

A tense situation also prevails in Jahangirnagar University even after the Awami League had suspended the organisational activities of the university unit Chhatra League over factional clashes.

Chhatra League activists, after the December 29, 2008 elections, reportedly engaged in violent clashes with their opponents both within the party and with rivals Jatiyatabadi Chhatra Dal, the BNP’s associate body of students, and the Islami Chhatra Shibir, Jamaat-e-Islami’s associate body of students, to establish their dominance on campuses.

Apart from capturing the residential halls of some universities, the Chhatra League activists have reportedly unleashed a reign of terror in some colleges under the National University to make some money by using their influence to facilitate the students’ admission to bachelor’s courses in the 2008–2009 session.

The authorities of some such colleges were forced to stop the admission process for a few days as the Chhatra League activists vandalised the institutions and threatened further violence unless their illegal demands were met.

The academic life of several thousand students continues to be hampered as five educational institutions in Rajshahi have remained closed since March 13 and the authorities of Dhaka Medical College on Tuesday closed the institution for an indefinite period and the students had to vacate the hostels.

Three other institutions which were closed on March 13, however, were re-opened.

Out of the 25 educational institutions which were closed between early January and mid-March, 20 have resumed classes but five institutions in Rajshahi are still closed.

Some students who were seriously injured during the clashes are unable to take the exams and may lose an academic year.

The University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi Medical College and Rajshahi College were closed on March 13. Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology, Rajshahi Government New Degree College, Government City College and Rajshahi Polytechnic Institute and the Institute of Health Technology were closed on March 14.

The Government New Degree College, Government City College and the Institute of Health Technology were reopened in the past week.

The situation in Dhaka University, Jagannath University, Eden College, Dhaka Polytechnic Institute and Government Brajamohan College in Barisal is still tense.

The authorities of Chittagong University and the Islamic University in Kushtia, apprehending deterioration in law and order, in mid-March imposed a ban on all political activities on the campus for a month.

On January 17, the prime minister, Sheikh Hasina, summoned the Chhatra League president, Mahmud Hasan Ripon, and the general secretary, Mahfuzul Haider Roton, and asked them to take organisational action, including expulsion, against the activists involved in violence.

No significant action has been taken against any Chhatra League leaders or activists even after Hasina had issued the directive, said sources in the organisation.

When asked if any punitive measures have been taken, Mahmud Hasan Ripon on Wednesday told New Age they would take a tough stance against the Chhatra League activists who are involved in campus violence.

Ripon also requested the law enforcement agencies to take tough action against the students involved in violence.

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Taking part in the election was a good decission as BNP survived as a party and they can look forward to the next election. Jamaat is a good party except they had some war criminals which needs to be cleaned up. Jamaat will emerge as a better party after the trial is over.

Under present circumstances I do not think BNP will survive till the next elections. The party is falling apart and I do not see any future for it after Khaleda Zia leaves politics. Had they not participated in the elections they could still have sustained and reorganized their party structure and got rid of the bad elements and campaigned for new elections like which happened in 1996 but this time on the other side. The election loss was so devastating that the BNP is now in a coma and I do not think they will recover. They have lost all credibility and fighting spirit. Participating in the rigged elections was probably its worst mistake in its entire history.

I do not think Jamaat is a good party even without the war criminals. The party puts ideology before country and that is why it forced BNP into these farcical elections purely on selfish grounds and is now suffering the consequences. Within 5 years the AL and India will ensure that religion based politics will be banished from the country. The Jamaat was warned repeatedly about this aspect of AL policy but they went ahead anyway and gave the AL a landslide victory which also virtually destroyed their election partners the BNP. Now Jamaat will face war crimes trials and the withering away of their support base. Do they really think the AL/India will give them a chance in 5 year to return to power? If the AL thinks it will lose the next elections there will be no elections.

Within the next 5 years AL will bring a semi-BKSAL system back into operation (by crushing all opposition parties and censoring the press and media through intimidation) and re-form the Rakkhi Bahini under a new name. This is one of the objectives of the Pilkhana massacres. Jamaat and BNP gained nothing in these elections and lost everything due to their greed and selfishness and also short-sightedness.
BCL lust for power shuts 8 institutes

Syed Shoeb

The extreme craze of Bangladesh Chhatra League (BCL), student wing of ruling Awami League, to rein in higher educational institutions and bring under control various residential halls caused closure of many major institutions across the country in less than three years of AL''s assuming power.

With Dhaka Medical College being shut down on Tuesday amid the wake of BCL infighting, the number of educational institutions closed reached eight.
Two BCL factions fought at Fazle Rabbi Hall of Dhaka Medical College for taking control of the hall that left college''s BCL unit general secretary Abul Kalam Asad Rajib dead and some 25 others injured.

Soon after the clashes, students of the college were asked to leave halls of residence to prevent further violence on the campus.

BCL central committee at a meeting Wednesday dissolved its DMC unit and suspended activities of the student wing on the campus for three months.
Campus sources said Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina''s warning of taking stern measures against troublemakers at educational institutions is proving to have no effect on the student wing of her party and the wing is virtually out of control.

The academic life of hundreds of students at the institutions have come to a standstill due to BCL intra-party clashes and recurrent clashes between BCL,
Jatiyatabadi Chhatra Dal and Islami Chhatra Shibir at various parts of the country.

Rajshahi University was shut down for indefinite period on March 13 following fierce clashes between Chhatra League and Chhatra Shibir activists on the campus, in which Shibir RU unit secretary Sharifuzzaman Nomani was killed and at least 100 were injured.

Rajshahi Medical College and Rajshahi College were closed the same day as the authorities feared fallout of clashes taking place on the university campus.

Five more institutions, including Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology, Government New Degree College, Rajshahi Government City College and Rajshahi Polytechnic Institute, were closed the next day and the students were asked to vacate the halls and hostels to fend off further troubles.

Of them, Rajshahi City College and Rajshahi New Degree College reopened this week.

Besides, clashes between two factions of BCL at Dhaka Polytechnic Institute forced the auathorities to close down the institute on March 15 while Jahangirnagar University was closed in February for several weeks following a daylong gunbattle between two BCL factions.

The authorities of Chittagong University and the Islamic University in Kushtia imposed ban on all political activities on the campus for a month apprehending deterioration in law and order.

In early February, Jagannath University witnessed daylong clashes between two BCL factions.

Dhaka University is seeing pitched battles and volatile conditions, stemming from the rivalry of BCL factions at its various dormitories regularly.
Even the residential halls of the university have become sanctuaries for stockpiling lethal weapons for use against rivals while law enforcers were seen recovering some of them during their raid on the dormitories.
In most cases, the violence among the student activists was silently watched by the members of law enforcing agencies making the sense that they are rather captive in the hands of ruling party activists and cadres, the sources said.

When contacted, BCl general secretary Mahfuzul Haider Chowdhury Roton refuted the allegation of criminal activities resorted by the BCL activists. He explained that Chhatra League is not responsible for what happened at the educational institutions.

"Outsiders and students of other student organizations are creating violence on the campus using the name of Chhatra League," he said.

"Whenever we had found involvement of any activist of our organization in such acts, we soon took organisational measures against them," Roton added.

Awami League ascended to power through the December 29 general elections with a landslide victory.

The News Today
Under present circumstances I do not think BNP will survive till the next elections. The party is falling apart and I do not see any future for it after Khaleda Zia leaves politics. Had they not participated in the elections they could still have sustained and reorganized their party structure and got rid of the bad elements and campaigned for new elections like which happened in 1996 but this time on the other side. The election loss was so devastating that the BNP is now in a coma and I do not think they will recover. They have lost all credibility and fighting spirit. Participating in the rigged elections was probably its worst mistake in its entire history.

I do not think Jamaat is a good party even without the war criminals. The party puts ideology before country and that is why it forced BNP into these farcical elections purely on selfish grounds and is now suffering the consequences. Within 5 years the AL and India will ensure that religion based politics will be banished from the country. The Jamaat was warned repeatedly about this aspect of AL policy but they went ahead anyway and gave the AL a landslide victory which also virtually destroyed their election partners the BNP. Now Jamaat will face war crimes trials and the withering away of their support base. Do they really think the AL/India will give them a chance in 5 year to return to power? If the AL thinks it will lose the next elections there will be no elections.

Within the next 5 years AL will bring a semi-BKSAL system back into operation (by crushing all opposition parties and censoring the press and media through intimidation) and re-form the Rakkhi Bahini under a new name. This is one of the objectives of the Pilkhana massacres. Jamaat and BNP gained nothing in these elections and lost everything due to their greed and selfishness and also short-sightedness.

Oh brother, Thats a very scary picture you just painted. I am hoping you are wrong on this.:eek: BNP need to revive again for the sake of the country. :agree:
Congratulations to Awami League And Sheikh Hasina
Hope she eliminates corruption and criminalisation and truely builds a 'Sonar Bangla'.
Thanked by iajdani (12-30-2008)

.....Is she still on track ?

How days change ?
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Results 'staged': Khaleda :: Election 2008 :: bdnews24.com ::

'Staged' results unacceptable: Khaleda
Wed, Dec 31st, 2008 12:23 am BdST

Dhaka, Dec 30 (bdnews24.com) - BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia on Tuesday night alleged the announcement of results after Monday's national vote was staged to defeat the four-party alliance.

She further alleged that 'vote rigging' was unprecedented.

"After Monday's polls, the Election Commission only announced a staged
result set earlier," Khaleda said at a midnight press briefing.

....no more sound after that. Was it an emotional out-burst only at meeting failure or Is there any basis ? Oh! when history will speak ? Was any 'Posison-Tree' seed was swon really ?.....

How days change ?
.....Moreover, why are you asking me to forget the past after AL’s stage-managed victory?......

....Is there any substance regarding stage-managed ? The common mass now require to be informed and convinced of this, if any ? Bangladesh sky is now grimly clouded.
.....We gave AL a chance and let's see how they fare.If they fail,we will kick them out in the next election in the same manner.

....Will there really be "the next election" ? Has not the morning showed the day ? In view of non-existent credible "Opposition", threat on BA, posssibility of reformation of BDR to Rakkhi, prep of full scale attack on Islam, democracy is soon going to be reduced to autocracy in which BAL thrives most. How that "kick" will now be administered ?

How days change ?
Under present circumstances I do not think BNP will survive till the next elections. The party is falling apart and I do not see any future for it after Khaleda Zia leaves politics. Had they not participated in the elections they could still have sustained and reorganized their party structure and got rid of the bad elements and campaigned for new elections like which happened in 1996 but this time on the other side. The election loss was so devastating that the BNP is now in a coma and I do not think they will recover. They have lost all credibility and fighting spirit. Participating in the rigged elections was probably its worst mistake in its entire history.

I do not think Jamaat is a good party even without the war criminals. The party puts ideology before country and that is why it forced BNP into these farcical elections purely on selfish grounds and is now suffering the consequences. Within 5 years the AL and India will ensure that religion based politics will be banished from the country. The Jamaat was warned repeatedly about this aspect of AL policy but they went ahead anyway and gave the AL a landslide victory which also virtually destroyed their election partners the BNP. Now Jamaat will face war crimes trials and the withering away of their support base. Do they really think the AL/India will give them a chance in 5 year to return to power? If the AL thinks it will lose the next elections there will be no elections.

Within the next 5 years AL will bring a semi-BKSAL system back into operation (by crushing all opposition parties and censoring the press and media through intimidation) and re-form the Rakkhi Bahini under a new name. This is one of the objectives of the Pilkhana massacres. Jamaat and BNP gained nothing in these elections and lost everything due to their greed and selfishness and also short-sightedness.

....Can not refute your prediction. Only I would like to add: Army will be devastated, and Islamic institutions like Masjid-Madrasas etc. will be destabilized and ransacked. The nation's tear will not stop.....

How days change ?
....Will there really be "the next election" ? Has not the morning showed the day ? In view of non-existent credible "Opposition", threat on BA, posssibility of reformation of BDR to Rakkhi, prep of full scale attack on Islam, democracy is soon going to be reduced to autocracy in which BAL thrives most. How that "kick" will now be administered ?

How days change ?

I said that just after election isn't it?And see its just been 4 months we already started talks of kicking them out.That shows how pathetic AL has been after coming to power.

But I feel if they want to create a Rakkhi Bahini again,the army won't be silent as the last time.And unlike last time army is not as weak.But if all the top brass of army is replaced with "chamchas" of AL,then we got a serious problem.Moreover,Army can not stage a coup as it will be under International pressure.Plus,I don't see a strong leader in army now,may there is but I can't see.
Oh brother, Thats a very scary picture you just painted. I am hoping you are wrong on this.:eek: BNP need to revive again for the sake of the country. :agree:

...unfortunately MBI Munshi is right. Only silver lining in that grim black cloud is that ToR (Terms of Reference) given to Hasina includes diminishing Islam--the root of all evils. Once she touches (and this time she has no way but to touch) that extra-high voltage line, Bangladesh people will explode. Then it is any body's guess. Allah has made Bangladesh highly volatile and inflammable when that cord is touched.

Bangladesh has not really been blessed with Gas or anything---but only with Islam, highest number of Masjids per km2, sticking to Quaranic Ilm despite 'horrible poverty' and open insult from the society, and recently the biggest gathering of Muslims second to Haj.

I first had a glimpse of madrassa life when I was a student of BUET in 1972. It was Ramadhan, and the students made "Iftar" with mashed potato and little of rice only. I wept. In a hatched hut where even cows will disagree to live, they are silently---obedient to Ustads and with mere provision of life---preserving the Ilm of Quran for the next generation to come. They know they will have a life of poverty, and people will laugh at them at will, yet they are to do this; otherwise none will do.

Now with some funds from Mideast/ here & there, we see few big building Madrasas.

But there are many which are not seen. Very humble & fragile, and apparently so feeble & weak---the sight of which automatically arouse insatiable feeling of power to destroy them in the hearts of impotent cowards. Let them do their hearts' content with impunity this time.

Please do not stop anyone who wants to damage Masjids and Madrasa this time. Let them face the OWNER of these head-on. Like Abraha did with the army of elephants. It is not our duty all the time to protect HIS property. HE knows many ways about how to do what and when.
I said that just after election isn't it?And see its just been 4 months we already started talks of kicking them out.That shows how pathetic AL has been after coming to power.

But I feel if they want to create a Rakkhi Bahini again,the army won't be silent as the last time.And unlike last time army is not as weak.But if all the top brass of army is replaced with "chamchas" of AL,then we got a serious problem.Moreover,Army can not stage a coup as it will be under International pressure.Plus,I don't see a strong leader in army now,may there is but I can't see.

Exactly the same calc was done by the others.

Allah knowingly has allowed this, too, to happen so that NOW we look towards HIM at least. We have looked towards others many times, and that did not and will not help any further.

Best way out is to stick to the righteous path, and ask Allah's refuge---the greatest of protectors. Only the most blessed take this path. Those who wre unworthy find it embarrasing.
BCL lust for power shuts 8 institutes Syed Shoeb

The extreme craze of Bangladesh Chhatra League (BCL), student wing of ruling Awami League, to rein in higher educational institutions and bring under control various residential halls caused closure of many major (educational) institutions across the country in less than three (months) years of AL's assuming power.....

The News Today

....Might this be the way BAL Govt. wishes to dispense 'Digital Education'. Or perhaps they will open the houses of education after the nation shows enough education first from BAL Govt. Why so hurry !!
India assures help to Bangladesh in restructuring BDR

Press Trust Of India

New Delhi, April 01, 2009
First Published: 15:00 IST(1/4/2009)
Last Updated: 15:03 IST(1/4/2009)

India on Wednesday assured Bangladesh that any “recalcitrant elements” of the BDR will not be allowed to enter the country and offered all possible help in restructuring of the paramilitary force there.

“We have expressed our full support to the Bangladesh government and BDR in restructuring the force. We will ensure that BDR recalcitrant elements do not enter into India at any cost and if any one caught we would hand them over to Bangladesh,” BSF Director General M L Kumawat said during a joint press conference with his BDR counterpart.

BDR chief Brigadier-General Mainul Islam requested the BSF to continue the “prudence and wisdom” shown at the borders since the bloody mutiny of February 25 and 26 by rebel troops of the paramilitary in which 58 Army officers were killed.

“The BSF has shown prudence and wisdom during the (BDR mutiny) crisis. It has been dealing the whole matter with wisdom and we expect them to do so in the future,” Islam told reporters here.

Islam, who led a six-member delegation for 29th Border Coordination Conference, was speaking after signing a Joint Record of Discussions with Kumawat in New Delhi.

“The saddest episode ever happened in world took place in Bangladesh... no BDR jawan could dare to cross the border into India as the BSF showed wisdom,” Islam said while expressing his gratitude for India’s support and cooperation during the recent crisis,“ he said.

India assures help to Bangladesh in restructuring BDR- Hindustan Times


Do you not think that this is another attempt to reconstitute the Rakkhi Bahini but in the guise of a border security force?
Not really... we should not try to find stink in every action people do. They were just talking diplomatic as it should be.
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