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News Flash ! Firing Takes Place on LAC

This is all part of the Indian grand strategy towards winning the Two-Front War.
According to this strategy, an Indian soldier must place claymore mine is such a way that the Front of the mine faces himself/friendlies.

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So the Indians "captured" a minefield and China is condemning them for it as well. 😂
External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar on Monday said the situation at eastern Ladakh, where Indian and Chinese troops have been in an eyeball-to-eyeball confrontation since April, was “very serious” and called for “deep conversations between the two sides at the political level”.

He was addressing the Express E-Adda event of Indian Express on Monday evening

“If you look at the 30 years, because it was peace and tranquillity at the border, it allowed relation to progress,” said Mr Jaishankar when asked what he would tell the Chinese Foreign Minister if he met him on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation’s Foreign Minister-level meeting in Moscow on September 10.

Ties with Bangladesh
Mr. Jaishankar praised the government’s approach to the neighbourhood and highlighted the special relationship with Bangladesh in the east.
India and Bangladesh will hold the Joint Consultative Commission’s meeting very soon, he said. “Warm conversation with Foreign Minister Dr A. K. Abdul Momen of Bangladesh. Agreed to hold our Joint Consultative Commission very soon. Will continue to work closely to reach the ambitious goals set by our leaders,” he said in a social media post.

A fortnight ago, Foreign Secretary Harsh Vardhan Shringla met Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and his counterpart, Masud Bin Momen, in Dhaka.

During the meeting of the two Foreign Secretaries, both sides agreed to convene the Joint Consultative Commission soon.

2.5 front war scenario is real now. BJP/Modi boasted for so long. One front Pakistan on LOC, one front China on LAC, and another 0.5 front BJP/Modi Hindutva mishandling Pandemic.

BJP/Modi police is insane. First asked all peasants go home on foot with only 4 hour notice, spread the virus to whole country.
And then unlocked the whole country when millions infections found. What's the point of locking in the first place?

This reminds me BJP/Modi another stupid police. The cash chaos in India: An unprecedented ban on large bills backfires on the poor. Again, Modi gave only four hours' notice of the move.

This is the stupidity of fascism like regime. Thank goodness.
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