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New York firm accused of denying Muslim employees right to pray

This may not be the case, me myself have seen people using "prayer time" as a reason not to work during office hours. Sometimes it takes them an hour of "prayer" when in fact its suppose to take 15 minutes at the most. How many prayer times during office hours at least three times so that will approximately take 3 hours on an 8 hour work shift. do the math multiply it by 5 times a week, a month and a year then do the math. That is why my company fired those lazy *ss employees.

I'm not an Islam hater, unlike many on this forum, but I agree with you. You can knock out a prayer quickly. Many Muslims push their luck on this one. A private employer is paying you for work, not prayer.
I'm not an Islam hater, unlike many on this forum, but I agree with you. You can knock out a prayer quickly. Many Muslims push their luck on this one. A private employer is paying you for work, not prayer.
You're exactly right on this, it can be done in 3 minutes but for every 5 honorable people who do just that , there will be one lazy guy who pushes the formula and twiddles around for half an hour , 3x a day....and you can say nothing due to sensitivities....

Big employers can take this kind of labor hour loss but small employers, the majority, will prefer to not go for this hassle.

Besides I don't think it is compulsory , as I have had practicing muslim coworkers who never asked for any special treatment...
I have had practicing muslim coworkers who never asked for any special treatment...
same here, in fact it was in the US, though I can't say for sure if they were 'practicing' muslims (no pork/yes beer/party) but asking for 'prayer breaks' at work would be considered insane, and I've done both corporate and very small private company stuff and had muslim partners/co workers etc.

what the feck kind of nutjob wants prayer breaks at work anyway :rofl: LOL
Did people of other faith(s) ask for AND receive extra breaks for their prayer or equivalent activity? Because only then there may be discrimination and only then if non-religious employees were also receiving extra breaks.
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Just take a pay cut for that amount of time it would work out for both parties.
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