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New world order since 24 February 2022 Ukraine Crisis

Iran has the NEW JCPOA ready, a loose agreement which favors Iran. Let's review what Iran got in past decades.
  1. WW2 gave Iran the political space to get rid of imperialism.
  2. Cold War strengthened Iran's geopolitical position, the west threatened Soviet to retreat from the North, the Azerbaijani area.
  3. Soviet dismantlement freed the South Caucasus, created a buffer zone between Russia and Iran.
  4. In post Cold War period, Afghanistan War weakened Taliban, a threat to Iran. The Iraq War weakened Iraq and removed Saddam, who is a threat to Iran as well.
  5. The New JCPOA gave Iran space to develop, as well as keeping the capability of being Nuclear threshold states.

New World Order is coming, great competition/confrontation is rising.
  1. To those countries who can seize the opportunities, it's golden time.
  2. To those countries who are ruled by stupid populists, it's bad time.
  3. To those countries who are squeezed by Great Power, falling into geopolitical competition trap, it's tragic time.
Iran is a good player in past 100 years by records.

What I have missed?
Iran has the NEW JCPOA ready, a loose agreement which favors Iran. Let's review what Iran got in past decades.
  1. WW2 gave Iran the political space to get rid of imperialism.
  2. Cold War strengthened Iran's geopolitical position, the west threatened Soviet to retreat from the North, the Azerbaijani area.
  3. Soviet dismantlement freed the South Caucasus, created a buffer zone between Russia and Iran.
  4. In post Cold War period, Afghanistan War weakened Taliban, a threat to Iran. The Iraq War weakened Iraq and removed Saddam, who is a threat to Iran as well.
  5. The New JCPOA gave Iran space to develop, as well as keeping the capability of being Nuclear threshold states.

New World Order is coming, great competition/confrontation is rising.
  1. To those countries who can seize the opportunities, it's golden time.
  2. To those countries who are ruled by stupid populists, it's bad time.
  3. To those countries who are squeezed by Great Power, falling into geopolitical competition trap, it's tragic time.
Iran is a good player in past 100 years by records.

What I have missed?
Russia will probably drop opposition towards Iranian Nuclear Program now. I think any good will between Russia
and the West has been shattered.
Russia will probably drop opposition towards Iranian Nuclear Program now. I think any good will between Russia
and the West has been shattered.

Iran' s problem is that it is signatory to NPT and other further binding agreements. Russia has little to do with it.

Relations between Russia and the West have been badly damaged but not irrevocable.

Putin is the problem not the Russian people.

The largest polling of Russian people shows 70% OPPOSE the invasion of Ukraine and 90% of Russians oppose the separation of Donetsk and Lugansk from Ukraine

After the fall of communism Russia has been TAKEN over by a group of extremely rich and corrupt oligarchs
Their interests and the interests of Russian people are very different without any mechanism to get them out.
After the fall of communism Russia has been TAKEN over by a group of extremely rich and corrupt oligarchs
Their interests and the interests of Russian people are very different without any mechanism to get them out.
Damn. I agree with you on your first half, but your second half sounds like western agenda.
You think Putin is just silly?

Let me put it this way.

After the fall of British Empire, India has been TAKEN over by a group of extremely rich and corrupt oligarchs
Their interests and the interests of the Indian people are very different without any mechanism to get them out
Especially under BJP regime.



Iran' s problem is that it is signatory to NPT and other further binding agreements. Russia has little to do with it.

Relations between Russia and the West have been badly damaged but not irrevocable.

Putin is the problem not the Russian people.

The largest polling of Russian people shows 70% OPPOSE the invasion of Ukraine and 90% of Russians oppose the separation of Donetsk and Lugansk from Ukraine

After the fall of communism Russia has been TAKEN over by a group of extremely rich and corrupt oligarchs
Their interests and the interests of Russian people are very different without any mechanism to get them out.
Dude that data seems really flawed. I can see how there would be widespread disapproval in Russia towards the invasion. I don’t get how more people would oppose the recognition of Donbas than the Invasion???
Hey guys,

This thread is limited to New World Order after Ukraine Crisis, not War Zone Details.

Here is what I think:

  • Short term, Iran is one of the beneficiary for sure.
  • Long term, I am not so sure about Iran and China loss versus gain if we put chain reaction from EU, US and world order changes into consideration.
  • US prestige further weakened.
  • European Union Force will be strengthened, increase military budget.
  • Germany will be rearmed.
  • NATO will be more united in the short term, but NATO will have to compete with the European Union Force, more divided.
  • India has lost faith on QUAD because of 2020 Galwan Valley skirmish. QUAD used India as cannon fodder, no concrete support.
  • India will balance relationship among Russia, US, EU and China. Back to India Congress party traditional foreign policy.
  • AUKUS is shaken, US security guarantee will be questioned by Australia, not publicly.
  • Japan will strengthen military, increase military budget, decrease dependence on US.
  • Taiwan will strengthen military, increase military budget, decrease dependence on US.

Ukraine Crisis created an example that strong nation can conquer weak one as long as it benefits the former country.

Ukraine is a former Soviet country, but still an independent country. I don't deny the close culture and shared history between Russia and Ukraine, also I am totally aware of the dirty tricks US and EU played in past 31 years in Ukraine.

I fully understand Russia concerns, especially security concerns. But still it broke the world order after WW2, which based on UN principles.

Pandora's box is open, we can't ignore it and pretend everything is the same as before.

Welcome to New World Order.

I think the more important changes in World Order after that are not related to Iran :lol:.

The most important changes will be:
-Russian and China make more deep economic ties, and maybe even military ties
-EU will depend more of USA/Middle East energy resources, EU/Russia complete break up is something to expect in the future.
Iran' s problem is that it is signatory to NPT and other further binding agreements. Russia has little to do with it.
Iran can withdraw from NPT if it wants to just like NoKo.... Only have to give 3 months notice....
Only Morons like you keep saying QUAD is a military grouping. Its no such thing as has been pointed out by everyone with an ability to read and a drop of common sense.
Just as China, Iran, Russia have to fight their own battles, so does India.
India has ALWAYS refused to join any military alliance since its independence in 1947
Other than the epithets and the irritated tone, I agree with your post. That means, with your second sentence.
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