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This isn't ANKA nor Winglong II. This is a Pakistani drone with a back tail mix off ANKA + Wing Long II style. I have downloaded more than 200 + images of ANKA and Wing Long II/I. After done thoroughly cross-comparison, overlapping with many images, my conclusion is this is different from both. Perhaps, very close to ANKA.
if you are right I will print out this post and kiss it.
if you are wrong then shame on you
Bhai US is just starting to implement AI, I read a report a couple weeks back that the US for the first time tested an AI system that when enabled took over some of the flying responsibilities allowing the pilot to focus on other tasks. I'm sure even this came about after years if not a decade or more of development and advancement and with the US having the best talent pool in the world with thousands of graduates from MIT, Stanford, Harvard etc.

You think Pakistan with her copy paste software engineers can just develop sophisticated AI technology that can pilot actual planes? There is one thing being optimistic but this is like living in fool's paradise.

I'd be very happy if Pakistan can indigenously develop, prototype/test and build a full airframe for a MALE UAV or 5th Gen fighter with the rest of the subsystems coming from partners such as China/Turkey.
Do not under estimate Pakistani talent.

Even a 10 to 15 year old Pakistani kid playing video games can create their own AIs and able to embed it into their systems, who can stop Pakistani qualified software engineers to build powerful AIs.

Do not forget that that our Pakistani scientists who achieved the milestone to develop nuclear deterrence in record time.

The term "copy paste" used in your post shows your limited knowledge about coding. Use of libraries and internet open source resources is a common practice among soft engineers across the world whether he is MIT or Sandford graduate or otherwise. Furthermore, it is never "100% copy paste", most of the code lines are re-written according to the requirement of the project on hand.

In the end, it is the outcome which matters. AI research and development is very much within reach of Pakistani software engineers. These young SEs are already doing marvelous job in Pakistani private sector AI field.
Do not under estimate Pakistani talent.

Even a 10 to 15 year old Pakistani kid playing video games can create their own AIs and able to embed it into their systems, who can stop Pakistani qualified software engineers to build powerful AIs.

Do not forget that that our Pakistani scientists who achieved the milestone to develop nuclear deterrence in record time.

The term "copy paste" used in your post shows your limited knowledge about coding. Use of libraries and internet open source resources is a common practice among soft engineers across the world whether he is MIT or Sandford graduate or otherwise. Furthermore, it is never "100% copy paste", most of the code lines are re-written according to the requirement of the project on hand.

In the end, it is the outcome which matters. AI research and development is very much within reach of Pakistani software engineers. These young SEs are already doing marvelous job in Pakistani private sector AI field.
Sir I'm a masters in software engineering myself with 7 years of experience in the field.

It is a different matter using open source libraries like Tensor Flow or OpenNN to make AI play the snake game and to make a full flight pilot capable AI system. The fact that you are just throwing buzz words around without having an understanding of them explains why you think making an AI flight system is child's play.
Sir I'm a masters in software engineering myself with 7 years of experience in the field.

It is a different matter using open source libraries like Tensor Flow or OpenNN to make AI play the snake game and to make a full flight pilot capable AI system. The fact that you are just throwing buzz words around without having an understanding of them explains why you think making an AI flight system is child's play.
Nuclear deterrence was not a child's paly and neither developing AI for critical military operational decisions is.

PAF already have the required access and experience in flight system and flight simulator technologies.

We are talking about Pakistan Military, if they are determine to acquire certain technology, they will do so.
Actually PakMil is years away from employing anything close to AI in the battlefield. This is just fantasy-talk at present. Most of private sector talent working in AI in Pakistan, leaves the country by the time they get done with their masters. There are very few of them actually working on any projects within the country.
Let as answer first Why do we need UCAV which could carry 12 or so AGMs .... ????

We are now not facing high intensity active insurgency as it was the case in FATA or even in Syria or in Iraq few years back .... now in Pakistan employment of this UCAV would be more related to Reconnaissance and Search mainly at western border and Search, Track and Destroy few of the last remain hideouts for theatre like in Baluchistan, so you don't see the need of 12-16 missiles carrying UCAV, Endurance should be given preference here.

At Eastern theatre and Coastal areas it will be mostly probably used for Surveillance and Reconnaissance only.

It provides a lower risk option than fighter jets to target HVTs at near proximity to LOC and the heavier payload would ensure (hopefully) effective targetting. That is obviously in the case of heightened hostilities along LOC, which since Pulwama in 2019, has been on the cusp of all out warfare along the LOC and WB.

Also, greater payload also enables to add sensors/radars etc. and not compromise on reducing firepower.

Speaking strictly about Balochistan, given the land mass required to be monitored and sanitised, I agree that endurance should be preferred. But isn't that what a larger UCAV provides, the capability to choose how the type of mission profile/load-out? Can adjust for the relevant battlefield.
Actually PakMil is years away from employing anything close to AI in the battlefield. This is just fantasy-talk at present. Most of private sector talent working in AI in Pakistan, leaves the country by the time they get done with their masters. There are very few of them actually working on any projects within the country.
According to my limited knowledge about capabilities of top 5 militaries of the world, no one is using AI in the battlefield. US, Russia and China all are working on it but none of these have mastered the technology.

Realization of AI utilization in battlefield scenario is a recent development. Maturity and full implementation will take 10 to 15 years. My bet is China winning this race.

Brain drain was past reality, now vey less opportunities are available for Pakistanis in the western countries.
Actually these obstacles can become blessing in disguise for these young Pakistanis if similar opportunities are made available in Pakistan Government and private sectors.

Here, I humbly pray to Allah subhanahu wa taala to grant wisdom to our rulers to make right decisions for our country's prosperity and success. Ameen.
Iran has one with 50 cal sniper rifle on it , the big problem with that is the gun recoil , drones can't handle that powerful recoil
Yeah that could be a big factor. Even fighter jets and attack hellos vibrate with the gun recoil.
Actually PakMil is years away from employing anything close to AI in the battlefield. This is just fantasy-talk at present. Most of private sector talent working in AI in Pakistan, leaves the country by the time they get done with their masters. There are very few of them actually working on any projects within the country.

Simplistic statement and Not true. Things has already happened AI wise, limited at this time, but still vital in some of arenas they are being used in.
Simplistic statement and Not true. Things has already happened AI wise, limited at this time, but still vital in some of arenas they are being used in.
Things have already happened? Sure. Do share which institute these AI engineers are coming from. :)
The question is if its part of project AZAM than it should be HALE UAV. Remember that project AZAM is a PAF specific project. While a MALE UAV may be beneficial for PAC such a product will be most likely be more useful for other servicees I.e. Army and Navy.

HALE UAV is real deal for PAF and will give PAF the desired capabilities rather than this current under discussion UAV.
Pakistan is developing both a MALE UAV and a HALE UAV under project Azm. So relax both will come. Only hope is they come as fast as possible.

Things have already happened? Sure. Do share which institute these AI engineers are coming from. :)

Seriously, no one is going to share this information on a public forum. But a strategic partner has played a really important role in this. But one thing you are right about; there was no deployment or appetite of AI even if you went back 5 to 7 years ago. But things are speeding up, and it will be a very different ball-game in the next 3 to 10 years.
Yeah that could be a big factor. Even fighter jets and attack hellos vibrate with the gun recoil.
yes, that's why some of the missiles on fighter jets are first released then its engine ignites
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