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New Iranian remote weapon system

Thanks mods for banned trolls. if it's ok please remove all their nonsense and troll posts in this thread.

A remote turret on an unsecured vehicle?

He was talking about the fact that the remote controlled turret is based on an open-roof light utility vehicle, Which is just dumb thinking but then again it might be just used as test-bed.

That is way too vulnerable, surely it is for testing purposes.

Salt spreader when your fighting snow its usally not fighting back though if you were out in a storm salting roads i would want a little more protection on the cab, poor guys going to freeze.

my friends, all countries need military vehicles for serving in all land combat and different transportation duties, in attention to their missions and duties ,some of them have armor plates and some not. military forces need to both military vehicles and military armored vehicles. They call them light wheeled army military vehicles that can be use for patrolling and fighting, They can move faster than other vehicles on the ground. i'm gonna post some pics of these light tactical vehicles in the world.





We arent doubting the role of the vehicle or wether its good or not. But as you can see on the pictures a remote controlled turret is of no use on an open-roof vehicle, Simply arming it with a DsHk Or M2 is more then enough...

We arent doubting the role of the vehicle or wether its good or not. But as you can see on the pictures a remote controlled turret is of no use on an open-roof vehicle, Simply arming it with a DsHk Or M2 is more then enough...

no difference, even it's better.
maybe you are not, but in attention to other member posts you can see they have problem with it and think all vehicles should have armor plates.

look at this my friend.

... even it's better...look at this my friend.

Isn't this an MG with a telescopic sight?

In a secured vehicle the gun controller seats inside the armored space and controls the optically equipped gun through an indirect control system.

But in an unsecured vehicle, there is no need for that "indirect control system" as the display of the optical equipment could attach directly to the back of the weapon and the gunner will stand behind the weapon. In case of using an unsecured vehicle, it is pointless to add the complexity of "indirect control system".

I am more with the opinion of RazPaK that Safir jeep is only for the field testing measures.
The whole purpose of such systems is to allow soldiers to use the weapon remotely from the safety of an armored vehicle or safety of distance.

So mounting it on an open vehicle like Safir doesn't make any sense. It is probably a test bed as BordoEnes meantioned. I'm sure Iran is going to use it on armored vehicles.

Congratulations by the way, looks deadly :tup:
Thanks mods for banned trolls. if it's ok please remove all their nonsense and troll posts in this thread.

What the heck about my reply is trolling?

A member asked a question about this


his question implied he thought it was either fuel or part of a weapon system and therefore exposed to fire.

I pointed out its an agricultural spreader, seeing i doubt the Iranian army is out seeding grass the logical use would be salt spreading for icy roads and snow, run one at the front of a convoy heading through high terain.

Speziell für kleine Trägerfahrzeuge im Gebäudemanagement eignen sich die Streuer aus dem Hause LEHNER: Mit gerade mal 29 bis 42 kg sind die Streuer sehr leicht und somit problemlos verwendbar.
Der Rahmen ist aus robustem Edelstahl, der Behälter aus durchsichtigem Kunststoff. Die spezielle Rührtechnik sichert gleichmäßiges Nachlaufen des Streugutes im Behälter. Ein weiterer Vorteil des POLARO ist, dass er komplett elektrisch mit 12 Volt betrieben wird. Somit entfallen hohe Kosten für Nebenabtriebe, zusätzliche Hydraulikpumpen und zusätzliche Steuergeräte. Die Streubreite ist stufenlos von 80 cm bis 6 m variierbar. Durch diese Technik kann oftmals teure Handarbeit rationalisiert wird. Der Haupteinsatzbereich ist im Gebäudemanagement, Industrieunternehmen, Kommunen und Einkaufsmärkten. Der POLARO kann im Sommer ebenfalls zur Grünflächendüngung oder Nachsaat verwendet werden.

Isn't this an MG with a telescopic sight?

In a secured vehicle the gun controller seats inside the armored space and controls the optically equipped gun through an indirect control system.

But in an unsecured vehicle, there is no need for that "indirect control system" as the display of the optical equipment could attach directly to the back of the weapon and the gunner will stand behind the weapon. In case of using an unsecured vehicle, it is pointless to add the complexity of "indirect control system".

I am more with the opinion of RazPaK that Safir jeep is only for the field testing measures.

your are right about that humvee, that's my bad, thank you.
I thought it's automatic tracking. so as you said it's not good for an invasion or patrolling. but it's good to use in defense lines for unconventional strategies. the crew can ride it in a right position and hide himself in other place and operate it. when it's targeted, The crew are still alive, but in an armored vehicle when it get hit, the crew are dead. but as i said it's just useful for unconventional strategies. unless Iran put it on a automatic unmanned truck or drone that can be better than an armored vehicle. something like this:

Dragonspy - YouTube

What the heck about my reply is trolling?

A member asked a question about this


his question implied he thought it was either fuel or part of a weapon system and therefore exposed to fire.

I pointed out its an agricultural spreader, seeing i doubt the Iranian army is out seeding grass the logical use would be salt spreading for icy roads and snow, run one at the front of a convoy heading through high terain.


who said you are troll??:what:

i mentioned two guys who insulted each other and their countries.
this is indeed a good system bt pakistan already manufacture such RCWS at home

check this.the one mounted on Mohafiz III has already won export orders

are the Autonomous System or just Remotly controlled..?
I posted somewhere else the ciws vshorad point defense that has future is metal storm.It has theoretical a million rounds per minute potential.

For radar just use atmosferic attenuation certain frequencies(K band) for short ranges after few kms the waves breaking down absorbed in atmosphere making it undetectable from longer ranges.Downside is short range but is enough for stealthy undetectable radar suitable for ciws vshorad short range mission.
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