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New Introductions

1) Tell your interests
I am always interested in the Military it has been my hobby to read how battles were organized and the tactics used. I am also interested in Military Vehicles.
2) What do you do.
I am still Studying.
3) How did you find us
I was browsing the internet one day and stumbled upon this website and the first thing i thought was i need to join this website.
4) What interests you here?
This has very interesting content.
5) What is your profession?
Not yet
6) Future plans?
Joining the Canadian Primary Reserve or to study as an Doctor or Engineer.

Welcome to defence.pk!
1)Tell your interest
PAKISTAN,Military,intellegnce,cricket,foreign affairs
2)What do you do
Studing electrical engineering communication
3)How do u find us
4)What interests u here
Millitary discussions,intellegnce discussions,siasat
5)What is ur profession
university student
6)Future plans
To do something great for pakistan
1) automotive, gizmos and gadgets, Pakistan, current affairs, military and defence

2) Mechanical Engineer, recent graduate from NUAA. Nanjing,China and now working in Karachi

3) Google

4) Developed an interest for Pakistani military defence and politics

5) Mechanical Engineer

6) Establishment and growth of my career
1)Tell your interest
PAKISTAN,Military,intellegnce,cricket,foreign affairs
2)What do you do
Studing electrical engineering communication
3)How do u find us
4)What interests u here
Millitary discussions,intellegnce discussions,siasat
5)What is ur profession
university student
6)Future plans
To do something great for pakistan

1) automotive, gizmos and gadgets, Pakistan, current affairs, military and defence

2) Mechanical Engineer, recent graduate from NUAA. Nanjing,China and now working in Karachi

3) Google

4) Developed an interest for Pakistani military defence and politics

5) Mechanical Engineer

6) Establishment and growth of my career

Welcome to Defence.pk!
No one welcomed me like these new members back than ;__; @Moonlight :cry:

Same here. -_- A dharna is needed.

but I never introduced myself. :p.
Did you?

Let me welcome you today.

@WebMaster webby you never welcomed us. That's sad. :( :p

Hello everybody! I'm Saad a Moroccan-American living in France.

1) Economics and the military.

2) I'm a student.

3) Google.

4) As a Muslim i've always admired Pakistan as the most intelligent and powerful country in the Muslim World.

5) nothing.

6) Either i'll become an accountant or pursue a career in the U.S. Army. Honestly, i'm so american i focus on how much money i can make as accountant, but i absolutely love the military.
So i'm torn between getting a high-paying job or doing what i love. :confused:

You live in Brooklyn, NY?

A word of advice. Some "new" members are actually hardened trolls with a new/recycled id who had been banned not so long ago. If you welcome them then you might also have to bear the burnt of their frustration.
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