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New intelligence outfit proposed by Senate body

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Jun 28, 2010
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New intelligence outfit proposed by Senate body
By Peer MuhammadPublished: December 1, 2012
A sub-committee of the Senate Functional Committee on Human Rights has prepared a draft bill proposing the establishment of an Inter-Service Intelligence Agency (ISIA) to be overseen by the country’s prime minister.
The agency will be responsible for arresting, detaining, interrogating and prosecuting suspects to deal effectively with the challenges of national security and matters related to it.
The proposed legislation is called Inter Service Intelligence Agency (Functions, Powers and Regulation) Act 2012. The draft bill — which is to be examined by the main Senate Functional Committee on Human Rights — will be shared with the Senate Committee on Defence and Interior Affairs before it is tabled in the house.
According to the draft bill, the prime minister will oversee the agency and ensure that it works efficiently and within the parameters of the law. He will also ensure no prejudicial actions are taken by the proposed agency for or against a political grouping.
The sub-committee
In a meeting held on June 27 this year, the Functional Committee of the Senate on Human Rights constituted a three member sub-committee to look into the issue of enforced disappearances and proposed the draft bill and public hearing on the issue be incorporated, among other recommendations. The committee comprises Senators Farhatullah Babar, Nasreen Jalil and Suriya Amiruddin.
The special sub-committee recommended enacting suitable legislation to provide specific powers of arrest and detention to the army and law enforcement agencies under special circumstances, in order to curb anti-state activities.

Intelligence and security committee
According to the draft bill, there shall be an intelligence and security committee of parliament to examine matters relating to expenditure, administration and policy of the agency. This committee will consist of nine members drawn from both houses of parliament. But not one of them can be a minister or a minister of state.
The members of the committee shall be appointed by the prime minister in consultation with the leader of the opposition in the respective house and one of those members shall be appointed by the head of the committee. This commission is to prepare an annual report on the performance of the agency.
The agency’s head
The director general of the proposed agency will be a serving or retired civil servant in BS-22 or of equivalent rank in the country’s armed forces to be appointed by the president on the recommendation of the prime minister on such terms and conditions as the president may determine.
The DG will hold office for four years, extendable for one year unless he resigns or is removed from office during his term on grounds of inefficiency, misconduct or physical or mental disability.
The draft dictates that the DG shall, as far as is reasonably practicable, take steps to ensure national security intelligence, intelligence collection methods, sources of intelligence and the identity of the members of the agency are protected from unauthorised disclosure.
Powers of the ISIA
According to the draft, the powers of the ISIA will include the ability to take people into custody against whom an order of detention has been issued by the DG in writing.
They would also collect evidence against persons acting or likely to act in any manner against the security, integrity or economic well-being of Pakistan or who may be involved in planning, aiding, abetting or executing serious or organised crimes or acts of terrorism. They are also expected to provide the evidence collected during any process of gathering intelligence to the relevant agency.
Published in The Express Tribune, December 1st, 2012.
I am not really getting the purpose of this agency.

ISI is there for the major internal and external threats and other stuff, IB is the civilian counterpart (under MoI??), FIA is the investigating agency, MI is the military agency, CID is the police agency, why get another one rather than streamlining the current ones?
Just by changing names or adding another agency will not serve any purpose, they already have many civilian and military agencies. Only requirement is to amend laws to prosecute terrorists, their detention and method of collection and presentation of evidence.
i guss a more co-ordinated agency is required to deal with growing voilence, i mean like HOMELAND SECURITY?
Just by changing names or adding another agency will not serve any purpose, they already have many civilian and military agencies. Only requirement is to amend laws to prosecute terrorists, their detention and method of collection and presentation of evidence.


Unless they are trying to make this one simply for internal terrorist threats while ISI is busy with India and the eastern border/bigger threats, then maybe it makes sense.
make more and more new agencies just and fit all the retired brigadiers all on the pay of common tax payers


Unless they are trying to make this one simply for internal terrorist threats while ISI is busy with India and the eastern border/bigger threats, then maybe it makes sense.

Isn't the IB for it?
Will create suspicion and even division between the military and the political-bureaucratic leaderships.
Why is the name of this new agency supposed to be Inter services intelligence agency (ISIA)...Wht for? Wht would it have to do with the three services(Army/PAF/Navy)?Its supposed mandate is to counter threats to national security...but it would not interfere in the domain of three services..it would ost probably related to civilian affairs as understood by the article.... I mean ISI(Inter Sevices Intelligence) has this name bcoz it is military oriented and also coordinates intelligence between three services... So....just for ego satisfaction..they are naming it Inter Services Intelligence agency?

Unless they are trying to make this one simply for internal terrorist threats while ISI is busy with India and the eastern border/bigger threats, then maybe it makes sense.

Sir g unfortunately we already have two different agencies working on the agenda, IB which is a federal type agency which is fully under the control of PM and Special Branch of Provincial Police Force, they are meant to serve the same purpose, CID has been pretty much active in performing its duties in karachi, ISIA and alike agencies are being formed just for the sake of more corruption and waste of resources, they can always amwnd the law for IB which doesn't have power of arrest
Exactly IB has the same purpose it only need amendments on the part of law and making prosecution stronger
I am not really getting the purpose of this agency.

ISI is there for the major internal and external threats and other stuff, IB is the civilian counterpart (under MoI??), FIA is the investigating agency, MI is the military agency, CID is the police agency, why get another one rather than streamlining the current ones?

Let me fill in the blanks i hope this will clear the air for why we need this new agency.

A sub-committee of the Senate Functional Committee on Human Rights has prepared a draft bill proposing the establishment of an Inter-Service Intelligence Agency (ISIA) to be overseen by the country’s prime minister.
The agency will be responsible for arresting, detaining, interrogating and prosecuting any body that stand in the way.

TA_DA :whistle:
Any thing that comes from the corrupt PPP is going to be corrupt & it's going to stay corrupt. So BULL SH!T.
Let me fill in the blanks i hope this will clear the air for why we need this new agency.

A sub-committee of the Senate Functional Committee on Human Rights has prepared a draft bill proposing the establishment of an Inter-Service Intelligence Agency (ISIA) to be overseen by the country’s prime minister.
The agency will be responsible for arresting, detaining, interrogating and prosecuting any body that stand in the way.

TA_DA :whistle:

Intelligence Bureau (IB) is Pakistan's main domestic/internal intelligence and espionage agency. It functions under direct control of Chief Executive of Pakistan - either Prime Minister or the President.

The IB is the agency which is directly under the PM/President, so we gonna have 2 agencies under them. One for the bidding of the PM, and one for the fulfillment of the wishes of President?

For GOD sake, a country already infested with intelligence outfits, politicians are thinking to raise another; or they are so retarded to learn the lessons from their experiences.
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