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New India-China agreement to avoid army face-offs


Mar 29, 2013
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India and China today signed a landmark agreement on border cooperation to avoid face-offs like the one in Depsang valley in Ladakh in April, calling for mutual trust and maximum restraint at the border.

In the pact signed between Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Chinese premier Li Keqiang, the two countries agreed not to use their military strengths against each other or to attack the other side and said “neither side shall use or threaten to use force against the other side by any means nor seek unilateral superiority.”

“Peace along the border is a foundation of our relationship,” said Dr Manmohan Singh. His Chinese counterpart said: “I am sure it will bring peace and tranquility in border areas. We have agreed that the leadership of both sides have the ability to manage differences along the border.”

The two sides agreed to hold flag meetings, or meetings between border personnel, at designated places along the Line of Actual Control (LAC).

The pact also calls for periodic meetings between senior army officers and defence officials, and also talks about a hotline between the military headquarters of the two countries.

India and China agreed that in the event of a face-off, both sides would exercise maximum restraint and not threaten to use force. They also decided not to tail each others patrols in areas where there is no common ground on the LAC.

The agreement includes telephone contacts and telecommunication links along the LAC.

The pact comes after tension between the two countries over the prolonged standoff in Ladakh six months ago.

Chinese troops had entered 19 km inside what India considers its own territory in the Depsang plains of Ladakh in April this year and camped there for three weeks before withdrawing.
A very good move to ensure peace on the border ..... :tup:
Last Couple of Years China plays a vital role is South-Asia to ensure the upcoming challenges specially relation ship between Pakistan and india, this move increase the economy power I think so.......
India, China ink key accord on river information

Beijing : India and China Wednesday agreed to exchange more hydrological information on common rivers and also discuss other issues in a tacit acknowledgment of India's concerns over China's dam building activities on the Brahmaputra.

The Memorandum of Understanding on trans-border rivers was inked after talks between Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Chinese Premier Li Keqiang in the Great Hall of the People here.

According to sources, the agreement is a major diplomatic achievement as it is the first time that China has agreed to acknowledge Indias rights as a lower riparian state.

India's consistent raising of the issue of China's dam building activities on the Brahmaputra river, known as Yarlang Tsangpo in China, has helped in Beijing becoming more accommodating this time, they said.

This time the agreement takes into account the environmental concerns of India on the Brahmaputra, including the damage to flora and fauna due to China's dam building upstream. Beijing says its dams are run of the river dams.

According to the agreement, the two sides 'recognized that trans-border rivers and related natural resources and the environment are assets of immense value to the socio-economic development of all riparian countries'.

Both sides also agreed to flood-time exchange of hydrological data on 15 more days - from May 15 instead of June 1 to Oct 15th.

Advancing the date by 15 days, at a time when the melted glacier ice of the Tibetan plateau begins to flow downstream, is also a major achievement, the sources said.

The two sides agreed to further strengthen cooperation on trans-border rivers, cooperate through the existing Expert Level Mechanism on provision of flood-season hydrological data and emergency management, and exchange views on other issues of mutual interest, the agreement states.

Earlier, China was unwilling to consider India's concerns. But this time, it has been different, the sources said.

Ambassador S. Jaishankar told news persons the point of agreement to exchange views on other issues of mutual interest is very crucial. He said China is to have an open mind on India's concerns and hold consultations.

The new agreement, which comes into immediate effect, will help bring in more flood data for India to help manage the heavy monsoon floods on the Brahmaputra which displaces thousands in Assam along the river every year. It would also give an insight into China's dam building activities and vice versa.

Indian Defence News - India, China ink key accord on river information
Let us see how exactly this agreement works out practically ...

Let us see whether this agreement succeeds in mitigating so called mutual 'Chinese' and 'Indian' incursions ...

India has always implemented bilateral agreements with utmost sincerity ...
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