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New chief of Pak Taliban faction fought Indian troops in J&K

Ahh the irony, terrorists trained to kill Indian Army in Kashmir are now killing Pakistan Army :lol:

it seems this guy didnt read the full story:rofl:

You are mistaken.

Read the following bold parts carefully.

He was, and remains, a valuable asset to the Pakistani Army... first for Kashmir, now for Afghanistan.

What can be easily interpreted is that for the Pakistani Army, presence of the US Army in Afghanistan means almost the same as presence of the Indian Army in Kashmir - that can lead to very interesting conclusions!
its just a usual american stunt.

We dont believe it.
India learned but did you learn? :azn:

So all these Talibunnies are not supported by India as Pakistan claims all the time with all of its 1 million consipiracy theories.

Now they are killing your own army+civilians but you are STILL in love with them.

If you are so sure then whats stopping you...send us some proof and we would see and make sure the dossiers is 100,000 pages thick OR go attack India.... we all know you cant since you know Talibunnies are all your "Paidaish" and not India's.
What a joke its proved that u support them we r talking about TTP n BLA not them.
I wonder if Gul Bahadur had anything to do with the succession.

Bahawal Khan like Mullah Nazir however was not part of the Pakistani Taliban, I would like to mention. He had a peace deal with the Pakistan military which had demanded he stop giving refuge to TTP militants. He did not very aggressively stop the TTP from maintaining a presence in Wana however though he was opposed to the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan which he fought before. A lot of the Ahmedzai Wazirs strongly support Mullah Nazir and he has a council of elders with him which make decisions. This council with him decided to ban Maseeds and especially TTP which was suspected of conducting the suicide attack on him before.

After that there were reported clashes between TTP and Nazir though TTP denied targeting Nazir's men. In either case 1-2 days after the suicide attack 2 TTP militants were killed in Wana. There are clashes in between which no news source reported but a contact from Waziristan claimed. A week ago a bomb ripped through Taliban leader Maulvi Abbas's office (or his brothers-it is unknown) in Wana which no one took responsibility for but everyone knows was done by nazir. A war was basically in the making that could make both groups very weak and reduce attacks in Pakistan greatly.

When people are suspicious of US intentions I believe they are right. Saifullah Khan Maseed from the FATA Research Center commented on the Nazir killing:

“I don’t know what the US was thinking when they decided to hit Mullah Nazir because why would you make things difficult for your most important ally [Pakistan] in the region? Saifullah Khan Mehsud, executive director of the prominent Islamabad based think-thank the FATA Research Centre.

I wonder why? :azn: If Nazir and Hakimullah had fallen on each others throats they might have eliminated themselves... but someone seems to be protecting the TTP. My source isn't sure because he stays in Dera Ismail Khan due to situation in Waziristan but it is believed that Bahawal is not as hostile to the TTP as Nazir had become after the attempt on his life (the suicide bomber was a maseed sent by Hakimullah Mahsud)

I warned from day one... we have totally different interests... I personally believe there is no good or bad Taliban... but there are the taliban we must eliminate who we must eliminate FIRST who are attacking Pakistani citizens (TTP led by Hakimullah) and those exclusively attacking USA (Gul Bahadur, Haqqani, Nazir who is succeeded by Bahawal Khan and Hekmatyar.)
What a joke its proved that u support them we r talking about TTP n BLA not them.

Proved where? on PDF? :lol:

Your Rehman Malik still has no proof and is waiting for the right time... when is the right time? :rolleyes:
Proved where? on PDF? :lol:

Your Rehman Malik still has no proof and is waiting for the right time... when is the right time? :rolleyes:
This is why we say our gov is very incompetent.
if there were someother country they would have eradicated yr existence by now!
so basically this guy is an indian agent????? who trained in kashmir and was sent over to attack pakistan???
huh? :cheesy: Most of the people say here that India is funding pakistani taliban to create unrest in pakistan.. this news is somewhat different... :undecided:

Didn't Osama Bin Laden used to work for US? Or is that a conspiracy theory?
What's the meaning of "good" Taliban ?
Non-sense! TTP's raison d'etre is to fight the Pakistani State itself; never before did they attack anything indian.

in fact it has often been shown that the indians are the ones quietly backing the TTP -directly or indirectly via proxy

and who is this "Bahawal Khan" character nobody has ever heard of him
Non-sense! TTP's raison d'etre is to fight the Pakistani State itself; never before did they attack anything indian.
in fact it has often been shown that the indians are the ones quietly backing the TTP -directly or indirectly via proxy
and who is this "Bahawal Khan" character nobody has ever heard of him
Yaar at least show some proofs. You keep telling as its a gospel but when asked about proofs you all say wine bottles, Tamil movies, uncircumcised bodies etc.

Even when TTP said that they will attack India, you don't believe but when they say they attacked your bases, you agree with it without any doubts.
Yaar at least show some proofs. You keep telling as its a gospel but when asked about proofs you all say wine bottles, Tamil movies, uncircumcised bodies etc.

Even when TTP said that they will attack India, you don't believe but when they say they attacked your bases, you agree with it without any doubts.

threads regarding TTP link (alleged or proven) are existing so i wont bring it up here further

it just doesn't make sense that they will try to fight on behalf of Kashmir when they've been busy killing scores of Pakistanis, bombing holy places, attacking state-owned property etc.

as i said - their primary motivation is one thing and one thing only and it sure aint Kashmir. There have been other groups dedicated only to Kashmir but they are not affiliated with the TTP, that's for sure
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