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New Arab-Specific SARS Has Origins in Israeli Biological Weapons


Jun 28, 2012
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Saudi Arabia
The World Health Organization (WHO) released an alert to doctors concerning a new SARS virus that appears to be race-specific – attacking individuals of Arab descent.

One man from Saudi Arabia diagnosed with pneumonia and acute renal failure that died in July and another from Qatar has had their DNA sequenced. It was discovered that the virus that killed both men were the same. However, to distract the public, Gregory Hartl, WHO spokesperson is claiming that the two men contracted the new SARS from animals. There is no proof that the new SARS is contagious or spread from human-to-human.

John Watson, professor of respiratory diseases at the Health Protection Agency states that no healthcare workers exposed to the new SARS have come down with the disease. According to a HPA statement: “Preliminary inquiries have revealed no evidence of illness in contacts of these two cases, including health-care workers. Based on what we know about other coronaviruses, many of these contacts will already have passed the period when they could have caught the virus from the infected person.”

Hartl admits: “This is not SARS, it is a new virus and very distinct from SARS. There are still a lot of unanswered questions, so we cannot predict what might happen.”

WHO will not confirm the origin of the virus nor will they release information obtained from their investigation until they are ready.

The new SARS causes kidney failure which is not indicative of a respiratory virus such as coronaviruses like the original SARS. WHO is calling for doctors to assist in the definition of this new virus and investigate patients that display acute respiratory syndrome symptoms.

Glenn Thomas WHO spokesman in Geneva, confirms that this new SARS is not “easily transmitted from person to person”; however they are still analyzing data.

Ralph Baric, research professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill states: “Biologists now need to go into the area and take samples from any animals they can get their hands on, including camels and goats.” Baric also assumes that bats may be a transmission point to humans.

The HPA are in accord with Baric in a distraction technique to fool the mainstream masses so that the actual origination of the new SARS is kept secret. Mainstream media is happy to assist in this cover-up.
Michael Osterholm, expert of infectious diseases at the University of Minnesota, suggests that if there were a vaccine developed, “we could prevent the fire before it starts instead of rushing towards it with fire trucks and water hoses afterwards.”

In Saudi Arabia, the area known as Mecca and the heart of Islam is flooded with an estimated 2 million people on the Haij, or pilgrimage to Mecca. The spread of this Arab-specific SARS would devastate these Islamic people. The Saudi government is requiring vaccinations for those on the Haij which commences on September 27th through October 24th.

The Zionist-controlled Israeli government has been trying to identify specific genes carried by human of Arab descent in order to create a race-specific bioweapon that would covertly be exposed to Arab populations in order to commit a massive ethnic cleansing. Anonymous Israeli and US intelligence sources claimed that a genetically modified bacterium/virus was being developed as a bio-weapon that could be spread through the air or water supply.

The focus would be certain Arab communities. Dedi Zucker, Israeli parliament member explained: “Morally, based on our history, and our tradition and our experience, such a weapon is monstrous and should be denied.”

Israeli Defense, working with a British defense facility at Porton Down asserts that that this race-specific bio-weapon is possible.

Further experiments into biological weapons specifically tailored to attack Arabs were conducted in a secret Israeli program at the Institute for Biological Research in Nes Tsiona, Tel Aviv. This location houses clandestine chemical and biological weapons as well as scientists that specialize in genetic engineering of deadly micro-organisms that only attack specified genes in humans.

Israeli scientists have successfully identified the genetic profile of Arab communities with an emphasis on those of Iraqi descent. The plan is to plant a virus or bacteria in the local water supply or spray it in the air.

The British Medical Association became interested in the Israeli endeavors to create an Arab-specific virus as a form of warfare that could be devastating in a more effective way than conventional means. According to Britain’s Biological Defense Ministry, “We have reached a point now where there is an obvious need for an international convention to control biological weapons.”

The Zionist-controlled Israeli government has also sanctioned the use of secret laboratories where four human subjects were killed and 25 wounded in a mysterious explosion at the Biological Institute. This was admitted by a media advisor for Zionist-puppet and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

In the name of self-defense, former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon explained that: “Israel reserves its right to repel any possible Iraqi attack.” Sharon also alluded to the ability of Israel to deploy biological weapons when he confirmed that “Israeli knows how to prevent being attacked.”

US Army Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas published information in a journal intended for military personnel called Ethnic Specific Weapons, wherein the history, desirability and possibilities of biological weapons tailored for specific races of human could be genetically engineered to defend a nation against attack.

Carl A. Larson, head of the Department of Human Genetics at the Institute of Genetics in Sweden, states that the human body reacts to interactions with enzymes. If those enzymes can block interaction, they could cause paralysis and eventual asphyxiation.

The enzyme-blocking action of compounds called organophosphates were discovered in Germany in the 1930’s which was mass produced under the name trilon and was used to exterminate massive amounts of people during the Nazi occupation in Germany. This substance later became what we know as nerve gas.

The discovery of this new SARS which is designed to attack Arabs, released in Saudi Arabia at a time when Zionist-controlled Israel has declared war on the Islamic world is quite curious considering that the Israeli government have been endeavoring to create this exact virus by covert means.

http: //bit.ly/VEwfmj
LMAO ...how can you make a virus which is race specific ....loads of BS and Immaturity at display :coffee:
The World Health Organization (WHO) released an alert to doctors concerning a new SARS virus that appears to be race-specific – attacking individuals of Arab descent.

One man from Saudi Arabia diagnosed with pneumonia and acute renal failure that died in July and another from Qatar has had their DNA sequenced. It was discovered that the virus that killed both men were the same. However, to distract the public, Gregory Hartl, WHO spokesperson is claiming that the two men contracted the new SARS from animals. There is no proof that the new SARS is contagious or spread from human-to-human.

John Watson, professor of respiratory diseases at the Health Protection Agency states that no healthcare workers exposed to the new SARS have come down with the disease. According to a HPA statement: “Preliminary inquiries have revealed no evidence of illness in contacts of these two cases, including health-care workers. Based on what we know about other coronaviruses, many of these contacts will already have passed the period when they could have caught the virus from the infected person.”

Hartl admits: “This is not SARS, it is a new virus and very distinct from SARS. There are still a lot of unanswered questions, so we cannot predict what might happen.”

WHO will not confirm the origin of the virus nor will they release information obtained from their investigation until they are ready.

The new SARS causes kidney failure which is not indicative of a respiratory virus such as coronaviruses like the original SARS. WHO is calling for doctors to assist in the definition of this new virus and investigate patients that display acute respiratory syndrome symptoms.

Glenn Thomas WHO spokesman in Geneva, confirms that this new SARS is not “easily transmitted from person to person”; however they are still analyzing data.

Ralph Baric, research professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill states: “Biologists now need to go into the area and take samples from any animals they can get their hands on, including camels and goats.” Baric also assumes that bats may be a transmission point to humans.

The HPA are in accord with Baric in a distraction technique to fool the mainstream masses so that the actual origination of the new SARS is kept secret. Mainstream media is happy to assist in this cover-up.
Michael Osterholm, expert of infectious diseases at the University of Minnesota, suggests that if there were a vaccine developed, “we could prevent the fire before it starts instead of rushing towards it with fire trucks and water hoses afterwards.”

In Saudi Arabia, the area known as Mecca and the heart of Islam is flooded with an estimated 2 million people on the Haij, or pilgrimage to Mecca. The spread of this Arab-specific SARS would devastate these Islamic people. The Saudi government is requiring vaccinations for those on the Haij which commences on September 27th through October 24th.

The Zionist-controlled Israeli government has been trying to identify specific genes carried by human of Arab descent in order to create a race-specific bioweapon that would covertly be exposed to Arab populations in order to commit a massive ethnic cleansing. Anonymous Israeli and US intelligence sources claimed that a genetically modified bacterium/virus was being developed as a bio-weapon that could be spread through the air or water supply.

The focus would be certain Arab communities. Dedi Zucker, Israeli parliament member explained: “Morally, based on our history, and our tradition and our experience, such a weapon is monstrous and should be denied.”

Israeli Defense, working with a British defense facility at Porton Down asserts that that this race-specific bio-weapon is possible.

Further experiments into biological weapons specifically tailored to attack Arabs were conducted in a secret Israeli program at the Institute for Biological Research in Nes Tsiona, Tel Aviv. This location houses clandestine chemical and biological weapons as well as scientists that specialize in genetic engineering of deadly micro-organisms that only attack specified genes in humans.

Israeli scientists have successfully identified the genetic profile of Arab communities with an emphasis on those of Iraqi descent. The plan is to plant a virus or bacteria in the local water supply or spray it in the air.

The British Medical Association became interested in the Israeli endeavors to create an Arab-specific virus as a form of warfare that could be devastating in a more effective way than conventional means. According to Britain’s Biological Defense Ministry, “We have reached a point now where there is an obvious need for an international convention to control biological weapons.”

The Zionist-controlled Israeli government has also sanctioned the use of secret laboratories where four human subjects were killed and 25 wounded in a mysterious explosion at the Biological Institute. This was admitted by a media advisor for Zionist-puppet and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

In the name of self-defense, former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon explained that: “Israel reserves its right to repel any possible Iraqi attack.” Sharon also alluded to the ability of Israel to deploy biological weapons when he confirmed that “Israeli knows how to prevent being attacked.”

US Army Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas published information in a journal intended for military personnel called Ethnic Specific Weapons, wherein the history, desirability and possibilities of biological weapons tailored for specific races of human could be genetically engineered to defend a nation against attack.

Carl A. Larson, head of the Department of Human Genetics at the Institute of Genetics in Sweden, states that the human body reacts to interactions with enzymes. If those enzymes can block interaction, they could cause paralysis and eventual asphyxiation.

The enzyme-blocking action of compounds called organophosphates were discovered in Germany in the 1930’s which was mass produced under the name trilon and was used to exterminate massive amounts of people during the Nazi occupation in Germany. This substance later became what we know as nerve gas.

The discovery of this new SARS which is designed to attack Arabs, released in Saudi Arabia at a time when Zionist-controlled Israel has declared war on the Islamic world is quite curious considering that the Israeli government have been endeavoring to create this exact virus by covert means.

http: //bit.ly/VEwfmj

hey genius the link does not work:lol:
I heard that there are certain genetic diseases among populations of varying ethnicities, but I am not sure about the possibility of creating a race specific virus. Wouldn't such a virus assuming it exists have to identify the genotype of different humans along with certain race specific markers? What about the possibility of certain genetic markers or traits existing among individuals of another race? Hopefully, someone with more knowledge on this subject would be able to comment on it.

Below is an extract from an Israeli source on this subject.

Israeli SARS Bio-Weapon is 'B-Movie Fantasy'

A leftist website that accused Israel of attempting to attack "specific Arab communities" with strains of the SARS virus" is involved in a "B-movie fantasy," says Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor. Israel's health ministry has warned local hospitals to be on alert for the virus since two cases, including one person who died of the illness, were identified in Saudi Arabia in the past several weeks.

Speaking with Arutz Sheva on Sunday morning, Palmor firmly denied the accusation.“This B movie fantasy is not even scientifically feasible,” Palmor said scornfully.

“What is nevertheless very real and very terrifying,” he continued, “is not this bogus virus, but the extent of the paranoic hate propaganda distributed by some sick mind [and] gullibly repeated by others.”

Here is another extract from Wikipedia.

Israeli "ethno-bomb" controversy

In November 1998, The Sunday Times reported that Israel was attempting to build an "ethno-bomb" containing a biological agent that could specifically target genetic traits present amongst Arab populations.[4] Wired News also reported the story,[5][6] as did Foreign Report.[7]

The article was quickly denounced as a hoax. Microbiologists and geneticists were skeptical towards the scientific plausibility of such a biological agent.[8] The New York Post, describing the claims as "blood libel", reported that the likely source for the story was a work of science fiction by Israeli academic Doron Stanitsky. Stanitsky had sent his completely fictional work about such a weapon to Israeli newspapers two years before. The article also noted the views of genetic researchers who claimed the idea as "wholly fantastical", with others claiming that the weapon was theoretically possible.[9]

A planned second installment of the article never appeared, and no sources were ever identified. Neither of the authors of the Sunday Times story, Uzi Mahnaimi and Marie Colvin, have spoken publicly on the matter[citation needed].

I found another source that believes this is a possibility, but I do not know how credible this source is.

Is Swine Flu A Race-Specific Virus?

“Genetic weapons capable of wiping out specific ethnic groups are no longer the stuff of science fiction, military and scientific advisers with the British and American governments have admitted,” states the report.

“Professor Vivienne Nathanson, head of the BMA’s health policy research, said: “Biological weapons had limited use due to the shortcoming of being unspecific in targeting. “However, genetic targeting is now possible. Probably in the next five to 10 years we will see the manufacture of relatively specific biological weapons which are lethal in small volumes.”

The article explains how FBI crime labs have stumbled across genetic markers specific to blacks, whites, hispanics and native Americans during routine work. The same markers have been discovered in Palestinians, setting them apart from Israelis.

I am not a geneticist, so I can't verify or deny the possibility of creating such a virus. However, I doubt Israel could or has created such a virus. The original article's source seems to be odd as well.
race specific SARS virus, how is that possible.
If everyone could understand that then there would be no need of scientists and doctors.
lol I am a resident doctor ....Epic fail :chilli:

It works for some members here, always from the same country :lol:

LMAO ...some of my jordanian friends who are actually med students are posting the same epic BS on facebook ...that tells me the quality of brains in your country
well theoretically its possible to made sort of race specific virus , after all a virus need to enter a cell to do its job and for that it need to attach to surface antigen of that cell . and those surface protein can be race specific.

but from practical point of view SARS is not suitable at all , its an Influenza virus and these virus have a very bad habit of mutating on their own , well this year it hit Arabs , the next year it mutate and hit Jews and Ethiopian and Ukrainians the next year it decides humans are no fun o it hit Avian and ......:sick:
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