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Netanyahu's wife forced her maid to kiss both her feet daily



Netanyahu’s wife forced her maid to kiss both her feet daily

Sara Netanyahu's former housemaid, Sylvie Genesia, has revealed abuse she faced while working at the Israeli's prime ministers residence.
One of the former housemaids of Israeli Prime Minister’s wife Sara Netanyahu spoke out about the abuse she faced while working for her, recalling moments she was forced to kiss her feet.
Israel’s Channel 12 TV station hosted former maid, Sylvie Genesia, who worked at the

Netanyahu residence for several months, to discuss her ordeal at the prime minister's home.

“I used to arrive at the morning and never know when I was going to leave,” she said.

“I went 12 hours without food, without drink and at times, I was only allowed to rest for ten minutes. I only met Sara and she humiliated me and treated me badly.”

“She even asked me to kiss her feet. I felt embarrassed because I have children and grandchildren, but I had no choice. Even though it’s embarrassing to admit now, I have to speak out,” Genesia added.

When asked why she stayed, she said she had no other choice. “Who will pay the bills? I had to endure the abuse until I found another job.”

Sara Netanyahu is accused of repeated workplace abuse by multiple former employees.

Last year, a Jerusalem court ordered her to pay a fine of more than $15,000 for misusing state funds for expensive meals. In 2016, a court ruled she had mistreated a housekeeper and awarded the man $42,000 in damages.

In 2018, Sara Netanyahu was indicted on charges of fraud and breach of trust. The settlement saw her admit to more minor charges and reduced the overspending charge to $50,000.

She faces a civil lawsuit from former employee Shira Raban, who claims the premier's wife mistreated her during a brief stint working at the residence. Raban seeks $63,000 in damages over alleged mistreatment and harassment.


Not defending her, but at least she didn't kill the maid like the Pakistani family who beat their 8 year old maid to death for releasing a parrot..........:disagree:. She is a much better person than them.
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This is MESSED UP on so many levels. I know the Israelis can be perverts.
Not defended her, but at least she didn't kill the maid like the Pakistani family who beat their 8 year old maid to death for releasing a parrot..........:disagree:. She is a much better person than them.

Beating someone or killing someone in anger is a primitive human impulse. Im not trying to defend such actions, but it is a natural impulse. But forcing someone to kiss your feet’s just because it gives you satisfaction? What kind of monster gets satisfaction from this?

if she waas beauty i may kiss her somewhere too but it seems she is too hungry for kisses :lol: because no one kissed her since ages

that thing will eat your face for real.

that thing will eat your face for real.

I think reason why natanyahu is evil cos he got this b it ch for life i would be evil too if was stuck with jabba.
Could be could be they are most arogant of people some of them follow the ideals of the Pharoh. Not all many of them are pure and good as well.
These bastards trade organs of Palestinian kids, thousands of underage Palestinian are imposioned in Israeli prisons. No one knows about their conditions, no one is aware of their suffering. Maybe no one cares. All in all, these evil creatures followers of Satan are doing what they are good at, no surprise.
Bruh you actually believe that?
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