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Nervous' China may attack India by 2012

Please explain me how.
If US and India strike together, India will have Mongolia, Tajikistan ,Andaman,Maldives as additional bases and not to mention US which would encircle China with in numerous no. of bases including India .
Regarding missiles US is daddy, no doubt in that and additionally US has proven BMD and Ship based defence .
India will procure them for sure.
And Internal revolts in Tibet help us.
Chinese Ships will find no way to escape , so they surrender or vanish.
US will hunt Chinese submarines more than what it did for Osama.
Indo US navy would blockade complete marine territories .
Mki's would burst Chinese naval ships with Brahmos where as Chinese planes will be prey to F22's and F35's .
US showers China with e bombs and India will have best Jammers.
US strikes Chinese assets with powerful Bunker Buster Bombs and Cluster Bombs.
Chinese Copied weapons fail.
Chinese Army though huge in no. cannot be transported easily.
Chinese will have feeding problem for soldiers in war.
Chinese army at borders would flow in the shower of missiles and rockets fired by US.
If at all the war goes nuclear, China would be celebrating the Earths most powerful Diwali .
So China cannot counter US + India
In a war with China, New Delhi will be bombed into the stone age by PLAAF within hours, just like what Timur did to Delhi every hundred years ago. I don't think India will have any fighting capability left after its capital city is turned into ashes.

USA will simply wait for India to make the first move against China and take all the casualties. After India collapses, USA is not so stupid to offend China (armed with thousands of nuclear warheads) to avenge India. Instead, USA will simply take over parts of India and suck out all the wealth from your land.
In a war with China, New Delhi will be bombed into the stone age by PLAAF within hours, just like what Timur did to Delhi every hundred years ago. I don't think India will have any fighting capability left after its capital city is turned into ashes.

USA will simply wait for India to make the first move against China and take all the casualties. After India collapses, USA is not so stupid to offend China to avenge India. Instead, USA will simply take over parts of India and suck out all the wealth from your land.

:rofl::rofl::rofl: no wonder such kind of statements expected from you.... lol

---------- Post added at 12:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:25 PM ----------

Both Brahmos and PAKFA are not your own technology bro, and you guys should demand the permission from Russia first. :coffee:

we have less share in PAK-FA but Brahmos is a joint venture........lol who provide design of JF-17?
In a war with China, New Delhi will be bombed into the stone age by PLAAF within hours, just like what Timur did to Delhi every hundred years ago. I don't think India will have any fighting capability left after its capital city is turned into ashes.

If India retaliate China will go backward atleast 50 years.. we are not claiming we will make China into stone age... Since we are not governed by CCP who taught s propaganda's..

Yea if you hit Delhi then loose your Beijing as well...:guns:
In a war with China, New Delhi will be bombed into the stone age by PLAAF within hours, just like what Timur did to Delhi every hundred years ago. I don't think India will have any fighting capability left after its capital city is turned into ashes.

USA will simply wait for India to make the first move against China and take all the casualties. After India collapses, USA is not so stupid to offend China (armed with thousands of nuclear warheads) to avenge India. Instead, USA will simply take over parts of India and suck out all the wealth from your land.
US is not foolish to lose edge against China by not supporting India in a war.
Dude why dont you think the same Beijing and Shanghai will have the same fate as Delhi.
After all Japan ruled you:woot:
so still the bashing continues and the di$k measuring contest has not yet come to an end.
People who fuel this thread into baiting each other are some of the pathetic souls that I have come across.
China is a power next to the super power and we are a growing power. Our government or that of China does not have intentions to start a war to see a deadly consequence on one side INdia loosing most of the infrastructure that is built despite of the whooping curoption and China on the other hand loosing a race to beat the US in economic front that was developed by sacrificing Individual freedom.
In a war with China, New Delhi will be bombed into the stone age by PLAAF within hours, just like what Timur did to Delhi every hundred years ago. I don't think India will have any fighting capability left after its capital city is turned into ashes.

USA will simply wait for India to make the first move against China and take all the casualties. After India collapses, USA is not so stupid to offend China (armed with thousands of nuclear warheads) to avenge India. Instead, USA will simply take over parts of India and suck out all the wealth from your land.
Do all the people think like that now where is Chineese Dragon who always says that IQ of Chineese is more than that of Indians.
Dude such kind of fanboy stuff can only vow some Pakistani members here not us.
It is understandable why some people in media write crap. It is their business. But it is really hard to understand why we ( Supposedly educated, intelligent beings) give so much importance to so much $hit that's floating out there being thrown at us by the media.

Do we only need to believe the media and take its word for it, and then find an excuse to fight on internet forums. Come on guys we can be better than that. The whole purpose is to be civilized and discuss issues of international importance, gain and share knowledge through forums like this. But instead so much of bandwidth and man hours are wasted fighting online.

Guys news like this are there to be ignored. China has better things to do than attack India right now. And what is this about some people predicting end of the world, Country x will attack Y and stuff like this and they even have Date for their illusions. Please show some sense and let news and thread like this die natural death. Ridiculous reporting this.
I had seen a Chinese posting "India will get same fate as USSR"
I feel its going to be reverse.
Lets see the commonalities
1.USSR has USA as main enemy .
Now China has USA as main enemy .
2.There were internal protests in USSR .
Tibetans are really angry with China .
3.USSR was giving tough competition against US .
Now China is giving tough competition for US .
4.USSR is communistic .
Of course China is .
5.Russia irritated its neighbors .
Now China is irritating its neighbors .
6.USSR launched Su27 to counter F15 .
China launched J20 to counter F22 .
7.USSR is too big country to maintain .
China is also too big .
8.Finally China copied USSR weapons .
It might copy USSR fate:woot:
In a war with China, New Delhi will be bombed into the stone age by PLAAF within hours, just like what Timur did to Delhi every hundred years ago. I don't think India will have any fighting capability left after its capital city is turned into ashes.

If India retaliate China will go backward atleast 50 years.. we are not claiming we will make China into stone age... Since we are not governed by CCP who taught s propaganda's..

Yea if you hit Delhi then loose your Beijing as well...:guns:

Will India ever have a chance to retaliate after getting nuked by China's massive stockpile of nuclear weapons ?
Will India ever have a chance to retaliate after getting nuked by China's massive stockpile of nuclear weapons ?

How will you take out our massive sea based nuclear weapons which we are deploying soon (God only knows its current deployment status..;))... It's impossible for US itself then how the copy cat China can do..

anyway how's the weather in Uganda and keep search for India bashing threads..
In a war with China, New Delhi will be bombed into the stone age by PLAAF within hours, just like what Timur did to Delhi every hundred years ago. I don't think India will have any fighting capability left after its capital city is turned into ashes.

USA will simply wait for India to make the first move against China and take all the casualties. After India collapses, USA is not so stupid to offend China (armed with thousands of nuclear warheads) to avenge India. Instead, USA will simply take over parts of India and suck out all the wealth from your land.

and people say indians have big mouth.... :rofl:

How will you take out our massive sea based nuclear weapons which we are deploying soon (God only knows its current deployment status..;))... It's impossible for US itself then how the copy cat China can do..

anyway how's the weather in Uganda and keep search for India bashing threads..

dont even have the balls to wave his own country's flags :(
and people say indians have big mouth.... :rofl:

dont even have the balls to wave his own country's flags :(

War!!! I don't think there would be any war. China companies are entering in India to have a share in $1 Trillion infrastructure projects. Their railway is collaborating with Indian railways in expansion program. And there are plans to increase trade to $100 billion by 2015.

War will be suicidal to both nuclear powers whoever wins. Anyway this is not 1960s but 2010s. Things are very different today.
How will you take out our massive sea based nuclear weapons which we are deploying soon (God only knows its current deployment status..;))... It's impossible for US itself then how the copy cat China can do..

You don't need to be Brahma to figure out India is full of it. You've never tested a thermonuclear device and you still don't have Agni-3 deployed (and that is equivalent to our DF-3 from 1960's).

It took us decades of hard work to get to where we are now. We only just recently mastered launching multiple SLBM (10,000 km range) while the submarine is submerged deeply. This is a very advanced capability: the US only developed it in the 80's after much testing and even Russia is just getting the Bulava to finally work.
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