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Nepra approves Rs7.9 per unit hike in power tariff for next fiscal year


Aug 19, 2014
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The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra) on Thursday approved a hike in the power tariff by Rs7.9 per unit on account of an increase in fuel prices, capacity cost and the impact of the rupee's devaluation.

In a brief, the power regulator said: "The tariff has been determined for the FY2022-23, which on national average is Rs.24.82 per kilowatt hour (or unit), higher by Rs.7.9078/kWh than the earlier determined national average tariff of Rs16.91/kWh."

Nepra said it determined different consumer-end tariffs for each distribution company (XWDiscos), owing to their different revenue requirements and varied levels of technical and distribution losses allowed to them.

"The determined tariffs have been intimated to the federal government. The federal government as per Nepra Act is required to file an application for determination of uniform tariff for all the Discos," it said.

It added that the uniform tariff, determined by Nepra after incorporating the amount of subsidy/surcharges intimated by the government, is forwarded to the government for notification. "The tariff once notified is then charged to the consumers."

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@FOOLS_NIGHTMARE @BHarwana @Baghial @El Sidd @Wood @maithil @Jango @PakSword @ziaulislam @Patriot forever @Ssan @Ghazwa-e-Hind @ghazi52



Why in the world did the government not resign after IK left Islamabad if they knew this was to follow? They got the laws ammended and whatnot, why take these politically suicidal decisions for barely a years worth of government (at max)?

Btw this price hike was sudden and unexpected at this date. In a few days things are going to really dawn on the people as the domino effect of these decisions starts becoming clear. The previous decision had already increased the prices of essential items by a big margin and now this?

In this heat, and this load shedding, what happens when the massively hiked electric bills start getting delivered?

People can't increase their income at will as it takes time and the right conditions. Not a lot of people can bare to see their kids/families suffer and sit back and wait. Things are likely to get explosive.

Even if many of us are financially doing okay, when the economic situation deteriorates beyond a certain point, the security situation does so as well. Thefts and robberies would increase as well...

Anyways, I'm struggling to understand the logic behind this collosal mess up.
Why in the world did the government not resign after IK left Islamabad if they knew this was to follow? They got the laws ammended and whatnot, why take these politically suicidal decisions for barely a years worth of government (at max)?
Because neutral ordered them to do it. In return neutral will do rigging for PDM in next general elections or crush PTI by that date

Why in the world did the government not resign after IK left Islamabad if they knew this was to follow? They got the laws ammended and whatnot, why take these politically suicidal decisions for barely a years worth of government (at max)?

Btw this price hike was sudden and unexpected at this date. In a few days things are going to really dawn on the people as the domino effect of these decisions starts becoming clear. The previous decision had already increased the prices of essential items by a big margin and now this?

In this heat, and this load shedding, what happens when the massively hiked electric bills start getting delivered?

People can't increase their income at will as it takes time and the right conditions. Not a lot of people can bare to see their kids/families suffer and sit back and wait. Things are likely to get explosive.

Even if many of us are financially doing okay, when the economic situation deteriorates beyond a certain point, the security situation does so as well. Thefts and robberies would increase as well...

Anyways, I'm struggling to understand the logic behind this collosal mess up.

It has to pass through senate and president
It will take months..since president wont let it

Once they do that they will obviously resign..

Lastly a few buryani will make people forget this just like they have in past 40 yrs
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