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Nepal note: China good, India evil, NCP-Maoist leaders claim

Good business & lets leave it at that

So is it pro India or pro China??

Indians have a dream of establishing Akhand bharat (greater India). A mythical empire they claim spanned from cambodia to iran.:undecided: Don't be surprised if they include Indoneshia in it as well. I know its delusional, but we R talking about Indians here. They have a history of sponsoring terrorist in neighboring countries and always there to keep the region destabilized.PAK, BD, SL all have been victim to state sponsored terrorism. Just search up shanti bahini, bongo bhumi andolon & the infamous LTTE. They have land & water dispute with all countries. Nehru the first Indian PM is famously said: " India should either become a super power or cease to exist".They perfectly suit the word militant hegemonist. A crazy state ready to do anything sort of atrocities for their dream eutopia.:)

Their wet dreams knows no bounds:

Actually Indonesia is a part of their "greater indian" plans.

Why does everyone have to pick a side anyway? Indonesia have a "Zero Enemy" Foreign policy. Which mean we're not pro-China or pro-India, but pro-Indonesia.

Mashallah. :lol: That is because India and China are the two big dogs in Asia and eventually everyone will have to pick a side as it is already being played out although India is pissing everyone off. Did you know some Indians claim Indonesia as their territory as well? Google greater india. :coffee:
Right, unlike many India youngsters who can only be loitering on the streets and raping girls…

Many Chinese have jobs, but more are needed.

The suppressive regime indeed suppresses those criminals, making sure raped girls don’t have to pray their rapper “brothers” like gods to beg for their mercy. Indian guru Asaram Bapu blames Delhi rape victim - UPI.com

Last time checking shows that China export gains 14+% China Exports Accelerate With Credit in Recovery Boost - Bloomberg . Whereas India’s economy is in bad shape.

Thanks to CCP, average Chinese can have a job instead of wasting their lives on street.

Of course ox-wagons don’t need high-ways, but remind you China is the largest automobile market of the world. China Ends U.S. How could you backward ox-wagon guys possibly understand it!

Again thanks to CCP they show their concern about the wellness of the citizens, unlike some democracy countries that leave people jobless and starve to death.

Fortunately CCP keep doing it, keeping some Indians in perpetual "supposing" dreams, and at the same time making China their envy :lol: . Good job CCP!

Ghost cities are a surplus of housing, a preparation for the future, 1000 times better than homeless slums infested with slumdogs who can only freeze to death when temperature drops. North India continues to freeze, 14 more deaths in UP

Your choice: surplus housing or freeze to death.

NK? Oh yeah? No wonder NK can only best be another Vietnam. Who cares!

Woooh Hold on missy..Are you wet or something...or is it That time of month.....

First try to untwist ur panties.....And then take a deep breath And think of Verbal Diarrohea u r having

I get it now..Ur CCP 50 cent Army..Falseflagger....:wave:

We atleast get to know what has happened and to protest Against it...

But u ppl are habituated of staying in dark..CCP says China has no rape incident and u Accept it..
China has no Fraud industry..U accept it.
China Economy is Gr8 ..U accept it.....
Coz u guys have no other choice than Accepting it.or get thrown in front of firing squad

PS:- how much u got paid for this post:azn:
Every single country in South Asia hates India.
Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Nepal and Bhutan.
India is surrounded from every single side :lol:
To make it worse the 200 million Muslims within India despise the Hindus and they will be the first to support any non-indian country against the Indian regime. I'm sure many Muslims, Sikhs and Tamils will support anyone except India.
India is totally f***ed!
try to sing Nepali song with Chinese mobile set :woot:...Can't believe we chineses are so popular :rofl:, when we bring Tibet railway to Nepal, we will enjoy a greater relation.

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how the people of Indian neighbors feel about India could be reflected from how this Sri Lanka solider welcome Indian prime minister.:lol:

Apart from Butan, all S.asian countires hate chankyan vultures including nepal, a hindu state. Shows the level of deceptionist, hegemonist shamless opportunistic hypocrites these chankyans are. If they want to have good people-people relations with S.asian countries they should give up their chankyan wet dreams. Puppet regimes don't last for ever. Forget BD,SL, & even maldives they won't be able to have decent friendly relation with hindu Nepal if they continue to have wet dreams about akhand bharat.
Dude instead of spewing your delusions here why don't you talk to some Nepalese people or visit some of their forums. I have relatives in Nepal and personally know many other. Apart from the China loving Maoists none hates India. Even among the Maoists it is only the hardcore ones that hate India. Come to India and see how many people of Nepal are working here and they are treated as if they are from India itself. There is excellent people to people relationship and unlike the Ummah notion of brotherhood that depends on religious beliefs ours is based on mutual benefit and respect.
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