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Nepal-India water disputes spur farming crisis | Al Jazeera

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Rao Tipu4 weeks ago
India have a problem with all her neighbour.
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Hamza khan1 month ago
India is the Real State Terorrist....
166 167
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Saumya Sharma1 month ago
real face of India
151 152
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Sultan Mahmud1 month ago
real face of India
147 148
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mutaween4644 weeks ago
This is why India's neighbors are turning to China. India will not get away with this, they have enemies and angering their neighbors is a weakness.
49 50
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monayam moin1 month ago
India doing the same thing with Bangladesh. creating dam on the river. In summer they take all the water but in rainy season they open the gate for floor. Shame
228 229
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Cool Boy1 month ago
India has problem with every nighbour it has.
136 137
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Ram deshpande1 month ago
Railway by India in Nepal,, great where is that ????? 70 years passed..
54 55
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Agatha1 month ago
Indians are a bunch of scammers
111 112
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Boqor radio1 month ago
Tricked ! They need to revisit the treaty ! Period
21 22

Just busting your balls1 month ago
Nepal is still poor. Shame on India.
69 70
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Dev Sharma1 month ago
For crooked India treaty is just a show off. They have total control over Nepal's water. During monsoon they close the barrage and inundate Nepal's land and during winter leave not a single drop of water leaving Nepalis land dry.
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longmarchguy1 month ago
China can help them.
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subash Khadka4 weeks ago
Nepal need a leader like Kim Jong or like Vladimir Putin . #RIP_INDIA
44 45
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zubair ahmad1 month ago
india has disputes with every neighboring country. one reason for indian occupation on kashmir is also coz of water..... india is pathetic.....
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barakah1 month ago
Shame on India
48 49

Haris Ahmed1 month ago
Real face of randia
45 46
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William Man3 weeks ago
India is the Biggest Unluck to South Asia !
30 31
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Muhammad Ali3 weeks ago
Love from Pakistan to Nepal.
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Ajay Khadka3 weeks ago
India is a real problem for nepal
25 26
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How on earth did India manage to defy the laws of physics ? :lol:

Its ok, the monsoon-engineering by levelling himalayas CPC-troll will tell you no doubt. :D

I still remember him getting super mad when I showed him the flow data for Brahmaputra river, that most of the water sources from inside India catchment within AP. He went into :no: and :close_tema:mode
LOL.... and here I thought water Always flowed from high land to Low land :cheesy:

Nepal IS high land and India IS Low land.

How on earth did India manage to defy the laws of physics ? :lol:

Meanwhile chia is helping Madagascar.

for that you should ask India how it control Nepal water even within Nepal territory, wait until China help Nepal to remove embankment build by Indians inside Nepal and help divert water to help Nepali, then we will talk about the laws of physics:agree:

Its ok, the monsoon-engineering by levelling himalayas CPC-troll will tell you no doubt. :D

I still remember him getting super mad when I showed him the flow data for Brahmaputra river, that most of the water sources from inside India catchment within AP. He went into :no: and :close_tema:mode

what's matter too scare to address to me directly :lol:, why would I be mad when we divert water within our territory, it's just don't make any sense of what you said, everyone knew that we hold India by the ball with water but you guys just pretend as irrelevant issue. India keep begging China for water data sharing can only prove that India was anger with our water activities in Tibet. And my monsoon theory is still valid, the day we initiate this project mean the doom's day for India.

As for Brahmaputra, Indians can start to count their days because the red flag river feasibility is done, we just wait for the green light to execute this human most ambitions' project.

as for Monsoon, we will enjoy how these cloud cross our border once we blow some mountain to clear their paths.

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And my monsoon theory is still valid, the day we initiate this project mean the doom's day for India.
Theory? You mean hypothesis?
Did you publish it somewhere to call it a theory?

Lemme guess, they are suggesting to blow up Himalayas somehow?
Theory? You mean hypothesis?
Did you publish it somewhere to call it a theory?

Lemme guess, they are suggesting to blow up Himalayas somehow?

Theory, Hypothesis or Idea :lol:, you don't need PhD to understand the simple idea as blowing up the mountain and let the monsoon to cross to our border.

Theory, Hypothesis or Idea :lol:, you don't need PhD to understand the simple idea as blowing up the mountain and let the monsoon to cross to our border.

Can you be specific? Himalaya is not just one mountain. It is a mountain chain. It lies in Indian, Nepal, Pakistan, Tibet and China. Which mountain(s) specifically are you suggesting to blow up and how and how will you move the debris. Be more specific and not whimsical.

And yes you need a Phd to understand this. Wind and topography interactions are EXTREMELY complicated. It looks very simple in a stupid diagram, reality is extremely hard to understand.

Also take a look at this:


Do you think ENTIRE Himalayas are in China? You are making one Himalayan mistake. The damn mountain chain is wide enough to cover a major part of Nepal. Blowing up portions of few mountains in China will not make Tibet suddenly a non-Rain-shadow area.

BTW, read this :


The scientists are still trying to understand how monsoon exactly works and what part the topography plays. They are not sure how important Tibetian plateau is for monsoon.
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Can you be specific? Himalaya is not just one mountain. It is a mountain chain. It lies in Indian, Nepal, Pakistan, Tibet and China. Which mountain you are suggesting to blow up and how and how will you move the debris. Be more specific and not whimsical.

And yes you need a Phd to understand this. Wind and topography interactions are EXTREMELY complicated. It looks very simple in a stupid diagram, reality is extremely hard to understand.

Good question, with the metrological data collected around the Himalaya mountain chain, we can determine the most feasibility path and most economical way to get monsoon to China's side and we then blow up some mountains to certain height to be good enough to let the passage of the cloud as I shown on previous video. If I have to chose I would start with LADAHK since it's close to Xinjiang. Taklamakan Desert has already got some snow which came from Ladahk direction, it's certainly an encouraging sign to investigate.

With China's super computer, it will be not EXTREMELY complicated as you thought, we can use it to simulate and optimized the best path to get the monsoon.

Good question, with the metrological data collected around the Himalaya mountain chain, we can determine the most feasibility path and most economical way to get monsoon to China's side and we then blow up some mountains to certain height to be good enough to let the passage of the cloud as I shown on previous video. If I have to chose I would start with LADAHK since it's close to Xinjiang. Taklamakan Desert has already got some snow which came from Ladahk direction, it's certainly an encouraging sign to investigate.

With China's super computer, it will be not EXTREMELY complicated as you thought, we can use it to simulate and optimized the best path to get the monsoon.
Ladhak? Which mountain in Ladhak Range? Its not one mountain! And a large part is under Indian control. So be specific. Which part of Ladhak? I doubt you can start blowing up random mountains in Indian territory without India reacting to it.

BTW, scientists do not understand Monsoon enough currently to even predict it accurately. How do you claim that you understand it enough to modify it? That too in your favour.

And no, throwing more CPU/GPU cycle will not help. Why, because you don't have models which can help you understand it enough. Thats one of the things which is being researched.

What I find rather ridiculous in this entire discussion is that you are claiming to be able to modify a natural phenomenon that you don't understand -- rather that we as humanity has not understood completely. BTW, Monsoon is also largely influenced by Western Ghats. A bunch of steep mountains in India. Meteorologists still do not understand which topography controls how much.
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Ladhak? Which mountain in Ladhak Range? Last I saw, Ladhak is still under Indian control. So be specific. Which part of Ladhak? I doubt you can't start blowing up random mountains in Indian territory without India reacting to it.

BTW, scientists do not understand Monsoon enough currently to even predict it. How do you claim that you understand it enough to modify it? That too in your favour.

When I said Ladhak, I mean our side of border close to Ladhak, of course we're not going to India's territory to do that:lol:. I have never make any claim to be expert on this monsoon subject but it's not hard to imagine if there is no Himalaya barrier, monsoon will go all the way to China and India wouldn't get a single drop share of the monsoon, so the logical action is to remove some of the mountain barrier.
When I said Ladhak, I mean our side of border close to Ladhak, of course we're not going to India's territory to do that:lol:. I have never make any claim to be expert on this monsoon subject but it's not hard to imagine if there is no Himalaya barrier, monsoon will go all the way to China and India wouldn't get a single drop share of the monsoon, so the logical action is to remove some of the mountain barrier.
Two issues with you davious plant.

1. Western Ghats also cause the burst of monsoon. Infact it is the first natural barrier encountered by the moisture ladened winds coming from Bay of bengal and Arabian sea. So 'not a single drop' is rather far-fetched.

2. In summer monsoon winds start from south and take north east and in winter, the south west directions. China is in north. So blowing up mountains in China will stop monsoon? Thats counter intuitive atleast. Because portions of Himalaya which they first encounter are in India, Nepal, Pakistan.


Do you have some paper/publication which details this? Because otherwise it sounds like a lot of bull-crap.
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Two issues with you davious plant.

1. Western Ghats also cause the burst of monsoon. Infact it is the first natural barrier encountered by the moisture ladened winds coming from Bay of bengal and Arabian sea. So 'not a single drop' is rather far-fetched.

2. Monsoon winds start from south and take north east and north west directions. China is in north. So blowing up mountains in China will stop monsoon? Thats counter intuitive atleast. Because portions of Himalaya which they first encounter are in India, Nepal, Pakistan.

Do you have some paper/publication which details this? Because otherwise it sounds like a lot of bull-crap.

I don't need to have paper nor publication to prove anything, it's up to Chinese scientists to investigate further of this Monsoon cross idea, you can consider what I said as bull-crap, it doesn't really matter since the one to study and execute this project is Chinese people, we can decide what we want to do within our border regardless if Indians like it or not.
I don't need to have paper nor publication to prove anything, it's up to Chinese scientists to investigate further of this Monsoon cross idea, you can consider what I said as bull-crap, it doesn't really matter since the one to study and execute this project is Chinese people, we can decide what we want to do within our border regardless if Indians like it or not.
If you don't have a paper or a publication or something similar then its more of a science-fiction and not science.

And no, Chinese people cann't have their own private reality or science.

Of course you can do anything in your territory. Question is will it have the impact that you describe. I don't see that you have facts to support that.
If you don't have a paper or a publication or something similar then its more of a science-fiction and not science.

And no, Chinese people cann't have their own private reality or science.

But we can keep our own private reality and science for ourself don't you think?

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