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Neighbour’s envy: India’s jute economy is faltering while Bangladesh’s is flourishing; here’s why


Dec 31, 2010
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Neighbour’s envy: India’s jute economy is faltering while Bangladesh’s is flourishing; here’s why​

Lack of market, government procurement and diversification, poor infrastructure as well as the sorry state of Indian jute mills is responsible, say experts

By Shagun

Published: Saturday 30 July 2022​

The director of Hukumchand Jute Mill in North 24 Parganas says it has become difficult to find workers willing to work in a jute mill due to low wages (Photo : Shagun)

The director of Hukumchand Jute Mill in North 24 Parganas says it has become difficult to find workers willing to work in a jute mill due to low wages (Photo : Shagun)
The director of Hukumchand Jute Mill in North 24 Parganas says it has become difficult to find workers willing to work in a jute mill due to low wages (Photo : Shagun)

“Just 10 years ago, this whole area was under jute, as far as the eye could see. Not anymore,” says Narayan Ghosh, pointing at a vast stretch of farmland in Saguna village of West Bengal’s Nadia district.

“The vegetation was so dense and the plants so tall, over three metres, that the traders who came to buy jute did not dare to enter the fields alone for fear of being lost,” says Ghosh, a farmer who owns 0.5 hectares (ha) in the village.

Ghosh’s words best capture the decline of India’s jute economy. Production of the cash crop has fallen by over 13 per cent in the past decade — from 2.03 million tonnes in 2011-12 to 1.77 million tonnes in 2021-22 — according the third advanced estimates released by the Union Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare in May 2022.

The same is the case with land under jute. According to a 2021 report by the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP), the average area under jute in the country was 0.82 million ha between 2000-01 and 2009-10, which declined to 0.73 million ha between 2010-11 and 2019-20.

In West Bengal — the country’s largest jute-producing state, which also has 70 of India’s 93 jute mills — the area under jute has reduced by 0.1 million ha between 2009-10 and 2020-21.

Jute can be highly profitable. Its leaves are sold in markets as a vegetable even before the crop is harvested. The inner stem can be used to manufacture paper while the outer layer produces the fibre. What, then, ails the jute economy?

“There is no market for it,” Ghosh says. Ten years ago, he used to grow jute across his 0.5 ha, but gradually reduced and stopped cultivating the crop by 2011, shifting to horticulture crops.

“The jute price kept falling. From Rs 30,000-40,000 per tonne in late 2000s, it reduced to Rs 25,000 in 2010-11. This was barely enough to recover the input cost,” he says. Other farmers in the village agree that jute stopped fetching fair price and was even causing losses.

When the prices fell, the Jute Corporation of India (JCI) Ltd, a Government of India enterprise for procurement of raw jute from the growers at the minimum support price, barely intervened.

This reflects in official procurement figures as well. Between 2007-08 and 2021-22, the quantity procured by JCI decreased from 0.14 million tonnes to 0.014 million tonnes.

The poor procurement figures came despite the government being the largest buyer of jute bags, which form the highest share of the total jute products manufactured in the country.

There is a special law — the Jute Packaging Materials (Compulsory Use in Packing Commodities) Act 1987 (JPMA) — that provides for use of jute packaging material for foodgrains. Under this Act, the government issues orders from time to time for mandatory use of jute packaging.

Since 2017, the norms provide that 100 per cent of foodgrains and 20 per cent of sugar should only be packed in jute bags. Due to this, jute sacks account for 75 per cent of the total production of the jute industry.

Ninety per cent of the jute sacks are supplied to the Food Corporation of India and state procurement agencies, according to a Union government press release dated November 10, 2021, while the remaining are exported or sold directly. It also says the government purchases jute sacks worth Rs 8,000 crore every year from mills.

Source: Food and Agriculture Organization

The Bangladesh story​

While India’s production and acreage declined, Bangladesh’s production and area under jute has increased over the years. India is still the largest producer of jute but in terms of acreage, Bangladesh is the largest cultivator. It also accounts for nearly 75 per cent of the global jute exports, while India’s share is just 7 per cent, says the CACP report.

Ironically, even India imports jute products (yarn, floor coverings and jute hessian) from Bangladesh, according to the Union Ministry of Commerce and Industry. In 2020- 21, Indian imported products worth Rs 1,123 crore from Bangladesh.

The CACP report says imports from Bangladesh have adversely affected the domestic industry, given that the landed price of jute and its products from the neighbouring country is less than the domestic rate.

Bangladesh has traditionally enjoyed a comparative advantage in export of jute products because of its low cost of production driven by lower wages, favourable power tariffs, cash subsidy for export and better fibre quality.

Quality, in particular, has been a sore point in India’s jute cultivation. Jute in India is marred by poor infrastructural facilities for retting, a process done after harvesting of the crop.

Under retting, jute bundles are kept under water at a depth of about 30 cm. This process gives the fibre its shine, colour, and strength. It should ideally be done in slow moving, clean waterbodies like rivers. But Indian farmers do not have access to such resources.

Sajjan Mallick, who has 1 ha under jute in Saguna, says there is no free flowing water body in his village. He points to a small pond, where hundreds of farmers submerge their jute bundles in muddy water for days.

“When we take them out, there is a discolouration,” he says. There is another bigger pond at a distance, but with jute being a bulky crop, moving bundles raises labour costs.

To overcome such concerns, the Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibres (CRIJAF) under the Indian Council of Agricultural Research has developed a model retting tank with slow moving water. “We have the technology, but it needs promotion and adaptation,” says Gouranga Kar, Director, CRIJAF.

Bangladesh also does well in exports because it has three to four different kinds of subsidies. For instance, it gives 9-10 per cent export subsidy for food-grade packing bags, which is much higher than India’s 1.5-3 per cent subsidy.

Another reason for the country’s success is its capturing of the diversified jute products market, for which there is a huge international demand. India’s major jute exports, in contrast, are sacking and hessian bags.

Moloy Chakraborty, the Jute Commissioner of India, points out that diversifying into other products can open new avenues for the sector and reduce its dependence on the government. “Being environmental friendly, jute has a huge potential in the diversified goods market, especially in regions and nations that have banned plastic,” he says.

High-end fashion brands are also coming out with more jute products such as sandals. With India’s high production, it should be in a position to capture this market. “Some 85 per cent of our jute is consumed domestically, while 15 per cent is exported. The situation is reverse for Bangladesh,” says Kar.

“Diversification is key if India wants to make the jute market successful. Demand for diversified products has to be created even domestically. This can be a big boost for a plastic-free India as well,” he adds.

Currently, 92 per cent of the total domestic jute produced is used for packaging purposes and just eight per cent is for other products, according to the Office of the Jute Commissioner.

Why, then, are jute mills not focusing on product diversification? JPMA ensures that the government purchases 70 per cent of the mills’ total production, says Rishav Kajaria, deputy chairman, Indian Jute Mills Association (IJMA).

This should put the mills on a strong footing to capture diversified markets for the rest 30 per cent. However, only a handful of mills have the capacity to diversify.

Sorry state of mills​

Jute mills are marred by issues of machinery modernisation, mismanagement, labour shortage and unrest and dependence on the government. Industry experts Down To Earth spoke to said of the 70 mills in West Bengal, only around 60 are currently operating.

At least 10 mills closed down between October 2021 and May 2022, after a state government decision to cap pricing of raw jute on September 30, 2021. The decision was opposed by the industry and revoked on May 19 this year.

Experts also say the decision led to massive losses. The Union government capped the price at which the jute mills can purchase raw jute at Rs 6,500 per quintal (1 quintal equals 0.1 tonne) and it based its purchases of jute bags on this cap. But the actual price borne by mills to buy raw jute was Rs 7,000-7,200 per quintal.

Of the 10 mills that closed down, three have not managed to open again, rendering around 60,000 workers unemployed.

Kajaria also says one of the reasons the business has not been profitable is inadequate and arbitrary pricing of jute bags by the government. This pricing is fixed on a formula derived by the tariff commission, under the Union Ministry of Commerce and Industry.

Currently, the bags are priced on the basis of the provisional rates of 2016, which were meant to last for just six months, till the commission came out with a new report. The report was finally submitted to the Union Ministry of Textiles in April 2021 and is pending implementation.

In the meantime, IJMA has been in a tussle with the Union textile ministry, demanding revision of prices. At the current prices, according to the association, the industry is making a minimum loss of Rs 3,000 per tonne by supplying jute bags to the government.

“Raw jute prices are increasing but the costs have not been updated,” says Kajaria “The industry is in survival mode right now. Some 70 per cent of my market is not paying me fairly. We do not have a strong balance sheet to think about innovation,” says Kajaria.

“There are very few mills that can take themselves out of a bad economic situation,” says Amlesh Mishra, president of Loomtex Engineering Private Limited in North 24 Parganas, West Bengal. He has been working in the jute industry for the last 37 years.

Experts say that of the functioning mills, only 8-10 are in good financial health and can survive seasonal losses. The business of another 20 mills is just average. The rest of the mills are financially unsound.

At the Baranagar Jute Mill in Kolkata, for instance, workers complain that the operations have significantly reduced in the past few years and so have the wages of the employees.

“I get work for hardly 12 days a month now,” says Ashok Kumar Das, who has been working at the mill for the last 20 years. Sushil Jaiswal, leader of the jute workers’ trade union, who has also worked at the Baranagar mill in the past, alleges that it is being converted into a warehouse.

“The machines are being dismantled,” he says. D P Bhatter, an official at the mill, agrees that they are running at only 50 per cent capacity, but blames the pricing cap for the situation.

But even the mills that are doing well are marred by problems. Samir Kumar Chanda, director of Hukumchand Jute Mill, said to be Asia’s largest jute mill, in North 24 Parganas, says they are at least 2,000 labourers short.

“It has become difficult to find workers ready to work in a jute mill.” The company has recently adopted a new policy, under which its human resources manager goes to nearby villages to look for people interested in working in a jute mill and make them aware of the incentives and wages the mill is giving.

All is not lost, says Chanda. “Jute has a bright future. We need to create a demand for diversified products and modernise,” he says.

For modernisation of the jute mills, the Union government is implementing the Incentive Scheme for Acquisition of Plant & Machinery, under which capital subsidy is being provided to replace the old machines.

However, mill officials say the subsidy has been stopped since last two years. Chakroborty confirms that the scheme has been stopped, but only temporarily, since a new version of the scheme for the whole of textile industry is in the works.

This was first published in the 1-15 July, 2022 edition of Down To Earth

This rona-dhona is pointless.

We all know that Indian jute mill owners will not pay their workers fair wages.

No point in comparing with Bangladesh.

Plus Bangladesh is using machines of recent vintage while Indian factories are still using machines from the British Raj era. Productivity in the Indian side has not kept up.

Jute industry overall is facing hard times.
Jute can yet be the golden fibre of BD. Its a sustainable resource and has great demand globally that is only going to grow
Jute fiber can be chemically treated to yield far softer fiber almost equal to rayon or silk. Which can then by spun into yarn and woven into comfortable fabrics appropriate for casual wear and even luxury wear. This has been proven by multiple chains of experimental research at BCSIR locally.

Of course nothing can be done because govt. is not interested in doing this. How will the bribe income go to the commerce minister by importing cotton from India otherwise?

Jute sticks (core) can also be turned into soft pulp then paper. Since jute grows so quickly, it is a far more ecological alternative to make paper from Jute core pulp than wood, just like newsprint made from Bamboo (which also grows fast) and which prevents forest depletion.

Govt. is not interested in improving the production at Chandraghona paper mills either which was set up in the 1950's by Swedish Technicians. A Chinese BMRE proposal has been hanging out in the shelves of Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation for the better part of a decade now...bunch of Uzboogs.


Jute pulp paper​

Published: May 11, 2018 22:24:59 | Updated: May 13, 2018 22:23:31

Jute pulp paper

Following years of successful research conducted by Bangladeshi scientists on genome sequencing of jute, there have been high expectations of the landmark accomplishment leading to innovation of newer products from jute. On this count, the recently reported progress in the innovation of jute pulp paper is surely a commendable achievement. This promises to rise up to the public expectation of seeing jute as one of the key drivers of the economy. Although news about the innovation has very recently been made public, it will take a while for the researchers to complete their works. Then it will be the job of the appropriate authorities in the government to examine the product before taking necessary steps to facilitate its commercial production.

The government, reportedly, is thinking to formulate a law in this regard considering the prospect of jute pulp paper in the country, and indeed for the economy as a whole. Experts have opined that Bangladesh has the potential to become a major pulp and paper producer from green jute. The country produces 33 per cent of the world's raw jute and imports 500-600 tons of pulp annually worth US$600 million. Setting up plants to produce high quality pulp from green jute can, besides meeting domestic demand, open up opportunities for export as well. Today, globally, the vast majority of paper pulp and other pulp products (viscose, cellulose derivatives etc.) are obtained from wood. Despite a considerable increase of recycled fiber, the demand for pulp grows continuously.

If jute pulp is used in making paper, it will not only protect the environment, but also provide a big relief to the jute farmers who despite good harvest are not in a position to claim fair price because of shrinking demand. Currently, around 250 types of products are being made from jute in the country. Inclusion of jute pulp paper to the list would indeed be a major break-through in the much desired diversification drive of jute products - that too with considerable value addition and multiplier benefits for a large number of stakeholders.

Paper being a product of diversified varieties and grades, its raw materials too are of diverse origins. According to experts, a number of paper grades, including newsprint and high value industrial paper require softwood fiber to act as reinforcement pulp. In Bangladesh, the main fibrous raw materials available for papermaking are short-fibred wood and agricultural and industrial waste. In the search for a potential long-fiber substitute for softwood pulp, most researchers have suggested jute fiber as an appropriate solution.

With the research on paper pulp almost complete, all concerned need to work on a targeted roadmap to make the best use of the innovation from green jute. Because of supply-side advantage coupled with the low cost in growing jute, chances look bright for the innovation to materialize successfully. While protecting the interest of jute growers, it is highly likely to revitalize the jute mills in both public and private sectors.
Currently higher value-added Jute burlap items for household use have good markets in the West as rustic utility pieces which have a charm all their own, sort of what flax, hemp and other rough fibers also have. There are some of these made in Bangladesh since the 1970's, however tariff support needs to be increased drastically to increase exports.

Oversized Storage bag for plush toys and regular plastic toys for children's room.


Textured giftwrap and flower wrapping paper made from jute pulp and fiber mixture


Espadrille is a women's summer fashion wedge shoe (a classic fashion item which shows no sign of fading) whose sole is made entirely from Jute rope wrapped around a form and core-fused with resin inside a heated metal forma.

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People should think less about producing fancy goods from the jute expecting these will be grabbed by the ladies in the west. No such thing will ever happen.

The main purpose of the jute has always been to produce jute sacks and jute ropes. Now, when BD researchers have produced papers from the jute stems, I have also the knowledge that a Japanese big paper company named Oji Papers did research on very young jute, and has successfully produced normal papers.

Oji is a Japanese company and Japan does not produce jute. So, the BD jute authority should offer Oji Papers to produce young jute that can be harvested in 40 days (assumed) for use as the raw materials for paper.

I believe young jute can be produced throughout the year for use as the raw material for paper.
People should think less about producing fancy goods from the jute expecting these will be grabbed by the ladies in the west. No such thing will ever happen.

The main purpose of the jute has always been to produce jute sacks and jute ropes. Now, when BD researchers have produced papers from the jute stems, I have also the knowledge that a Japanese big paper company named Oji Papers did research on very young jute, and has successfully produced normal papers.

Oji is a Japanese company and Japan does not produce jute. So, the BD jute authority should offer Oji Papers to produce young jute that can be harvested in 40 days (assumed) for use as the raw materials for paper.

I believe young jute can be produced throughout the year for use as the raw material for paper.

Jute merchandise sell at a premium in the U.K.

But the finishing has to be top notch.

Those storage bags are beautiful, btw.

They would sell upwards of £30 pounds in the U.K.

Bamboo products also sell at a premium - provided the finish is top notch.
There was a time when jute was known as the golden fiber with millions of tons of demands throughout the world whereby east Pakistan earned dollars by exporting it.

Since the early 1970s jute has been replaced by chemical fiber, ropes, threads, and sacks which has caused a quick downgrading of the Earth’s environment. Chemical-made substitutes are not degradable, but jute is.

Now, it is time BD talks to the developed countries to switch back to jute and discard chemical goods. This is how the Earth’s atmosphere will restore its health.

The chemical fibers are sturdier compared to the jute ropes. So, I believe these two can be mixed in a way that the uses of jute go up and chemicals down.
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Here we can see Banana fiber (for weaving into mats/bags) and Banana pulp-based paper being made from throwaway banana tree trunks which had essentially no use prior to this recent trend. But now for people in villages in Bangladesh and India, they are an important widespread source of income. I believe jute stalk pulp/paper also holds a similar promise and can fulfill import substitution role.

Here is a Banana fiber facility in Madhupur, Tangail

Worldwide use of Banana fiber to make household items, even clothes.

In the Philippines, they have had Banana and Pineapple fiber industry for six decades now, many high fashion items are made from them.
Sustainable Fashion Designers Spotlight: Ditta and Abaća (banana fiber) silk — Future King and Queen

Sustainable Fashion Designers Spotlight: Ditta and Abaća (banana fiber) silk

Abaća is a species of banana native to the Philippines. The fruit is not edible, but the stems are made into multiple items. The inner part of the stem yields the silkiest fibres, which are woven into the beautiful fabrics used by Ditta for their wraps. We should import this species of Banana plant to utilize the fiber.

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