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Negotiators representing Pakistani Taliban‘Without sharia, TTP won't accept talks’


May 21, 2006
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ISLAMABAD: Negotiators representing Pakistani Taliban insurgents said Wednesday there was no chance of peace in Pakistan until the government embraces Islamic Sharia law and US-led forces withdraw completely from neighbouring Afghanistan.

The tough conditions appear to deal a blow to hopes that peace talks with the Pakistani government could end the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) insurgency that has rocked the country since 2007.

Maulana Samiul Haq, the head of the TTP's three-man talks team, told news agency AFP there could be “no peace” in the region while there were still US troops across the border.

His comments were echoed by his fellow TTP negotiator Maulana Abdul Aziz, who also said the TTP's long-held commitment to imposing sharia law across Pakistan was not open to debate.

“Without sharia law, the Taliban won't accept (the talks) even one per cent,” he said. “If some factions accept it, then the others won't accept it.”

“Their real agenda is sharia,” Aziz said, suggesting that all Pakistan's secular courts based on the common law system be abolished.

“I don't think the government will accept this but they should, because war isn't the way forward.”

On Afghanistan, Aziz said an endorsement of the security pact with Washington would scupper hopes for regional peace.

“We think these (Afghanistan and Pakistan) are two brotherly countries. Peace in Pakistan means peace in Afghanistan and vice versa,” he said.

If Afghanistan signs the agreement, he said, “war will continue, and the clash between Muslims and the US will continue.”

“If the agreement goes ahead, then the losses they (US) have experienced before, they will experience once again,” he added.

“If Americans remain in Afghanistan, there will be no peace in the region, it will be same, it will be unsafe,” said Samiul Haq.

Talks expected to begin tomorrow

Meanwhile, the coordinator of the government’s four-member committee said that peace talks are expected to begin in a day or two.

Speaking to DawnNews on Wednesday, Irfan Siddiqui said that negotiations between the two committees would take place soon. He, however, added that the time and place for the meeting had not been determined as yet.

Initial peace talks failed to get under way Tuesday when the government delegation refused to meet the militants’ negotiators, citing confusion about the make-up of their team.

However, Siddiqui said Wednesday that ambiguities regarding TTP negotiating team had now been clarified.

Siddiqui said that the government negotiators had no objection to the composition of the three-member Taliban team for peace talks.

He said that the government team wanted to start the dialogue process the previous day, but was waiting for some clarity from the Taliban side. However, he said, the confusion was cleared after a statement by TTP spokesman Shahidullah Shahid.

The TTP had initially nominated Pakistan Tehrik-i-Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan, head of the Darul Uloom Haqqania seminary Maulana Samiul Haq, chief cleric of the Lal Masjid in Islamabad Maulana Abdul Aziz, Professor Mohammad Ibrahim of the Jamaat-i-Islami (JI), and Mufti Kifayatullah, a former lawmaker of the Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam (JUI-F).

However, Imran Khan and Mufti Kifayatullah later refused to be part of the TTP committee.

In a statement Tuesday, the TTP spokesman Shahidullah Shahid said that Samiul Haq and his two colleagues had their blessing to go ahead with the negotiations without Khan or Kifayatullah.

“The three-member committee is final now and we have our full confidence in it to hold talks,” he said.
‘Without sharia, TTP won't accept talks’ - DAWN.COM

Should we cry or laugh...............:rofl:
We all want islamic laws to be in place in Pakistan as Pakistan was made on this promise , but real islamic laws based on research and education ....Also proven from Quran and Sunnah

If TTP want to implement their Sharia law which is not proven from Quran and Sunnah , they are going to get some bullets in heads soon ,...

This is the last time, Last option for TTP to get into talks and bring peace .. otherwise They will not even find any place in Pakistan .we will follow them into Afghanistan and make sure they burn in HELL

Nothing wrong in what talibans are asking ,sharia is divine & must for pakistan's progress :-)
So who else thought it was a bad idea talking to these mullahs? We know their version of Islam is not the version that is real Islam.
So what's new?

This is how the negotations will pan out:

Taliban side: "Hum Shariah ka nifaz chahtay hain"

Govt: "Nhn, woh nhn ho sakta".

Taliban: "Theek hai phir, yeh muzakraat band kar dain, Khuda Hafiz"

Govt:"Khuda Hafiz".
Negotiators representing Pakistani Taliban insurgents said Wednesday there was no chance of peace in Pakistan until the government embraces Islamic Sharia law and US-led forces withdraw completely from neighbouring Afghanistan.
This is not a surprise, Taliban already made it clear through their implied message immediately after announcement of government committee that they will continue to fight constitution of Pakistan.

The tough conditions appear to deal a blow to hopes that peace talks with the Pakistani government could end the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) insurgency that has rocked the country since 2007.

There were never any hopes, only prayers by people in talk shows that the talks succeed, with a message that they know it won't.
Maulana Samiul Haq, the head of the TTP's three-man talks team, told news agency AFP there could be “no peace” in the region while there were still US troops across the border.

I fail to understand why these people are called Maulana. They are Molvis or Mullahs. We should first understand the meaning of Moulana, it means My Moula, My Lord or words to this effect. Are these people our Moulas?

His comments were echoed by his fellow TTP negotiator Maulana Abdul Aziz, who also said the TTP's long-held commitment to imposing sharia law across Pakistan was not open to debate.
“Without sharia law, the Taliban won't accept (the talks) even one per cent,” he said. “If some factions accept it, then the others won't accept it.”
“Their real agenda is sharia,” Aziz said, suggesting that all Pakistan's secular courts based on the common law system be abolished.

He is the happiest person to be selected in the committee, his Riayzat of years has borne fruit. However, it is also clear that what happened in Lal Masjid was right and he was a miscreant. Furthermore, which Sharia he is talking about? Since centuries dispute on interpretation of Sharia exists and people with high level of knowledge in Islamic jurisprudence could not resolve these differences, how could a bunch of illiterates having superficial knowledge of Islam define Shaira. Their state of understanding of religion can be assessed through their attires and attributes.

"Safai Nisf Iman Hai": Except for ensuring Istanja, no other cleanliness be seen in any of their acts. Look at the Behangam Beards, their dress, spitting everywhere, etc. Islam is so particular about cleanliness and appearance that it has discouraged eating onions before going to mosque, wear perfume when going to mosque, don't speak loudly in public areas, etc etc etc. (how prudent of the divine all praise be to him).

Speaking to DawnNews on Wednesday, Irfan Siddiqui said that negotiations between the two committees would take place soon. He, however, added that the time and place for the meeting had not been determined as yet.

Negotiations on what? What are the TORs? The only one which is publicly known is that TTP should cease fire and lay down the arms, since the announcement a number of attacks have taken place, which is a clear indication of their intentions. I hope government does not prolong this drama and set into action, as Hujat has been met.
Govt of Pakistan is not negotiating with right people, they have to go to Doha Qatar to resolve the issue. Real master are sitting in Qatar.
So what's new?

This is how the negotations will pan out:

Taliban side: "Hum Shariah ka nifaz chahtay hain"

Govt: "Nhn, woh nhn ho sakta".

Taliban: "Theek hai phir, yeh muzakraat band kar dain, Khuda Hafiz"

Govt:"Khuda Hafiz".

You did some wrong assumptions here..
this is how it will go

Taliban side: "Hum Shariah ka nifaz chahtay hain"
Govt: "kon si wali, Tumhari ya Islamic".

Taliban Side : "Hum jo kahain woh wali"
Govt : "Shariah to Quran aur Sunnah sei hai ..."

Taliban : "nahi jo hum kahain howi shariah hai.. "
Gov : "Ok , take this.. " takes and gun out ans kills all Taliban Supporters

Gov: Mazakrat fail ho gai hain aur army nay operation start kar diya hai

Gov: TTP walay rookhu , Afghanistan nahi ja satay ab tum log, army nay saray loog locate kar liya hain in muzakraat ki waja...

Taliban : Please aek baar janay doo
Gov : ok , on one condition, we will send you in BOX ...

Govt of Pakistan is not negotiating with right people, they have to go to Doha Qatar to resolve the issue. Real master are sitting in Qatar.

lol thats Afghan Taliban who are fighting Freedom wars ,,,, TTP is CIA and RAW trained and they do not have any offices any where
lol thats Afghan Taliban who are fighting Freedom wars ,,,, TTP is CIA and RAW trained and they do not have any offices any where

Tried not to reply, but seeing this response why not? :lol:
Send your peace committee to New Delhi. We will decide on the later course of action with TTP and let you guys know :P :lol:
Tried not to reply, but seeing this response why not? :lol:
Send your peace committee to New Delhi. We will decide on the later course of action with TTP and let you guys know :P :lol:
lol , yeah we will send these TTP leaders on Nuke missile to Delhi with love ...
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