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Negotiations on with Dassault for fighters jets: IAF chief

No it means the french have dropped their demands that was counter to what they agreed to and was clearly spelt out as a stipulation by the Indian side i.e. TOT on all of it.

Congrats, your country is getting a great plane in Rafale.

you're right , but TOT stipulated in the RFI and RFP was getting a push back from the French after they agreed to it in the contract process. This was the reason for the delay and not because Indian side was being lethargic

Again, I believe what the Indian air force needs should be decouple from the technical. Why hold the IAF hostage to the needs of new technology while many Indian pilots are killed by the flying coffin. If you ask the pilots, they just want the advance plane no matter where its produced at.
Deal being signed before March 31st 2014 is looking more and more likely.....
J-10B is the world's 2nd operational fighter jet incorporating DSI. Rafale does not have DSI.

1st mass production J-10B fighter out
ok I have seen this fellow singing the same lullaby in every thread related to India.

what exactly is a DSI? :what: ( SORRY for this stupid question but i'm not a techie and know very little about these things ), thanks in advance. @Abingdonboy
ok I have seen this fellow singing the same lullaby in every thread related to India.

what exactly is a DSI? :what: ( SORRY for this stupid question but i'm not a techie and know very little about these things ), thanks in advance. @Abingdonboy
DSI=Divertless Supersonic Inlet
Diverterless inlet technology utilizes a hump on the inboard side of a jet intake along with a forward swept outer intake fairing to separate boundary layer air and to slow down airflow reaching the jets engine face during supersonic maneuvers It does this without moving parts and allows for the deletion of heavy and complicated intake diverters, intake ramps and cones. Also, by allowing for smooth transitions between a combat jet&s fuselage and intake, such configurations can provide a drastic reduction in radar cross section, thus lowering an aircraft&;s detectability on radar, especially those that function at higher bandwidths. Another useful byproduct of the interaction between the forward swept intake cowl and the smooth hump-like blended surface between the intake and the fuselage;s jet engine fan face. The engine face is traditionally one of a combat jets most radar reflective components. When the DSI concept is integrated into a clean sheet design and/or an aircraft utilizes curved intakes, baffle systems, and radar blocking devices in conjunction with it, a radar return caused by a combat jet&;s motor face and traditional intake can be almost totally eliminated

Again, I believe what the Indian air force needs should be decouple from the technical. Why hold the IAF hostage to the needs of new technology while many Indian pilots are killed by the flying coffin. If you ask the pilots, they just want the advance plane no matter where its produced at.

So when your mother china killed 30 million through force starvation, did they come out of it by decoupling food as a necessity?
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So when your mother china killed 30 million through force starvation, did they come out it by decoupling food as a necessity?

You are an idiot. Were you forced starved when you were a baby so your brain no longer function properly to make such a comment? You sound brain damaged.
You are an idiot. Were you forced starved when you were a baby so your brain no longer function properly to make such a comment? You sound brain damaged.
I see I touched a nerve about Mother China.

I was merely equating the buffoonery in your statement by giving an example if applied to your chinese brethren ...
You are an idiot. Were you forced starved when you were a baby so your brain no longer function properly to make such a comment? You sound brain damaged.
lol,he is talking truth,you should answer him in a civil manner insead of making personal attacks
I see I touched a nerve about Mother China.

I was merely equating the buffoonery in your statement by giving an example if applied to your chinese brethren ...

How is India's policy of buying military hardware base on military needs only instead of the availability of TOT equate to Mao starving people in great leap forward. You are just here to troll arguments that you disagree or you are just being an Indian racist against East Asian in general. Its time for you to stop responding to my post if you are going to continue to resort to racism.

lol,he is talking truth,you should answer him in a civil manner insead of making personal attacks

he is just a troll. Why don't you read what he is responding from
Congrats, your country is getting a great plane in Rafale.

Again, I believe what the Indian air force needs should be decouple from the technical. Why hold the IAF hostage to the needs of new technology while many Indian pilots are killed by the flying coffin. If you ask the pilots, they just want the advance plane no matter where its produced at.
Yes the IAF pilots are calling a Chinese and letting them know what they want. Sounds so convincing. Whats best is they found a member on PDF.
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