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Neelum Valley ... rising tourism


Mar 21, 2007
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Neelum Valley grapples with impact of rising tourism on forests
Kalbe Ali
May 12, 2019


A large quantity of timber is used to build a house.

With the onset of tourist season soon after Eid, construction activity is in full swing in Neelum Valley to accommodate the number of visitors expected to arrive this summer.

The valley, located on the far end of Azad Kashmir, offers an ideal vacation spot amid dense forests and streams. It is expected to receive more than 600,000 tourists this year.

Official figures suggest that around 500,000 to 600,000 people visited Neelum Valley last year; more than half the total number of visitors to AJK in 2018.

Due to the government’s efforts to harness tourism potential, the number of Pakistanis visiting parts of Pakistan, AJK and Gilgit-Baltistan is growing every year.

Greater stability in the law and order situation in most of the country has also encouraged Pakistanis to travel to new areas, as well as the spread of information and direct marketing by tour operators.

Although the number of tourists has improved the local economy, it has already taken a toll on the fragile environment of the valley. The rampant construction of guesthouses has led to a high demand for timber, leading to increased illegal logging in the area.

Houses in Neelum Valley and other parts of Kashmir are traditionally made entirely of wood, which is why the construction of guesthouses has put severe stress on forests. Chopped trees, the transportation of wood and all kinds of lumber activity is visible even to outsiders, and officials are wary of the situation.

“Tourism is set to become the livelihood of many areas in AJK, but it should not destroy the roots of society. That includes the ecosystem,” Peerzada Irshad Ahmed, the director general of AJK Tourism, said.

He added: “But, unfortunately, of the 22 guesthouses being built in one area of the Neelum Valley, only one has legally acquired wood for construction.”

“Where is this timber coming from? The forest – our forest, but it means we are hitting what is attracting tourists here.”


Workers at another construction site. Rising tourism in the Neelum Valley has increased the demand for housing.

The main reason for illegal lumbering is weakness in forest governance, along with corruption and management on the part of officials. There are also other governance problems, such as weak institutions and limited resources.

Traditionally, the local and rural community has lived in harmony with the forest, and laws that include strict penalties for stealing wood were effectively enforced under British rule.

Locals living close to the forest in the valley are very poor because there is limited agriculture produce. They depend entirely on the forest for their needs and survival, including their food, such as mushrooms, greens and wild berries.

Environmentalists have argued strongly against wood-based construction, in order to reduce the cutting down of trees.

Himalayan Wildlife Foundation (HWF) Director Vaqar Zakria said the forest department was more to blame for illegal logging.


A saw mill in Sharda. This is a booming business due to the rise in construction, mostly of guesthouses. — Photos by the writer

“We successfully convinced the locals of Ferry Meadows in GB that they gain very little by cutting trees and eventually face the loss of their livelihood,” Mr Zakria said.

“We are trying to involve locals to benefit from tourism instead of cutting down their best resource.”

In addition to providing food and grazing ground for cattle, the forest is also a key source of fuel for locals who rely on firewood for cooking and heating.

The HWF is encouraging locals to adopt various trades attached to tourism and help change their dependence on the forest.

“With the rise in tourism, the requirement for firewood has increased manifold as tourists prefer bonfires, but it consumes enormous amounts of wood so we have suggested that as affordability increases, guesthouses should start using LPG to save wood resources,” HWF consultant Summara Raza said.

She said that as in Murree, extensive fragmentation and degradation of the forest would put animals and plant species on the verge of extinction.

The AJK government, too, is aware of the public concern and the cabinet has approved strict regulations on forest management.

Tourism Minister Mushtaq Minhas said his ministry is set to launch a complaints cell where illegal logging will be reported and forwarded to the forest department.

“But the most important thing is to plant more trees, and we are planning to introduce a concept of attracting tourists as volunteers to plant a tree in the forest, to use tourism as a tool for protecting the environment,” he said.

Published in Dawn, May 12th, 2019
One way to address this issue is to impose an environmental tax on all hotels and restaurants so this will not only decrease the number of tourists but also provide govt the funds to restore and preserve the nature in the valley otherwise, after a few years it will turn into a mess and there will be no tourism and no nature.
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Unfortunately we need Tree plantation drive and not houses made of Tree
Lack of trees will lead to Mud Slides (Avalanche)

The valley with no trees will lead to these problem once heavy rains come due to climate change

Traditionally, the local and rural community has lived in harmony with the forest, and laws that include strict penalties for stealing wood were effectively enforced under British rule.
Sad indeed, the colonizers took greater care of our forests, while our own officials are busy in corruption
One way to address this issue is to impose an environmental tax on all hotels and restaurants so this will not only decrease the number of tourists but also provide govt the funds to restore and preserve the nature in the valley otherwise, after a few years it will turn into a mess and there will be no tourism and no nature.

Nice idea, environmental tax.
Ecotourism may be the answer, involve local community into the process, they care for their land more than the government does. And utilise the money generated not to fill the state coffers but to dedicate to the locals. That may not be profitable in the short term but is sustainable, and will not infringe on the rights of those dwelling in those heavenly places in Pakistan.

We have been trying to do that in NE India, but you can't pick and choose.
This is beautiful place to visit. I'll stay one day in hotel then one week in naran kaghan in summer. We have not less than paradise places.
Nice idea, environmental tax.
IK has been talking about the eco-tourism though like most of his nice thoughts and great plans, it remains to be seen if he can implement even a fraction of what he said because it seems the lethargy, incompetency & inexperience have gripped parts of his team.
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Neelum Valley


Neelum Valley is about 200 kilometers long the picturesque is situated to the North & North East of Muzaffarabad. Running parallel to the Kaghan Valley . It is disunited from if only snow-covered peaks, some over 4000 meters above sea level. Excellent scenic comeliness, panoramic view, towering hills on both sides of the strepitous Neelum river, lush green forests, enchanting streams and captivating circumventions make the valley a dream come true. The area is ideal for trekking. A fair weather road opens the valley to tourists upto Kel, 155 kilometers from Muzaffarabad, of which about 150 kilometers has been ebony topped while the remaining portion is being matalled. Buses ply daily on this rout and accommodation facilities are additionally available in the rest houses of places of tourist magnetization. Simple cooking facilities are available but one has to make his own arrangements for special dishes.

Attractions in Neelum valley:

Kundal Shahi:

It is 74 kilometers from Muzaffarabad. Here, Jagran Nallah joins river Neelum which is being developed for trout fishing.


Kutton:(Jagran Valley)

The bewitching comeliness of Kutton permeated in the radius of 10 kilometers, makes Jagran Valley . The area is 16 kilometers from Kundal Shahi, is accessible by an unpaved road. For the accomodation of tourists, the tourism department has constructed two angler’s huts.



About 3 kilometers ahead of Kundal Shahi, there is another secluded spot of tourist interest of Salkhala across river Neelum where a trout hatchery has been established. A tourism rest house is available here for accommodation.


Authmuqam is 10 kilometers from Kundal Shahi of a height of 1371 meters. It is the sub-divisional headquarter of the area and accommodates as a take-off point for tourists fascinated with hiking and exploring the inner valley. It is an alluring place kenned for its variety of fruit. All obligatory facilities viz bazaar, post office banks, hospital, telephone and PWD east house are available here.

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