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Sep 14, 2012
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There are 4 or 5 simultaneous threads gleefully proclaiming imminent war on the subcontinent. Fanboys are cheerleading a showdown breathlessly waiting to see how their Al Khalid/jf 17 and SSGs will perform. Known hacks long ago identified as the Lutyens gang are actively engaging in false reporting and media sensationalism toward this end.
Frankly,China has disappointed me in all this-there could be a hidden agenda at play but I really really thought they were wiser than to openly threaten their fellow Asian Indians. As it is now with thousands of armed troops facing off in close proximity war may be triggered by accident not be declaration. A troopers ND that wounds his 'enemy' across the border will ofc be answered immediately in the present hothouse climate snowballing into unit confrontation that grows into regimental and divisional operations as defensive and offensive plans are operationalised.
Fake 'genuine' news reports of known presstitutes will ensure escalation. I said it before and I reiterate;your real enemies are the same Anglo Zionists behind the Raj whose descendants now rule London. That's where all Asian enemies,in fact ALL humanity's enemies lie.
Be wiser!
There are 4 or 5 simultaneous threads gleefully proclaiming imminent war on the subcontinent. Fanboys are cheerleading a showdown breathlessly waiting to see how their Al Khalid/jf 17 and SSGs will perform. Known hacks long ago identified as the Lutyens gang are actively engaging in false reporting and media sensationalism toward this end.
Frankly,China has disappointed me in all this-there could be a hidden agenda at play but I really really thought they were wiser than to openly threaten their fellow Asian Indians. As it is now with thousands of armed troops facing off in close proximity war may be triggered by accident not be declaration. A troopers ND that wounds his 'enemy' across the border will ofc be answered immediately in the present hothouse climate snowballing into unit confrontation that grows into regimental and divisional operations as defensive and offensive plans are operationalised.
Fake 'genuine' news reports of known presstitutes will ensure escalation. I said it before and I reiterate;your real enemies are the same Anglo Zionists behind the Raj whose descendants now rule London. That's where all Asian enemies,in fact ALL humanity's enemies lie.
Be wiser!

quick question are you an indian migrant living in kenya....?

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