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Need to prevent return of Taliban post 2014: India

So according to you the Taliban are fighting the good fight - the good Taliban huh, OK I understand where you are coming from and also acknowledge the civilian deaths in the WOT, again they can be counted as victims of cross fire.

There are two ways the world can look at it,

1) For the benefit of Afghanistani's the world needs to see a peaceful and prosperous Afghanistan, I don't think the Taliban way of life / their form of governance is acceptable to the Afghanistani's, any support on ground that they receive in Afg could be out of fear of the Taliban - not exactly an embrace of their rule. If Pakistani's are so keen on advocating the Taliban and promoting them then it is fitting that they should accept the Taliban into their society first as an example and show the world their good side. Where is the justice in putting innocent Afghani's through the experiment.

2) The world can easily look away and let Afghanistan fall back into the Taliban's hands as was the case in the 90's and we all know what happened then, but the issue is under them Afghanistan becomes a safe haven for all terror organisations who operate and conduct terrorist acts in other countries, who can ensure that it wont happen again? - who can ensure that Afghan soil will not be used to fuel terrorism? We can easily leave Afghani's and Afghanistan to its fate - will not make much of a difference to anybody. but the terrorists operating out of a talibanised Afg will conduct terror strikes all over the world.

I do think that you name says it all, ILLUSION, maybe that is the way you see things but not everyone else. You mentioned in your post that 26 countries tried to concise the Taliban and I mentioned to you clearly that the Taliban, and bear in mind alot have joined them to the fact that their families and children have been killed as shown by my link. And you want them to reconcile,...... How about someone kills your family members first and then you can do it.......

As regards to the fact that according to your illusion, the people support them out of fear. With the armed forces of 26 nations, a hyper power with over 100,000 soldiers and all the technological advancement the pele are still in fear, yeh right, ok.....you live In your typical Indian illusion, no wonder these 26 countries have lost this war........

Without the support of people, the Taliban would have been long crushed, long long ago
India took wrong side in Afghanistan every-time it had a chance. Russia, got beatten, USA got beaten.. now what? I think it wasn't India who took USA wrong this time, Musharaf also plunged into dillusions of American "power" and brought us terrible results. Thank God after 2007 Pakistan got back on track but India still hasn't. I hope India has a contingency plan to save its 5 billion dollar investment and 24 consulates.

India, you got to be like that for next several years.
India took wrong side in Afghanistan every-time it had a chance. Russia, got beatten, USA got beaten.. now what? I think it wasn't India who took USA wrong this time, Musharaf also plunged into dillusions of American "power" and brought us terrible results. Thank God after 2007 Pakistan got back on track but India still hasn't. I hope India has a contingency plan to save its 5 billion dollar investment and 24 consulates.

India, you got to be like that for next several years.

5 billion dollar for instability worth tens of billions of dollars in cost to Pakistan, extended period of unrest and soreading poison of religious extremism in Pakistan making it hollow from within, keeping it confined and busy with its own issues while the world surges ahead.

I say not a bad deal at all.
Who Said we'll fight taliban ? lol India is there to help People and to train Afghan soldiers.
Those Soldiers know every inch of land, talibunnies can't do a jack!
Afghan National Army :bounce:
talibaboons can do jackshit to india. all they can do is kill some of their countrymen and force burka on women and burn some schools. for 1 american killed they kill 1000 talibunnies n we are not compassionate like americans. we will not try nation building if they attack us. remember hari singh nalwa.
talibaboons can do jackshit to india. all they can do is kill some of their countrymen and force burka on women and burn some schools. for 1 american killed they kill 1000 talibunnies n we are not compassionate like americans. we will not try nation building if they attack us. remember hari singh nalwa.

Oh I do recall where they forced nappy head Indians to release some freedom fighters from their own soil. I a sure you have seen the thousands of Taliban dead haven't you to account for that number, in which case there must be millions of Taliban now........

Anyways, when towel head Indians Come along to Afghanistan, arrogant pi55 drinking beast from India and Fight the Taliban, then it will be for all to see.

Well neither US nor India con do $hit if afghans want taliban in power.Taliban still holds 70% of AF while indian's wet dreaming friend karzai is known as the mayor of kabul.

LOL Mayor of Kabul. Isn't he the same Hamid Karzai who is the head of Popalzai Pashtun tribe having lots of influence in Kandahar and dared a funeral possession of his father from Quetta to Kandahar during Taliban regime and Mullah Omar kept on watching too much fearful of stopping it.

These Talibunnies supporter live in wet dreams.
Even if TALIBANS are IMMORTALS..(below)


they are going to be prevailed..


:triniti: :triniti: :triniti:

ANA has a lot of manpower.what only need is political stability and will.. :tup:
5 billion dollar for instability worth tens of billions of dollars in cost to Pakistan, extended period of unrest and soreading poison of religious extremism in Pakistan making it hollow from within, keeping it confined and busy with its own issues while the world surges ahead.

I say not a bad deal at all.

I agree Pakistan has been through its worse era in the past several years but our tunnel is ending and it is starting for you as far as Afghanistan is concerned. You consider you have earned what you have invested for..? May be you have but we are reading the last chapter of your "gains and haves" and you are going back to where you belonged.

Regarding internal issues and extremism, it is equally coming to normality with time as the fundamental cause which induces militancy within Pakistan for its policies towards USA and Afhanistan are fortunately heading in the direction. Pakistan is already in agreements with its tribes and they are not pinching us anymore. Recent terrorist attacks in the country are sponsored ones and USA is trying to scratch us before it finally dies. It is still hurting but we know the culprit is breathing its final ones and such frustration and desperation is expected. Russia had also scratched in desperation before it retreated. USA is repeating the same before getting its "medal of honor".
Taliban can never return to power in Afghanistan forever.

They are destined to be insurgents forever. ANA is enough to take care of them.

India took wrong side in Afghanistan every-time it had a chance. Russia, got beatten, USA got beaten.. now what? I think it wasn't India who took USA wrong this time, Musharaf also plunged into dillusions of American "power" and brought us terrible results. Thank God after 2007 Pakistan got back on track but India still hasn't. I hope India has a contingency plan to save its 5 billion dollar investment and 24 consulates.

India, you got to be like that for next several years.

Replace India with Pakistan.

Tell me only one success/gain that Pakistan have had inspite of supporting the Talibans in tooth and nail. Nothing!!!

If USSR can't, USA can't then do you think Pakistan can defeat Taliban, I mean your Bad Taliban. Are you going to fight them forever, let's see your stamina.

I agree Pakistan has been through its worse era in the past several years but our tunnel is ending and it is starting for you as far as Afghanistan is concerned. You consider you have earned what you have invested for..? May be you have but we are reading the last chapter of your "gains and haves" and you are going back to where you belonged.

Regarding internal issues and extremism, it is equally coming to normality with time as the fundamental cause which induces militancy within Pakistan for its policies towards USA and Afhanistan are fortunately heading in the direction. Pakistan is already in agreements with its tribes and they are not pinching us anymore. Recent terrorist attacks in the country are sponsored ones and USA is trying to scratch us before it finally dies. It is still hurting but we know the culprit is breathing its final ones and such frustration and desperation is expected. Russia had also scratched in desperation before it retreated. USA is repeating the same before getting its "medal of honor".

Only the bombings have reduced in Pakistan. Everything else is going for worse. Let me help you, Karachi, Sectarian, Balochistan, Sindh, now GB too.

In Afghanistan the situation is improving a lot. The Talibans were routed by ANA, the opposite would have been true ten years ago.

Dear Pakistan, do not be at the wrong side of History during the most critical time. Entire world opinion is against you. Not like the 1990s.
Americans are fear mongers. Since Taliban is a bad choice so let the occupation continue. On this one excuse they would want to keep troops beyond 2014. My opinion is that America is an outsider. In order to consolidate and hold ground, they will have to create divisions in the local population and in the region at large. This is not beneficial for any of the countries of the region.

Presence of US troops in the region will be dividing and not unifying force. It will pit neighbors against each other.

Its important that alliances are made to drive out the foreigners. Just like Al-qaida is a foreigner so too are ISAF forces. They have failed to stabilize Afghanistan and thus they have failed in their original and declared objective. So if they stay beyond that, they will only foment trouble and nothing else. They are just finding excuses to stay.
I do think that you name says it all, ILLUSION, maybe that is the way you see things but not everyone else. You mentioned in your post that 26 countries tried to concise the Taliban and I mentioned to you clearly that the Taliban, and bear in mind alot have joined them to the fact that their families and children have been killed as shown by my link. And you want them to reconcile,...... How about someone kills your family members first and then you can do it.......

As regards to the fact that according to your illusion, the people support them out of fear. With the armed forces of 26 nations, a hyper power with over 100,000 soldiers and all the technological advancement the pele are still in fear, yeh right, ok.....you live In your typical Indian illusion, no wonder these 26 countries have lost this war........

Without the support of people, the Taliban would have been long crushed, long long ago

Your sympathies lie with the Taliban so be it, the 26 countries are not on a picnic trip for the last 12 years - and they are not out to hunt out the Taliban in a hunting trip. Those countries are deploying soldiers there against a fair opposition by their people in their own countries. You can justify the Taliban and propagate them all you want. The people of Afghanistan is not against the allied forces as well. There have been civilian deaths and the forces are not appreciated but there has been no major people's uprising against the NATO in Afg, this sure suggests that they are doing something right. My points are definitely from an outsider's view as i don't live there, I can present you with a fair assessment of India's interest in stabilizing Afg and seeing a peaceful Afg i the future. Also my POV could be driven from the western media whose forces are fighting in Afg.

The US entered Afg hunting for the AQ, ground realities forced them to stay behind, they too want to see a peaceful and progressive Afg, If the Taliban do not want to be a part of the central government then the world will not see them taking over Afg again.

We can very well leave Afg to their fate that is to follow - again the concern of Afg becoming a terrorist hot spot worries the world. India and like minded countries like China and the US are investing billions of dollars in Afg's future to see it free from terrorism and not as a camp for terrorists. All countries of the world collectively cannot be wrong and Pakistan cannot be right. No country in the world is against the WOT.

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