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Nearly 80 killed as Pakistan bombs madrassa

The Pakistan Correspondent on Asia Times (atimes.com) says it was the NATO choppers that attacked (e cites local on the ground sources) and that Pakistan is covering it up by claiming their choppies did the attack..

agreed u are right Sri.it was pounded by NATO forces.and Pak army is being dragged just to cover it up.

Pakistani forces dont do such strikes in haste. The religious school is working for the last ten years and everyone knew about that if there were some elements in that madrassa it wasnt difficult for the forces to flush them out.
they always strike after a detailed investigation and preparation its realy hatefull that Army is being dragged into this just to cover up US blunder.

Whoever did it, I am sure the "peace deal" is now surely off.
Sri if u are talking about earlier peace deal that was in Waziristan and not here its Bajaur Agency.
There is nothing Mushy or for that matter anyother leader could have done to stop American attack. At least what he can do is tell US such an operation would be a big blow to the realations between two countries
I dont understand why Nato forces when they are clearly unable to control the situation in southern afghanistan want to spread the flames into Pakistan. This will only increase the support of the Taliban and help them in recruiting and funding which will only make it harder for Nato in southern Afghanistan. If it was so easy to militarily crush then 80,000 Pakistani troops would have done it long ago. The situation cant be just solved militarily. Nato has too few troops as it is, they are stirring the hornets nest in actions like this.

The only long term solution is for the Taliban to be given some position in the Afghan government.
agreed with Sig and lahori

such kinda acts will breed hate for US and it was visible in Bajaur Agency that the ordinory people have seen themselves that they were slaughtered by US forces and Pak Army and from now on even they were not doing anything agains US now they would certainly support such activities.

And its also clear that no country can do anything about US strikes in any part but just condemen and ask her to refrain from doing so.
I might be off by a long shot, but he doesn't like Musharraf so I think he might feel that Musharraf just killed 80 innocent people for sport.

I can understand the complain(Or should i say JOY) of Bull. He is a typical muslim-hating guy. OK ! I expect it from him. But you Asim, have thrown yourself to the most dirty filth of morale-low attitude. :angry: :angry: You can not see the innocent who died there. They were mere suspects. So they are legitimate targets. Hmm ... :angry:
I do not have the words to respond to your low and poor mentality. I suggest you through your muslim identity and come openly with your true colors.
I have a question.

What does Musharraf himself have anything to do with this attack?

Was he in the AH-1?
This again puts you in a very poor light Webby. can't you see the innocent students who are slaughtered on mere suscpision. Extending this henious logic those Alqaida people are more right, when they demand that BUSH and company be slaughtered openly as they are KNOWN CRIMNALS of todays society.
You are a moderator of this forum. Come up with high morals and uphold them for others as an example. These statements do carry a negative image about the entire forum and its founders. Set your priorities correctly. Are they moral values and truth or just time pass?
IThey were mere suspects. So they are legitimate targets. Hmm ... :angry:

Thats what i say that the US is killing hunderds daily saying suspected i say there is nothing like suspected cuz unless we have proof about it.

it was unfortunate.
why dont people of pakistan file a PIL against the General in the supreme court so that his actions are checked by the supreme court of Paksistan.
I saw the video and i didnt see any children or woman among the deadi( could be wrong i admit) and more over there were many locals walking around with radio sets and AK 47.Who are they?

And whether it be NATO or PA,neither would have done it unless they had some evidence to support it.

They dont do it for fun.

Even if its done by NATO,they wont do it unless they have solid proof as such actions would jeopardise the position of their ally.
why dont people of pakistan file a PIL against the General in the supreme court so that his actions are checked by the supreme court of Paksistan.

be serious...he cant be trialed in court,no president can be.
I dont understand why Nato forces when they are clearly unable to control the situation in southern afghanistan want to spread the flames into Pakistan. This will only increase the support of the Taliban and help them in recruiting and funding which will only make it harder for Nato in southern Afghanistan.

Thats the point Sig,they wouldnt do it unless they have some solid backing of proof.

If this was done in haste it can hurt US more than anybody else,as Mushraff would find it difficult to continue his support for US and its WoT.
I saw the video and i didnt see any children or woman among the deadi( could be wrong i admit) and more over there were many locals walking around with radio sets and AK 47.Who are they?

And who had shown this video ?

come on bull be neutral. many were burried yesterday and all those dead bodies were of kids of 10 to 15 we at our office got the pics it was realy unfair.
and AK 47 is just toy for locals almost everyone in even in cities have it. this no proof.

And whether it be NATO or PA,neither would have done it unless they had some evidence to support it.
Even if its done by NATO,they wont do it unless they have solid proof as such actions would jeopardise the position of their ally.

oh yeh they had killed many in Helmand and now even puppet Karzai is asking for the enquiery, all the killings by NATO and US forces almost everywhere are without proof.

for this incident pakistan is not responsible nor Musharraf but indeed taking responisbility for it is blunder and it will cost us
Musharraf shouldnt do that
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