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NDS Director Assassinated in Helmand While Returning from a Meeting with Baloch Militant Command.

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isn't that snake alive after eating three bulits?
The devil succumbed to injuries. The attacks have ramped up quite a bit it seems. First the journo in Sweden now this. Something's fishy but good riddance anyway. I read one comment alleging that Arif Wazir was 'making out' with the wife of the other one while he was in jail, hence the payback. But its all hearsay at this point.
this is beyond ridiculous.
a country who is currently under foreign occupations is trying to create insurgency in an independent country.
what a joke
by the way this is the solution told in quran for those who make fassad in land. PTM should also be put to sword

one Wazir just got pinned to the ground
Pro Taliban accounts claimed killing NDS agent name Usman near Ghaziabad Kunar Afghanistan.

India is trying a lot yet failing to start anything on the Western border of Paksitan. This menace will stop when the financiers of this terrorism - RSS - come to books.
1) No source provided (while his death is confirmed but no mention of anything related to Baloch anywhere).

2) He was not NDS director for Helmand province but director of one small district in Helmand province (Helmand has 15 districts). His rank was that of just Major. Whereas Director of NDS Helmand province has a rank of Major General.

3) There are no Baloch grps in Helmand province almost all of them are in Kandahar province.
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India is trying a lot yet failing to start anything on the Western border of Paksitan. This menace will stop when the financiers of this terrorism - RSS - come to books.

why?? why do you want to stop India spend billions in Afghanistan to get minimal assistance to interfere in Baluchistan and achieve almost zero results....Also remember Indian spending that money also comes in to Pakistan...its free forex money. lets consider what have they achieved in Baluchistan, Zilch
1) No source provided (while his death is confirmed but no mention of anything related to Baloch anywhere).

2) He was not NDS director for Helmand province but director of one small district in Helmand province (Helmand has 15 districts). His rank was that of just Major.

3) There are no Baloch grps in Helmand province almost all of them are in Kandahar province.

Where is the CREDIBLE proof and evidence that there are no Baloch groups in Helmand?
According to foreign sources, the Intelligence Director of National Directorate of Security (NDS) for Afghanistan's Helmand province, Mohammad Ismail Azizi was returning home after chairing a high powered meeting with the terrorist leadership of the Joint command of Militant groups operating in Balochistan along with representative of R&AW, when he was ambushed in Nawa district of Helmand by unidentified gunmen. As per reliable reports, he has reportedly been killed along with 6 of his bodyguards. The identity of the assailants couldn't immediately be verified.

Photo is attached:

View attachment 629017

Any Source ?
any thread on it?

In addition to the Col, don't forget that the entire R&AW Terrorist Embassy (Indian mission in Kabul) was brought down and Defense Attache killed.
a young smug faced individual that looks very non serious more like a son or a younger brother of a Mafia boss.
Their appointments are based on political and tribal reach or afflictions. They aren’t carriers spy master or anything.
According to foreign sources, the Intelligence Director of National Directorate of Security (NDS) for Afghanistan's Helmand province, Mohammad Ismail Azizi was returning home after chairing a high powered meeting with the terrorist leadership of the Joint command of Militant groups operating in Balochistan along with representative of R&AW, when he was ambushed in Nawa district of Helmand by unidentified gunmen. As per reliable reports, he has reportedly been killed along with 6 of his bodyguards. The identity of the assailants couldn't immediately be verified.

Photo is attached:

View attachment 629017
He will be replaced in a heart beat by another political or tribal appointing Already waiting for his turn. These people aren’t Highly qualified duty experts nor do they have career experience. They are bunch of thugs, happened to be in uniform. Their existence is nothing more than weed in your backyard. Supply them Booz, hasish along with dollars and they will switch side. Price of Afghan soldiers ranges from $10 to $1000. Depending what you want out of him. I.e food or essentials supplies from bases, guided tour, Access to base armory or Infiltration etc. Afghan bride cost $800 to $2000 for them To pay The Bride’s father. Help them out, they will help you out.
if this guy got killed then am wondering there is surely some thing happened to BLA leader
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