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NDA to extend runway at air force training unit


Jan 10, 2013
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The National Defence Academy is working on a plan to extend the runway at its Air Force Training Team (AFTT) facility, from the existing 3,000 ft to 5,000 ft, taking into consideration the future training requirements.

“A new Baffle Range for small arms firing, additional Super Dimona trainer aircraft, new hangars, electronic chart display information systems, laser and 29 ER class boats are some of the acquisitions which are planned to strengthen the service training system at the academy,” NDA commandant Air Marshal Kulwant Singh Gill told reporters on Wednesday.

“We have identified and assigned specific key result areas to all branches and sections in the academy as part of our renewed focus on excellence,” Gill said in his maiden interaction with the press since taking charge of the academy five months ago.

According to AFTT officials, “The existing runway of 3,000 ft will be extended up to 5,000 ft in a phased programme that may also include the academy acquiring more trainer aircraft. Five new Super Dimona trainer aircraft are expected to be added to the existing fleet at the AFTT facility in the next 10 months.”

Flying at the AFTT was initially carried out on gliders till 2000, after which the Austrian origin Super Dimona, which is a powered glider with exceptionalcapabilities, was introduced. The cadets after their training at the AFTT graduate to the Air Force Academy where they fly the basic trainer – Pilatus or PC-7 MkII.

Gill said, “The NDA has taken several measures in the recent past to strengthen its training and academic activities. The curriculum at the NDA has been revised by an inter-services study group, which has re-emphasised the importance of training in service specific aspects. We have recently commissioned an ROR simulator for training of the naval cadets.”

“Anterooms in each squadron will be developed as high-tech rooms with a view to keep the cadets abreast of the latest developments in the field of information technology. We also plan to upgrade and enhance our simulators to achieve better and more realistic training. The existing Drona simulator for firing is already being upgraded to Drona-II simulator. The IT infrastructure is being upgraded to enhance our training capabilities and familiarize cadets with the next generation networks,” he added.

Gill said, “The impetus on outdoor training will remain undiminished with better and more scientific aids to increase the physical capabilities of the cadets.”

Meanwhile, Gill reiterated that the academy has called off its plan to introduce engineering degree course. However, he said the academy is moving towards introducing a greater technical content in the education of cadets.

A demonstration of training activities carried out by the Army, Navy and Air Force training teams was held on the occasion.

NDA to extend runway at air force training unit | idrw.org
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